A Windows Media version of Leena Pendharkar’s short film, “This
Moment,” is downloadable
over at Cinequest Online (via Hollywood
You can watch the film in its entirety by registering with the site, which is
free. The 15-minute film stars Purva Bedi (“American Desi”) and Danny
Wooten. From the film’s official web site:
Can love really conqueror all? Uma Balachandran, a 20-something Indian American woman is at a unique crossroads: faced with a romantic, sunrise proposal from her African American boyfriend John Ray, her instinct is to say yes. But she’s haunted by her father’s wishes for her to marry the perfect Indian man. What’s worse, Uma’s old flame of 4 years, the all-American Troy Black, wants Uma back so badly, he’s planning to storm in on Uma and John and break up their sunrise tryst. But an unlikely stranger alters his destiny. Does love really conquer anything? Maybe. Maybe not. Set in front of the rising sun behind the beautiful backdrop of San Francisco, A Moment is about choices. (15 minutes, Super 16 mm)
Unfortunately, Cinequest disdains cross-platfrom compatibility, so the film only plays on Windows Media Player 9 for Windows 98/2000/XP. I won’t be able to watch it on my trusty Mac, so you’ll have to guide me with your reviews.
Wow. Never come across this story line before. Its so original.
For playing wmp files why don’t you try mplayer for OSX http://mplayerosx.sourceforge.net/
In linux ,with the binary codecs it plays almost every media format on earth :-). Since i don’t have a mac I don’t know how well does it’s mac cousin perform 🙂
Manu — Thanks for the quick response and tip! Unfortunately, the file didn’t work on MPlayer, VLC, Quicktime Pro or even Windows Media Player 9 for OS X. It’s compressed with the WMV3 codec, which isn’t available on Macs.
that was interesting. i’ve been lurking around for a while waiting for the right moment to comment on something and i think this is it.
this film is something that i’ve been needing to see. i guess its some kind of confirmation that other people are going through what i’m going through. you don’t see much interracial interaction beween indians and nonwhites.
however it seemed like john and uma didn’t seem to know each other that well and that they had never discussed their future together. that kind of threw the film off for me because it seemed like they were making the decision based on “how well do we know each other?” instead of “how much do we love each other?”
wow, just like mississipi masala…and every other mass media product which makes indian males out to be sexless losers relative to the studly black guy (Apu & co. vs. the fawned over semi-retarded thugs on MTV).
i wish for once there would be a hollywood movie that shows a girl who dates a black guy and gets drawn into the (likely) vortex of drugs, violence, and so on. Traffic is just about the only flick in recent memory which shows the truth.
33% of black males are ending up in jail – and it ain’t for playing pattycake. How many of the rest of them are committing crimes that just aren’t serious enough to land them up in prison? And black males don’t lead the nation in rates of domestic violence and child abandonment/deadbeat-dadism for nothing.
A longitudinal study in the September 2003 issue of Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research has found that black and Hispanic couples are two to three times more likely to report male-to-female and female-to-male partner violence than white couples, even after statistically controlling for socio-demographic and psychosocial variables, including alcohol consumption.
If you don’t control, the rates are even higher than 3X. And in practice you shouldn’t control because the question is whether a random black guy is more likely to beat, abuse, and eventually abandon your daughter than a random Indian guy. And the answer is yes.
Could we possibly have a movie that showed this girl better off with the hardworking, diligent software engineer rather than the likely gangsta? Or that shows the beatings, the abandonment, and the poverty that come along with a bad decision, as a Traffic-style object lesson in what’ll probably happen?
Nah. Instead we’ll get another reality inversion where the parents are WRONG and “true love” conquers ALL and all the huge statistical differences in fidelity, income, education, incarceration, and domestic violence rates between Indo-American and Afro-American males mean nothing…
Hi GC!
Woah. Woah. Woah. I saw the movie this morning on your recommendation and I’m appalled by the above comment. There was nothing that suggested ‘gangsta’ about the guy depicted in the movie.
Couple of comments about the above comment: 1. what about domestic violence and abuse in south asian families eh? are you trying to tell me that good indian software engineers don’t beat up their wives? really? 2. what in your mind makes you link black=gangster, drugs, violence? 3. if there is a black kid who’s drawn into crime and violence because of extenuating social circumstances, how valid is it to compare his situation to that of a indian software engineer…i.e. someone who’s parents had the dough to send him to a tech school??
its prejudice like this that worries me..and makes me believe that leena pendharkar is on the right track with her movie.
even if everything you said about black men is true (though i’m not saying it is) there would be many who are exceptions. we can see movies about people falling in love with someone of their own kind but that’s predictable, it’s been done. this film is relevant because it’s addressing something thats relevant to the world we live in today.
also, no comments on her dating the white guy? yup it’s ok for us to end up with the people who redrew the world to suit themselves and enslaved huge amounts of people. and according to your logic that must mean that all white men are racist, pillaging, rapists?
t be so jealous of the Chocolate brothers! My blood is boiling when I read your post but I also feel very sad for you. You seemed very pissed off because you don
t get play from the Indian sisters. Poor Baby!I`m very interested in the topic of Asian (East, Southeast, and South Asian) males being viewed as sexless or emasculated in the American media.
I also think it is ironic that as much economic wealth as some Asian-American males have gained, some of them seemed to be very pissed off that women don`t want them like white or Black men. You can say what you want but Black men, but the American variety get play from California to Japan. Black males may not get play in India but they will survive it 😉
ANONY- I feel sorry for you so I won
t go into one of my legendary Sepia lectures. If you are South Asian, can
t someone arrange a marriage for you (And I don`t mean that in a malicious way).Anony-In regards to all the trash that you wrote about Black men. This is my reply as an African-American who loves her people.
My general thought is that most people outside and inside of America don't really know anything about African-Americans. What don't they know? The simple notion that African-Americans are complex human beings. Our humanity is as bright as the morning sun and as dark as the moonless night. We aren't criminals, singers, athletes, comedians, drug dealers, entertainers, pimps, welfare mothers, dancers, prostitutes, and rappers. We are everything and more.
I wrote this in a post on my weblog about Condoleeza Rice but I think its relevant here.
ANONY- I hope one day you will find an Indian woman who will love you. Can`t some family members or friends fix you up? I feel really bad for you! Poor Baby!
Anupa- ANONY didn
t address the issue of Indian women dating white men because it seems like he definitely has an anti-Black bias ;) I also think the anti-Black bias is quite prevalent in some parts of the South Asian American community depending on class, generation, and other factors. I
m thinking that ANONY could stomach the sight of an Indian woman dating a white man because that may be understood as Indian assimilation into the dominant American culture.Anony-Maybe you can get a white girlfriend! My mother hated my white boy period. I know South Asians Americans like to compare themselves the Jewish community. Maybe you can get a Jewish girlfriend! I went through a Jewish period too. It was very interesting. Some of the Israeli guys are hot!
Anony- Maybe if you weren
t so anonymous, the Indian sisters would give you more play. Bravery is attractive, however hiding behind an anonymous tag on a website looks like cowardliness. That isn
t attractive!GC- Are you ANONY? I hope not because ANONY seems to get no play from the Indian sisters? Poor baby 😉
Hey don’t stereotype us Anonymous folk! 😉
ANONY- I feel sorry for you so I won`t go into one of my legendary Sepia lectures.
too late…
which is not to disagree with you, or deny you your right to outrage. i think we get your point, though. he’s wrong and he gets no play. we all agree with the former and i don’t care about the latter.
maybe SM should invoke the commenting rule from vinod’s blog, about how if your comment starts to get really deluxe, you should just post about it on your own blog? just my two yen.
HAHAHA! 🙂 I really can`t help myself.
This will explain why I write long posts on Sepia! http://wordgyrl.typepad.com/weblog/
I am yet to see an Indian married to a Black in the US. Ok scratch that. I know of one such couple. Anyway I know/have seen quite a few Indians married to blacks in UK. I wonder what could be the reason behind the Desis in Uk being more willing to marry Blacks. I think that Indian Immigrant parents would be less accepting of Blacks than whites (not suggesting that they would be ok with whites, trust me !) I remember reading somewhere that this Punjabi dude married a black girl in the US and took her to India to meet the family. At the dining table with almost a dozen family members, the 85 year old grandma told the guy in front of everybody ‘ If you had to marry a foreigner, you should have atleast married a white woman’. Apparently everybody was thinking the same thing, but only the grandma had the courage to vocalize the sentiment. In my personal experience Uncles and Aunties are a little more racist towards Blacks than they are towards White people. I am not speaking for all Desis though.
1) There was nothing that suggested ‘gangsta’ about the guy depicted in the movie.
Yes. That is my point. Think about it. The point of this movie and all similar ones (Save the Last Dance, O, Mississipi Masala, and so on) is to convince you that black males are just like other males, and that only “prejudiced” people believe differently. Look at the stereotyped (in the clinical sense) reactions in this very thread .
No one has considered that this Save the Last Dance fantasy might be a colossal lie. Had someone not spoken up, this thread would most likely have been full of tut-tutting about the “racism” of Indian parents and the need for Indian Americans to buy into the shame-guilt explanation that is the core of morality in 21st century America: namely, the supposition that it’s our fault that blacks exhibit such rates of social pathology.
Further reality inversion: every show on TV and every movie has plenty of black doctors and lawyers at the head of their class. ER. House MD even had the Omar Epps character say that he had a 4.0 at John Hopkins medical school. Reality is a little different.
Reality is also different with respect to crime statistics. The whole point of showing fine upstanding young black males on TV is to trick impressionable young girls into thinking that only “racists” believe that black males are much more likely to be criminals/gangstas/etc.
The “racists” are, of course, right about this.
In jail, just out of jail, on probation, headed back to jail – that’s 1/3 right there. What are the other 2/3 doing? Good question. The answer is that they’re probably not being doctors or lawyers. A good fraction are hovering on the edge of arrest or are unemployed/unemployable. Unemployment numbers don’t take prisoners into account:
one more:
2) what about domestic violence and abuse in south asian families eh? are you trying to tell me that good indian software engineers don’t beat up their wives?
I’m saying that black males are much more likely to do that than Indian software engineers – as the stats above showed. You want it pounded home? fine:
I could go on and on. But I think the point is made.
3) what in your mind makes you link black=gangster, drugs, violence?
Oh, I don’t know…the fact that blacks commit 48.5% of the murders, 55% of the robberies, one third of the rapes, and so on despite being 12% of the population? The incarceration stats above? The state of every black community in the US, from Compton to Detroit to Washington DC? The state of every sub-Saharan African country? The state of the favelas in Brazil and the slums of Haiti?
Nah. Must be a hallucination…and so we segue naturally to the next point.
(Source for murder/rape/robbery stats, and here for Hispanics & whites broken out separately.)
4) if there is a black kid who’s drawn into crime and violence because of extenuating social circumstances, how valid is it to compare his situation to that of a indian software engineer…i.e. someone who’s parents had the dough to send him to a tech school??
Hmmm. First, Indian software engineers from India generally have a lot less dough than African Americans when they arrive here. It’s a poor country, remember? Afro-Americans have higher per capita incomes than Swedes, remember? Besides, if you look up this post you’ll see that blacks from families making more than 70000 per year still do worse than whites from families making less than 20000 per year on their SATs. Money isn’t the explanation.
Second, “how valid is it”? Are you kidding? Do you or do you not admit that the reason why person X is a criminal is less material from a parent’s standpoint than the fact that he is a criminal? Who cares what the excuse of the day is – whether it’s post-traumatic slavery syndrome or stereotype threat or institutional racism or some similar rubbish? No parent in their right mind is going to race-norm suitors like colleges race-norm undergraduate admissions. I can just picture it: “Sure, daddy, Raj may have a master’s degree in computer science from MIT…but you should give extra points to my current prospective boyfriend. He may be a drug dealer, but it’s not his fault – it was institutional racism that drove him to it!”.
Yeah…sounds ludicrous, but that’s what you’re saying. We should discount the manifest facts on the ground because of some bewilderingly complicated explanation for why this group exhibits this sort of behavior on such a consistent basis from country to country. How else to explain your remark that it may be “invalid” to compare two potential suitors’s actual traits without reference to some race-norming gymnastics?
I guess you want a system in which parents give points to “underrepresented” minorities just like Michigan:
even if everything you said about black men is true (though i’m not saying it is)
Exactly what did I say that was false? Seriously, what was false? I challenge you to take this short quiz.
T/F: Black males commit crimes at higher rates than any other group in the US.
T/F: Black males commit domestic violence at higher rates than the males of any other ethnic group.
T/F: Black males have AIDS at higher rates than the males of any other ethnic group.
T/F: Of those black males who aren’t in prison, fully one fourth are idle throughout the year – the highest rate of any ethnic group.
T/F: Black males have lower SAT scores than the males of any other ethnic group.
I could go on…but the point is that these statements are TRUE with a capital T, and that they manifest themselves in real behavior on the ground – behavior that results in pathology.
there would be many who are exceptions. we can see movies about people falling in love with someone of their own kind but that’s predictable, it’s been done. this film is relevant because it’s addressing something thats relevant to the world we live in today.
Ah. The core of the issue. Yes, this IS relevant to the world today. The point is that these movies are presenting EXCEPTIONS as if they were the RULE. In doing so they are brainwashing impressionable young kids. If you don’t believe me, just look at the reactions in this thread. The instinct of most of these people is to dispute that what I said was true rather than to admit what I said was true, but note that there are exceptions.
Why is this? It is because we are subject to a regular diet of fictional black doctors, lawyers, judges, and scientists. We are lied to by the TV screen and the movie screen and the New York Times. And the result is that our daughters are taught that their parents are “racist” for playing the odds.
No father in his right mind wants his daughter to wed a criminal, an unemployed guy, a male with AIDS, or a man who’s going to leave her. No father in his right mind wants his daughter to wed someone who’s more likely to be all of those things than the alternative. The horror of movies like this is that they teach kids that disregarding your parents’ advice in this matter is noble and good and consequence-free. The results, needless to say, are not shown on screen. But here are a few examples:
Yeah. That’s what happens when you take movies like this to be the rule rather than the hollywood lie (“exception” is too neutral a term).
Ms. World:
Black men, but the American variety get play from California to Japan
No one disputes that black males have more sex per capita than any other male, save gay males. That is why AIDS generally doesn’t strike heterosexuals, but is an epidemic in the black community.
Rates of HIV/AIDS diagnoses in African-American women are 19 times higher than those of white women and 5 times higher than those of Hispanic women in the 32 states with stable HIV/AIDS reporting. African Americans also suffer the vast majority of deaths caused by AIDS, accounting for more than half of all U.S. AIDS-related deaths in 2003.
That is also why heterosexual AIDS plagues Africa at 40% rates in some countries.
one more:
Yes, Ms. World, you’ve got me. I’m envious. That must be why I don’t want my daughter to be tricked by propaganda like this film.
Can any of you admit that the stats that I just tabulated point to an underlying and unpleasant reality that is not well represented by most black male-nonblack female romances in the movies? Can you admit that given these statistical truths (much higher rates of partner abuse, abandonment, etc.), there might be a reason for parents to advise their daughters not to participate in such relationships? Can you further admit that the typical portrayal of parents as unthinking “racists” is unfair given that the stats are on their side?
And, finally, can you accept that the explanations for why these stats hold are irrelevant when it comes to the question of your daughter’s future? After all, if your daughter is beaten and abandoned, it will be little solace when the usual suspects trot out their armchair theories about how “slavery made ‘im do it”.
Godless Capitalist
Have I been waiting for you to show up! Paul Wickre returns with his regular dose of blogopathy – African Americans, communists and IQ tests. Where do I begin with the godless phenomenon – I am guessing Lynn Conyway, PZ Myers and Jasoon Soon for starters would be good enuf.
Your loving fan
Liberal Pundit
I am working on a Ph.D in film on the Indian Diaspora. Being based in India and working on the topic, is rather difficult thanks to the internet I no how the desi’s cope using film.
ANONY- I must say that you make my several posts on this topic look minor compared to your mega-post.
Honey, the more you write, the more I pity you!
T/F: Black males commit crimes at higher rates than any other group in the US. T/F: Black males commit domestic violence at higher rates than the males of any other ethnic group. T/F: Black males have AIDS at higher rates than the males of any other ethnic group. T/F: Of those black males who aren’t in prison, fully one fourth are idle throughout the year – the highest rate of any ethnic group. T/F: Black males have lower SAT scores than the males of any other ethnic group.
And you want to perpetuate this. What a travesty.
Keep in mind that 150 years ago MY people were saying the same thing about YOUR people – that you were just savages and sadly unable to become civilized members of society.
You are looking at effects without considering their causes. The aftereffects of colonialism and slavery, and current institutional racism are a very real part of the world we live in. The scary thing is that you actually want those statements I re-listed above to REMAIN true. Are you afraid that if black people were treated more like humans and less like scum, then they might possibly make the same strides that South Asians have made in recent years? God forbid someone ELSE might actually make good out of themselves.
So anony is saying that media portrayals of different races have a measurable impact in who people choose to be their lovers? That because blacks act as doctors and lawyers on TV, suddenly every female will want to marry any and all black men, no matter what? Disregarding anony’s citations for now, it’s the PREMISE which amuses me.
I’ve found that most rational people choose their partners based on compatibility rather than TV and movie roles, but maybe anony could prove that wrong as well. People tend to be attracted to partners with similar socio-economic and educational backgrounds, which transcends race, I think. My closest black friend went to private school, was raised by both parents and works in IT, which makes him and me far more alike than him and his neighbors in Oakland, you know? Anony’s figures on crime and AIDS are irrelevant when up against the tendencies of people to hang out with those who are similar, whether it’s shared class or race or hobbies, you know? Or does he actually fear that ghetto criminals will somehow infiltrate the upper educated classes en masse through sex?
i’m not going to bother answering your little true or false quiz.
you can look at the stats all you want, and that is why i said “even if they may be true”.
you never addressed the fact that there are exceptions. why can’t you admit that? or does every thing have to be based on numbers and widespread notion?
all indians must be corrupt and greedy. it sure is evident in india and there are a lot of indo-canadian politicians who i’ve heard not so pleasant things about.
look past the numbers and look at people individually for who they are. get away from the computer.
I’m an Indian guy that lives in Washington DC which is a majority black city. It’s also the city with the richest and most successful black communities in the country. Its quite common to come across upwardly mobile Black yuppies in this area. I know 2 or 3 of them either married or involved with Indian women. Most of the black guys involved with Indian women I know can move around in “white society” and don’t have to act “gangsta” or “ghetto” and still be who they are. They’re generally appreciative of Indian culture (one of them can even a sing some of the lyrics from hindi songs that his Indian wife still watches, imagine that….) In this particuler movie the black guy’s attitude toward Indian culture (it hasn’t evolved, insensitive to vegetarianism which is an actual religious/sprititual thing not just cultural, etc.) is very unrealistic and doesn’t jive with my personal observations. Most non-Indian men involved with Indian women at the very least appreciate Indian cuisine and Indian culture and wouldn’t put it down the way he did. She should’ve told him to fuck off after that “bullshit Indian culture” comment.
With the respect to the statistic that ANON doles out about the chances of a black men bringing down an Indian woman into drugs/violence/etc.. You fail to give some credit to the Indian women involved with them. Afterall, they have their own judgement and can make their own decisions. Anyone that allows themselves to get pulled into drugs/violence/etc. by someone else whomever they may be Indian or not, is making those choices for themselves too. They are not being made to do it by someone else and should be held responsible for they’re own condition.
To be honest, most of the Indian women I’ve met that are involved with non-Indian men have made pretty good choices in the men they’ve settled down with. Its hard to say that they would be happier or better off if they had just settled down with an Indian guy since the guys they are with are pretty decent and well, treat them the way they should be treated.
Of course, as an Indian guy myself there is always that pang of “damn! what a loss” when you see an Indian girl with a non-Indian. But to be honest that only happens when the Indian girl is hot and I’m attracted to her (the desi chick in this film was HOT and I was attracted to her PANG! There goes another..). But, if I don’t think she’s that good looking and I’m pretty indifferent to her, it doesn’t seem to matter as much……
The flip side is that I was born and raised in New Jersey in a town with a large Indian community. Because its so large you have people of all different backgrounds. A lot of working class folks mixed with professionals. If you go to places like Jersey City, Queens or Brooklyn there is even more of Indian working class element. Needless to say , amongst all the South Asian overachieving, Ivy-league seeking, perfect little model minority dittoheads there are a lot of desis that act “ghetto” or “gangsta”, indulge in drugs/violence and some treat their (Indian) women like shit. No, there’s not a lot of them – at least not enough to create another stereotype about Indians – but they are there too and I’m sure many of you have across them at some point.
“… No father in his right mind wants his daughter to wed a criminal, an unemployed guy, a male with AIDS, or a man who’s going to leave her. No father in his right mind wants his daughter to wed someone who’s more likely to be all of those things than the alternative.”
Yes, Anony, and I think it’s safe to say that no father in his right mind would want his daughter to wed you either.
(by the way: If one more person responds to Anony without asking him to quote the source of his statistics, I will marry a Black Lab just to spite the conversation)
As one of the producers of the film I can’t say how pleased i am with ANONY’s comments. Dude, can I have your address so I can put you on the payroll? I wish i had thought about fabricating your identy just to creat controversy. But I have better things to do …
Seriously man, did your mom never let you play outside b/c you were too busy making dosas?
Have your opinions but try to get outside and see the real real world.
What made you come to india. Have you checked the stats at home of almost the same offenses. Go home and help the people out. People like you are just postules of civil decay, that is utterly useless to society.
Just from the way you use stats, let us look at yourself:
You fit the profile of a loaner Had a lot of dreams in life but never could achieve anything. Miserable and angry all the time Likes to give advice to others Pretend to know, even at times when you are not sure
If you were to write down for a week the things that you do and the thoughts that you have and check it against common behaviousr of disfunctional patients, please post your fidings. You may finally become useful atleast as an example of a deranged hippo.