Desi Dish’s Secret Ingredient

An interesting brouhaha brewing ‘cross the pond –

Britain’s food industry finds Indian chilli too hot to handle LONDON: Questions are being raised on Britain’s food industry regulations after products containing a cancer-causing dye flooded supermarket shelves. Chilli powder, allegedly containing the illegal food dye Sudan 1, on being imported to the UK from India in September 2002, was traded between more than six different companies, allowing it to spread rapidly with little chance for regulators to monitor its safety, according to a report in The Times.

“Sudan 1” – what a fantastically sinister moniker.

One thought on “Desi Dish’s Secret Ingredient

  1. Britain’s food industry finds Indian chilli too hot to handle

    I can’t believe they couldn’t resist the “chilli” & hot pun. Blech.

    As my mum, would say “too hot to handle” (Chili hot? Or temperature hot?)
