Queer eye for the fundamentalist guy

Fashion tips for terrorists in G-al-Q. The good Turbanhead has a great photo spread:

The [al-Qaeda] manuals devote special care to teaching recruits how to pass unnoticed in the West, and include the following advice… Don’t wear short pants that show socks when you’re standing up. The pants should cover the socks, because intelligence authorities know that fundamentalists don’t wear long pants… You should differentiate between men and women’s perfume. If you use women’s perfume, you are in trouble.

Honey, if you’re a gender-confused fundamentalist? Sigh… where to begin.

0 thoughts on “Queer eye for the fundamentalist guy

  1. THIS IS MY LAST POST. A BIG FUCK YOU TO YOU BROWN HOLLYWOOD ASS KISSERS. Jump on the lap of nepotists cause you fools suck chaat leaking bunghole. Your a disgrace to the race ha there’s no disgrace with our race is there? Your tacocore, your bhang lassi rajput asshole styles, your movie lust, and your exclusionary practicies make this site wack. I was lookign for something dope, but nope, this is the end and I hope you brown folk hang yourselves by your own rope selling out my culture. Don’t give a shit about Komeanas or whatever soup of the day ya’ll are hawking on your brownish agenda. Stay off the nutsack and cover some real intelligent music.

    You want bhangra lady gaga remixes an dshit. Suck my duck. Especially Taz and Abhi who be junking this site up with pseudo crab meat media type shit. Where’s the real hiphop? Ya’ll need to research some Spivak and read more Gandhi and shit. You fookin herbz. LOL eff u. Talkin all educated…we’ll see how educated you are when you get aacdemically stomped by real professors. You don’t know desi culture you just pretend you were smoking hash in Lahore eating meat and doing fake namaz. Eff u part two, doo doo I stay high.