Bombay Dreams Epilogue

04dream4.jpgAs Sepia Mutiny mentioned, the NYC run of the London hit musical Bombay Dreams closed this past weekend. Rediff reports, however, on an interesting, far more long-term development within the cast –

As Manu Narayan, Tamyra Gray, Sriram Ganesan and Anjali Bhimani joined 34 of their peers in Bombay Dreams to take the final Broadway bow on New Year’s Day, at least one actor was taking home more than memories and an impressive resume. Aalok Mehta, part of the ensemble cast, is now engaged to Anisha Nagarajan who played Priya, the idealistic movie director, in the musical for about six months.

Some interesting financial info & hope for a Bombay Dreams road tour –

Most among the cast of Bombay Dreams are hoping to join the road tour that could start this summer, provided the producers, who have lost about half of their $14 million investment in the Broadway production, are able to raise fresh investment and get good backing from regional promoters.

9 thoughts on “Bombay Dreams Epilogue

  1. wait wait wait… isn’t that the boy from American Chai?

    I think he’s gained weight since then but I’m pretty sure it’s him. his face doesn’t look as narrow.

    congrats to them both… i thought she was adorable in BD. can’t wait to see her future projects.

  2. American Chai was the most noxious of the ABCD movies. Mehta’s character channeled Woody Allen kinky hair and nebbishness without any of the humor and charm. For his bride’s sake let’s hope he’s not as insufferable in person. Atleast very few saw it. ‘Tis a shame there was such a avlanche of bad cinema a couple of years ago when there’s so many more vital Indian stories to tell. I found it hard to believe that it won some Audience prize at Sundance.

  3. Actually, I was greatly moved by that film. It’s a shame when there are so few Indian artists who are taking risks and providing inspiration for others to follow that there is so much criticism from our own people. What have you done to inspire people lately? Look in the mirror and evaluate what good it does to brand someone elses work of art as “noxious”. Thanks to that film, I have both reconciled the distance between myself and my family as well as been inspired to follow my own artistic voice. You are entitled to your opinion. Different strokes for different folks I guess. I just don’t see the point in being so negative.

  4. Thanks to that film, I have both reconciled the distance between myself and my family as well as been inspired to follow my own artistic voice.

    Gigli saved my marriage.”

  5. like i said different strokes for different folks, but i think it is seriously wrong for people to criticize art that has had positive influences on people’s lives. if gigli really saved your marriage kudos to gigli… we are way to critical of other people and their art. it is expression…it fulfills people, so for others to judge that is beyond my comprehension.

  6. For his bride’s sake let’s hope he’s not as insufferable in person.

    Definitely not. Aalok’s awesome- chill and funny. And not a bad live performer.