Even Gogol’s got a blog

Sometimes being a movie star sucks because you’ve got a lot of down time between seeing all your wardrobe options (no sarcasm intended). What would YOU do with said downtime? Well Kalpen Modi (a.k.a. Kal Penn) does the same thing that I would do were I an actor with down-time (besides using my popularity to hit on girls of course): he blogs as if he were born to. [thanks to Kunal Bhaumik for the tip]

In the glamorous world of filmmaking, I am sitting on the floor in a corner of a bedroom at 1:20 in the morning, waiting to try on wardrobe options. Think about that next time you see an actor on the street, romanticize what we do because you watch too much “Extra” and read too much “US Weekly”.

I shot a scene with my mom and sister (Tabu and Sahira, respectively), and was about to leave for the day. But we havenÂ’t found the right wardrobe for a few upcoming scenes, so Arjun (our energetic and talented costume designer) asked me to hang around for a while. I brought my laptop with me, and was emailing a little bit; then I realized this is probably what they meant when they said they wanted me to do a bit of blogging about how films are made.

Okay, but I do have one self-centered question? Why isn’t Sepia Mutiny on his blogroll? Surely a blog isn’t a blog without a proper roll? I know he reads us (well at least once).

April 1, 2005– Hello! Welcome to the Namesake weblog. If youÂ’re reading this, it probably means youÂ’re a fan of the novel, “The Namesake”, and are curious about the film adaptation weÂ’re shooting. This afternoon, I was asked by James (the Fox Searchlight Publicist in charge of “The Namesake”) if IÂ’d be up for keeping a sort of online journal through the shoot, so here goes…

I guess we should give my parents credit for birthing and raising me. Oh, and my guidance counselor, for inciting rebellion in me when she said that the biggest mistake I could ever make would be to “throw your life away by trying to do this whole acting nonsense, Kalpen!”

Wow. That’s what my “counselor” told me about blogging as well. I was a rebel too.

4 thoughts on “Even Gogol’s got a blog

  1. For some reason I thought Tabu was in her 30s or something. Is she playing the young Gogol’s mom? Or do I have her completely confused with someone else?

  2. It’s all good, but how can he not like A Confederacy of Dunces?

    I know he doesn’t stand a chance of landing the lead role if they ever made a movie out of it, but still…

  3. Um… did he say he got married as in married married or married as in they just shot Gogol & Moushmi’s wedding?

    just… um.. wondering.