‘100 Promises to My Baby’ by Mallika Chopra

Deepak Chopra’s daughter released a new book, entitled “100 Promises to My Baby”:

As she eagerly awaited the birth of her first child, Mallika Chopra began to craft a unique gift that would express her profound loving commitment to the baby growing inside of her. 100 Promises to My Baby is that gift – one that reflects her deep awareness of the sacred responsibilities of parenthood. Here the author shares the vows she made to help her child – and all children – grow up feeling cherished and secure, look at the world with wonder and curiosity, and learn spiritual values that enrich life and contribute to making the world a better place. [Rodale Store]

The first, and possibly most important, promise:
#1. You’ll never have to patronize any of grandpa’s “spirituality” seminars.

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