The bird man of Ghaziabad

Cruel and unusual punishment? From NRI-worldwide (scroll down past the article about the bobbitised penis):

In confinement for the last two years on charges of theft, inside cell number 11 of the Ghaziabad district jail his only companions were the 120 white pigeons whom he met once a day to feed grains and corn.

But not any more.

Bringing an end to what many inmates believed was “an immortal friendship”, perverted jail authorities caught 100 of Chandra’s pigeons and broke their necks, one by one, in front of him on May 16.

This was done by jailer R.C.Singh and his men on instructions from the jail superintendent Rajesh Kesarwani, as a way to make Chandra admit to his crime.

8 thoughts on “The bird man of Ghaziabad

  1. This sounds like something a Hindi movie villain would do. But look at the bright side, no more pigeon poop to clean up. (PETA don’t hurt me!)

  2. Rats with wings. The neck breaking sucks, but praise be that they are gone. Vermin. Nothing but vermin.

  3. I can’t decide what’s more disturbing–the brutal violence of jail authorities or the flippant, cynical violence apparent in the previous comments.

  4. This story is very disturbing. It isn’t just the pigeons, although that is sick, but the fact that the poor prisoner has been jailed for two years without trial. He could well be absolutely innocent – aren’t we always told to assume that? Why can’t he have a trial?

  5. I’m sorry. I know it wasn’t funny. Only if we had a edit button for life and ..well sepia mutiny.