UFOs over the Himalayas

Stories like this are why I blog. From NewKerala.com:

A group of Indian scientists here are pouring over a bunch of photographs they took in the northern Himalayas depicting a mystery object that could be either of the two but are nowhere near cracking the mystery.

“The object was about four feet in height with a red balloon and many white ones. It hovered around for about 45 minutes some 200 metres from us. We were curious to know more and took photographs,” said Anil Kulkarni, a marine and water resources scientist with the city-based Space Application Centre (SAC) of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

He was part of the team that spotted and photographed the object during a just-concluded study trip to the northern state of Himachal Pradesh, bordering China.

But did the UFO have special chameleon like technology?

“Interestingly when it was exposed to the sun, it turned black and in the shadow of the hill, it became white,” the scientist said.

As the article acknowledges, it was more than likely a spy device. Still, am I the only one suspicious of the “balloon” excuse? Isn’t that what they told us about Roswell? Let’s see how Indian fighter plane handle this new threat.

2 thoughts on “UFOs over the Himalayas

  1. Ive seen alot of ufos in india like at camp panther when i woke up at 4:00AM and stood there watching stars when suddenly I saw a line of strange objects in the sky and shone my flashlight on them and didnt see anything. They were like light resistant.They spotted me and circled around a few times then disappeared into the night sky. they flew silently and had probably pov engines.They flew also quite low like 50 meters above me,I was so scared after that sighting that I couldnt move for a long time. When the other camp mates got up at 6 I was still scared stiff and told nobody. This all happened beside the ganga river and near the himalayas. The sight date was OCT/20/04 and I heard alot of reports in that area.bye

  2. amazing,my father had had the same experience as u have.he told me the story many times when i was small and my father is a rajput and a is man of his word.