The thappad heard around the world

An Indian-American actress without an accent slaps comedian Steve Carrell in an episode of The Office called ‘Diversity Day’ (thanks, Amardeep). Pop Matters explains:

Michael… goads… a bewildered Indian employee with an outrageously offensive imitation of an Indian convenience store manager [and] earns a hard slap for his trouble…

Watch the clip (18 MB; you need a BitTorrent downloader: Windows, Mac). The thappad is at 1:37 in the clip.

Here’s Apul’s post on another funny incident in the same episode.

5 thoughts on “The thappad heard around the world

  1. Elsewhere in slapping news:

    New Delhi – An eight-year-old Indian boy committed suicide after his mother slapped him for quarrelling with a friend over a bar of chocolate, police said on Monday.

    Tapan Dhar, a resident of remote Suparpara village in West Bengal state, drank pesticide on Friday after his mother scolded him for a fight with a friend over a chocolate bar they had bought.

    So sad.

  2. the world is biased against Mac users.

    I will watch it on the PC when I get home (XVid codec already installed.)