Kerry’s campaign promises

Most voters are wary of campaign promises. Perhaps the most famous broken campaign pledge in recent history was the senior Bush’s “Read my lips. No new taxes.” It might be a good idea to make note of the campaign promises being made right now as well, to see if any of them come to pass. From IACFPA:

“John Kerry and John Edwards will not tolerate threats, violence or discrimination against the Muslim-American community,” he said in a press statement, adding that top Democratic Party leaders “recognize the many contributions that Muslim Americans have made to our nation,” assuring them that Kerry would favor immigration laws.

“They will offer a reform bill in the first 100 days of a Kerry-Edwards administration that allows immigrants to earn legalization, encourages family reunification, and strengthens our border protections,” Khan maintained in what is sure to become a “Kerry-watch” in a post-election scenario.

What else do they pledge to do?

Currently, most Muslim Americans and civil rights advocates have opposed the Patriot Act. “Both the leaders support efforts, such as the bipartisan-sponsored Security and Freedom Ensured (SAFE) Act, to amend the Patriot Act to set reasonable limits on access to library, medical, and other records containing the sensitive, personal details of the lives of law-abiding Americans and on the conduct of so-called “sneak and peek” searches, Khan insisted, pointing to Kerry’s former job as a prosecutor. Kerry, he said, knows that “racial profiling is nothing more than ineffective law enforcement and must be prohibited.” He and John Edwards, Khan said, “support End Racial Profiling Act, which would ban racial profiling and require federal, state, and local law enforcement to take steps to end and prevent racial profiling,” and that both are working to strengthen hate crime laws. Both, he noted, “have led the fight for the Workplace Religious Freedom Act which will ensure that no American is forced to choose between the job they need and the faith that sustains them.”

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