Baby saved by a jury of peers

A peeing baby is costly in Kerala (thanks, Turbanhead):

The parents of a baby who urinated on his mother inside an Indian temple have won an appeal to overturn a stiff fine imposed by temple officials. Anil Kumar was told to pay 1,001 rupees… to fund cleansing ceremonies when his baby son urinated during prayers at the temple at Trichur in Kerala state…

“I respect the views of the temple priests. But this penalty business is very pre-historic,” KC Venugopal, Kerala state minister responsible for temple affairs, told the BBC. “If they want to conduct a cleansing ceremony, let the money be taken from the temple funds. It should not be taken from worshippers…”

“I am always so nervous to carry my two-year-old son to a temple… What if he throws up or urinates?”

… according to tradition, it is considered unclean if babies urinate or vomit inside temple premises. A purification ceremony must be held to restore the sanctity of the temple…

I have two adorable baby nephews. We also ‘consider it unclean’ when they spit up or pee. Our own ‘cleansing ceremony’ involves paper towels and soap and costs Rs. 0. It has more to do with the sanctity of the hardwood floors than the sanctity of the temple though.

12 thoughts on “Baby saved by a jury of peers

  1. Somewhere between the lines of the various Vedas is advice not to take oneself too seriously. Of course, one would have to read the books and not follow tradition blindly in order to realize this.

    Hope the poor little kid doesn’t end up with a peeing pathology.

  2. Its about time us Trichur-ians get some media attention, and not about our oh so darling way of speech either. awesome.

  3. We just ended one hot or not contest on another post, and now we start another one here (although this would be technically cute or not).

    I guess some people never learn. 🙂

  4. umm, Anna:

    baby + Grey Goose + photograph = probable loss of aunt priveleges and possible future prosecution


  5. um, Saurav? the baby’s MOTHER took that pic, so there are no issues wrt aunt privileges, i assure you. 😉 hilariously enough, she was the president of “Friday Night Live” at her high school 14 years ago…it figures that her best friend in the world would be a karen walker-in trainning. 😀

    as for the persecution, bring it. it will be novel to get in trouble for something that has nothing to do with my physical appearance. 😉

  6. as for the persecution, bring it. it will be novel to get in trouble for something that has nothing to do with my physical appearance. 😉

    The idiots are getting to you, huh?

    1. Raise head.
    2. Don’t look down.
    3. Step over.

    (You can also employ the alternative “3. Deliver sucker punch to the gut.”)