A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, I must have given up my email address or dropped a biz card at some lame Desi ‘circuit party’. So, I now get spammed a couple times a week with ads for the latest “meet my mate” function and loathe to do anything to give these guys any more publicity than they already obnoxiously secure.
But this one – New Site Launch!: an exciting way to meet south asian professionals – has a twist that may be of interest to SM readers – it features a celebrity date auction with Vikram Chatwal up for grabs.
If you’re so inclined the party’s this Sunday @ 5pm in 6 cities across N. America. Other celebrity dates include Serena Varghese of Where’s the Party, Yaar fame as well as 2 of the cast members of Bombay Dreams.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am in the process of completing a script for a sikh character but unfortunately have no way of contacting Mr Chatwals office. Please could you assist perhaps with an email address?
Hey Guy Singh,
I have also script that fits Vikram. If you find out his contact could you please mail me.
Thanks, Dalbir