Brown on the Boob Tube

2 TV events that might be of interest to Mutineers –



  • Kiran Rao on 24 — Sepia Mutiny’s favorite ABCD actor (Kal Penn, alas, is but a close #2) has a recurring role on the Fox hit 24. He writes –

    I will be on two episodes of “24” in the next couple of weeks. It looks like I will be on the 4/18 and 4/25 episodes, but there is a small chance you may see me in tonight’s as well. While I don’t have an accent, I do get to carry a gun! 9pm on Fox if you want to catch it.

    The curse of the brown actor in Hollywood – you unload several AK magazines without hitting a thing and get popped on the first shot by Jennifer Garner / Arnold Schwarzenegger / Kiefer Sutherland. He had a great writeup of his experience on Alias awhile back.

    In between terrorizing the good guys, he occasionally saves their lives as well – but in the hospital rather than during a covert op.

    Kiran took a little heat on this earlier and had this to say (read the comments here)-

    WHY WHY WHY do brown folks take parts like this!? congratulations to your friend, big time boo hoo for the rest of us. …Kali: would you mind explaining “why why why” this part offended you so much? Was it because there was a brown person playing a plastic surgeon (stereotype #1) or helping terrorists (stereotype #2) or dying quickly (stereotype #3)?…

    Read the rest. Whatever the case, I still think it’s cool.

    (previous SM coverage of Kiran – here; some of his previous roles were covered on my blog here; Kiran also runs a website focused on desi’s in Hollywood called Hollywood Masala)

  • Raj Bhakta judges Miss USA — You know, there’s just something really special about seeing someone reach for and achieve their dreams.

    Competing with Kiran’s (potential) time slot on 24 tonight will be the Miss USA pageant judged by Mr. Raj Bhakta.

    Pageant rules strictly prohibit fraternizing with the contestants before the contest. Consoling the runner’s up afterwards, however, is another story I’m sure.

    (previous SM coverage of Bhakta – too numerous; Hat tip to SM reader Pooja who alerted us via the tipline!)

  • One man’s a terrorist. The other a terrorizer. Continue reading

    Posted in TV

    Helping India Become “a major world power”

    MD writes in with this article in the Weekly Standard about recent developments in US-India policy –

    WITH THE NEWS from Iraq relegated to the back pages recently, last Friday’s State Department briefing–especially since it was not devoted to Condoleezza Rice’s latest fashion statements–attracted little attention. The subject: the evolving strategic partnership between the United States and India. The news? It is the “goal” of the Bush administration “to help India become a major world power in the 21st century.” …A U.S.-India strategic partnership, if fully developed, would be the single most important step toward an alliance capable of meeting the 21st century’s principal challenges: radical Islam and rising China. Unlike our almost erstwhile allies in western Europe, India shares an equal strategic concern with both these challenges. Perhaps even more important, India shares a commitment to democracy that transcends ethnic nationalism–Hindu nationalism, in this case, will not suffice to govern a state that includes 120 million Muslims–and an understanding of the necessity for armed strength. India’s position in South Asia puts it in an essential geostrategic location from both a continental and maritime perspective. In sum, the United States could hardly dream up a more ideal strategic partner.

    The article dismisses the sale of F-16s to Pakistan as a symbolic gesture relative to the far larger balance of power issues (truth be told, I hold the minority opinion on the Sepia Mutiny editorial staff – I actually tend to agree with folks like Blank/Weapon Nerd about their lack of real import). Continue reading

    Throwing a little weight around

    StrategyPage reports on the latest goings-on in Nepal and India’s response

    March 25, 2005: India is threatening to blockade Nepal, to force the king to reinstate elected officials in the government. India has used blockades before to force Nepal to do what India wants. There was a blockade in 1989, to force Nepal to not buy weapons from China. In 1974, there was a blockade to force Nepal to stop protesting India’s annexation of nearby Sikkim. But in this case, India does not want to aid the Maoists. It is pretty clear that the Maoists want to establish a radical dictatorship in Nepal, which would be less democratic than the king, and a lot more prone to violence against the Nepalese people. India also has its own Maoist rebels, and knows how violent they can be. But the actions of the Nepalese king are very unpopular in India, and everyone knows that India has the final say, by cutting off the flow of vital supplies to Nepal.

    Peace marches and “not in my name” rallies to protest India’s threats have been scheduled by Western activist groups…. details to follow. In the meantime, an earlier Stratpage entry provides some of the background on the 3-way civil conflict engulfing Nepal –

    March 9, 2005: Nepal is becoming a mess. The country is split by a three way civil war. There are the monarchists, which include wealthy land owners, and many poor rural people. The country is a constitutional monarchy, but the king still has emergency powers, which not everyone agrees on, but which are being used now. There are the democrats, who are largely urban and educated, who currently cannot figure out how to cooperate with each other on how to deal with the Maoists. Then there are the Maoists, who are led by educated urbanites, and used armed, brainwashed teenagers to terrorize the rural, and then urban, population into support a communist dictatorship. The Maoists want to destroy the ancient pattern of feudal land ownership.

    Continue reading

    To see but not understand…

    I had just finished commenting on how many weird death stories we find in India when I came across this story that takes the cake… well, for today at least –

    Woman kills herself so blind sons can see But corneas of little use to her children, doctors say NEW DELHI, India – An Indian woman committed suicide so her two blind sons could receive her eyes and see, a newspaper reported Monday. …Doctors in the southern city of Chennai say Kumar’s condition cannot be helped with a cornea transplant and also suspect his elder brother does not have a cornea defect. “We had told the family earlier itself that a corneal transplant was not needed for the younger son,” the Express quoted hospital official G. Seethalakshmi saying.

    Between the Mother’s obvious love and the utter Maji-like tragedy of the whole thing, I’m just speechless. Continue reading

    Posted in Uncategorized

    Seen in San Francisco

    62455038853_330.jpgWas walking through downtown SF earlier this evening and passed by this sign for the ubiquitous Club One fitness chain. Entry #1 under group exercises was mos def a hoot.

    Pretty cool to see Masala Bhangra go from an “ain’t that special” sideshow into the leading entry on the advert posters for a major fitness chain. San Franciscans can now enjoy sweating to Daler every Tuesday Evening — any ClubOne mutineers in downtown SF willing to give us a first hand report?

    UPDATE:ADS left an excellent comment on the Masala Bhangra post with a first-hand review — Continue reading

    “I Decided to Fight Back”

    050319_PakistanRape_hu.hmedium.jpgNewsweek reports on an unlikely heroine emerging in Pakistan –

    Soon after Mukhtar Mai was savagely gang-raped on the orders of a village council three years ago, she considered her options. She had never been accused of any crime. (The rape was carried out as supposed retribution for an alleged and implausible affair between Mai’s teenage brother and a 30-year-old woman.) But according to rural Pakistan’s strict Islamic code, she was forever “dishonored.” The local Mastoi clan, which dominates the village council, expected her to keep her mouth shut or simply disappear. Her own Gujar clan refused to support her. “My choice was either to commit suicide or to fight back,” Mai recalled last week. “I decided to fight back.” …Mai also has become a model for Pakistani women pressing for more rights. She’s been a guest speaker at women’s forums across the country, and has even taken her message to Spain and India. By broadcasting her case, she has embarrassed authorities. The Pakistani government, aiming to show its support, has paved the dirt road leading into Mai’s village and is now connecting local homes to the electricity grid. “The U.S. civil-rights campaign had Rosa Parks, who helped to spark an entire movement,” says Sherry Rehman, a Pakistani activist and opposition member of Parliament. “We have Mukhtar Mai.”

    Somehow, a “you go girl!” just isn’t enough in cases like these. Still, as a technologist myself, I can’t help but notice the degree to which broadcast media, the Internet, and cheap/easy air travel transformed this case into an icon when undoubtedly so many before her were simply lost in a sea of statistics. Continue reading

    Dallas Saves Rushdie

    Salman Rushdie will be speaking at the Dallas Museum of Art. The venue is, well, an interesting one I suppose but, the real hook to the story is this small catch – the airlines won’t fly him

    Salman Rushdie has apparently been denied a flight to Dallas, where he is scheduled to speak tomorrow night to 800 people at the DMA for Arts & Letters Live. Mr. Rushdie is apparently too dangerous to board an airplane. Well, he’s not dangerous, he’s a pussycat, but you get my meaning.

    But, luckily, the spirit of volunteerism is alive and well

    Salman Rushdie will make it to Dallas tonight for his Arts & Letters Live appearance, courtesy of the indefatigable editor of Texas Monthly who already had a plane flying in from New York to Austin bringing some celebrities for the Texas Film Hall of Fame awards. Turns out he had an extra seat.

    So instead of being sandwiched in the center seat between a crying baby and smokaholic, Rushdie will share a private plane with Lauren Bacall, Marcia Gay Harden, and Dennis Quaid. Note to Mr. Quaid – think carefully before speaking of Padma.

    (hat tip – Virginia Postrel’s Blog) Continue reading

    GOP Babe of the Week — Namrata Singh Gujral

    namrata-singh-gujral.jpgReader RJ points out that this week’s (month’s?) GOP Babe of the Week is Namrata Singh Gujral. Namrata is the second Desi babe to receive the, uh, honor in a row – taking the crown from prior winner – Ms. Govindini Murty. Sepia Mutiny profiled Ms. Murty before she hit it big in one of the more memorable earlier posts.

    Namrata is an actress / producer and, in true Hollywood fashion, plugged her production company in her acceptance speech –

    “I am so honored to be on your site. We set out to make pro-America movies. We knew this was going to be a long, uphill battle. So encouraging to know it’s not a going to be a lone battle. Thank you, America – for your love and support. Please visit American Pride Films often. Thank you, again!”

    Her company – formed with Naval aviator Lt Cdr Joe Cooper – attempts to provide positive media portrayals of day to day life in Amrika –

    The company’s mission is to make movies that showcase the reality of average Americans, who are not interested in global domination and have a human and compassionate side. With this positive message, APFG hopes to overcome some of the negative American sentiment overseas and at home, changing hearts and minds along the way.

    Namrata’s personal website can be found at the modestly titled NamrataWorld.

    (why is it called “Babe of the Week” when the last one was named in Feb?) Continue reading

    SF Asian American Film Festival – Mar 10-20

    left_3.jpg A quick shout-out for Bay Area / Cali mutineers – the San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival starts tomorrow, Thursday, Mar 10 and extends until Mar 20.
    left_4.jpg They’ll be playing 16 Desi flicks including –

    I’ll be representin’ SM with a crew of friends who are coming up from LA. The socializing promises to continue late into the evening 😉 Continue reading

    Ya don’t say?

    The first step to solving a problem is admitting you’ve got one

    `Proper sanitation will boost Indian tourism` There is a need for a hygienic environment with a well-regulated sanitisation mechanism to boost the Indian tourism industry as it has good prospects even in the face of stiff competition from neighbouring countries like Thailand and Malaysia.

    It seems that fed-up tourism officials are raising a Sepia Mutiny of a different sort. Continue reading