Chandrasekhar spotted at sushi restaurant

A reader of Defamer, an L.A. gossip blog, sends them a Jay Chandrasekhar-sighting:

Saw Broken Lizard’s Jay Chandrasekhar & Paul Soter (SUPER TROOPERS, CLUB DREAD) dining at Sushi Katsu Ya with three lovely ladies (two of which seemed to be sig others of Jay and Paul). Relatively uneventful sighting until the bill arrived and I saw them start to divy it up. Well, Fox Searchlight must not pay very well because when the waiter came to collect they asked to split the ~$200 bill between three cards (one belonging to Jay, one to Paul and the third to the third woman). Now maybe it’s just me but you would think that A.) they would be doing well enough to treat the group to a sushi dinner and B.) that since they were talking business it was easily expensed….right? Regardless, seems like their next project will be a sequel, “Broke Lizard’s Super Cheapers”. I guess no one eats for free in this town. Last note, both the guys looked a bit chubby, I guess they let themselves go after getting buffed out for CLUB DREAD. [Defamer]

7 thoughts on “Chandrasekhar spotted at sushi restaurant

  1. Hey, I’m glad they divvied it up. (Actually, I have no idea who they are, so they don’t care.) But I’m just taking this opportunity to rant about an obnoxious practice I’ve run into a few times, once or twice out with desi friends who chose more lucrative careers. So apparently when a bunch of investment bankers or doctors are out for dinner, they often just split the bill evenly and it’s considered churlish to try and split the bill by how much people actually ordered for themselves. Screw that! When I go out, I order carefully, and if I have the misfortune to be at an expensive restaurant I do not order tons of appetizers and drinks, and my vegetarian food tends to be cheaper anyway. I would much rather just pay for mine, and realizing that you are the only person who is going to have to make a scene is extremely awkward. So those of you who actually make the bucks: be easy on those of us who are students and/or bohemians–let us pay what we owe.

  2. Super Troopers was God-Aweful. I want 103 minutes of my life back.

  3. super troopers could possibly be the #2 best comedy ever but if you saw Club Dread you would understand why they’re hurting for money now

    i was also expecting at least one ‘stereotypical cheap indian’ joke by now!

  4. Saheli, why not just ask for a separate bill?

    Club dread had 2 awesome parts, 1) Namaste and 2) it was Dave, both involving Jay. And remember guys “Don’t be gay!”

  5. Super Troopers was hilarious. Is Jay married to a white woman in real life?

  6. I love Jay. I have loved all his movies thus far. Looking forward to the Dukes of Hazzard.

    Got a question. Been hearing that Jay became a father recently. Can anyone verify this? And with who?