47 thoughts on “Russell Peters show online

  1. I paid a good sum of cash to see this guy perform in some shithole in Los Angeles as part of a partially pathetic excuse of a campaign known as “Gurus of Comedy”; I’m an avid supporter of South Asian artists up and coming; but this would have never sparked any interest for me hadn’t I received the link to see Russell Peters perform prior to this via the jariwhateverthehellitwasnet.com link – Russell Peters, Paul Varghese, Alladin, and Dan Ninan are the most brilliant performers out there and I hope to see them again in Los Angeles; unfortunately the producer of this show decided to let a couple of morons perform before Varghese and Peters that nite; may what’s his face from American Chai drop the face of God’s Comedic Earth and go back to working some thankless 9 to 5 so he won’t have to rip off Meera Syal’s Goodness Gracious Me line on the “Arranged Shag” -whatever his face is better not try to pull that shit again

  2. Absolutely hilarious. He came by Vancouver long before I saw this skit. But lookin forward to his return this year. Along with an entourage of co workers.

  3. i…want to say that i wish to marry ur pig because that would proove that i am not a cow, plus i am begoining!

  4. i thinking it is very smart that on this website it sais s-e-p-i-e-a to stop stupid american children infecting you personal computer and i would also like to say i am not happy with young russell peters discrimination of our beautiful accents

  5. noooooooooooooo hahaha he is sooooooo frikin funny! i love funny people:D lol hehehehehe but isent it kind of mean making fun of so many cultures and religions? but what the heck! its soooooooo funny lol!!!

  6. “i am not happy with young russell peters discrimination of our beautiful accents” – mulin sha’abaf’faral

    GET REAL BIOTCH!! Indian accents are the most crappiest sounding accents on the planet. Its a terrible accent that is worth poking fun at. So shut up you rat and enjoy the comedy!

  7. uh stan? texas accents are worse. a LOT worse. compared to them, indian accents are sexy. well, maybe they just are intrinsically, too … whatever russell peters says to the contrary 😉

  8. hey stan you can suck my indian ass beotch dick likin fuk…lol ok russell peters is incredibly funi and i wanted to kno if there is any otha videos of him…

  9. Peters is hellarious!!!…..Itz about time somoene came up with comedy that makes you laugh from begining to end. Those who take offense of Russell are nothing more then oversensitive babiez who have nothing better to do than biAtch about how otherz are “hurting their feelings”. Russell’s jokez are the exact kind of jokez that i’ve been waiting for….sitting around with cousinz and friendz,watching his showz are a great pastime. So for all you crybabiez out there, “GROW THE FUCK UP!!!”…..let the man do his job. Hez damn good at it anyhow!!!

  10. just saw russell in dc. he was hillarious. i think he’s running out of material though. a lot of his stuff was used before. he still rips the audience though.

    dan ninan opened up..not as funny.


  12. First I thought he was a little degrading.. but once you start taking it in stride its good laugh!! Keep up the job of making people smile.. Mr.Russell Peters.

  13. to those who were affended by russell peters grow up its comedy…i think hes great saw him once before keep up the good work russell laughter is the best medicine….

  14. “I love how trolls don’t recognize each other.”

    Hahaha. Well put. Andrea, I think she may have been referring to him and indian accents. We may not have the finest accents, but we don’t chse our own sisters on Friday nights for a good time Stan.

    For the person looking for his dvd’s. Not sure if there is one available for the show you might specifically be looking for, but go to his agents site and they have them available: http://www.helpms.ca

  15. Does anyone know where I can download the Russell Peters show? None of the links seem to be working.

  16. For ABC, check the Action > Preferences menu item, Misc. tab, under Set default download folder. The downloaded file will be in that folder.

  17. Russell’s the ‘best!!!!’ indian comedian i’ve ever heard….keep up the good work. v need more comedians like him who v can relate to . lol

  18. Just to inform everyone, The name Russel Peters is quite an orignal Indian name. Infact, you who criticise his name should read the history books of Indian, and will eventually descover that approximately 4 generations ago, the British came over to Indian and Fucked their woman. Thus, the last name Peters has some British history tied in to it aswell. Russel Peters is one of the only Canadian comdedians i respect will will forever remeber his name.

  19. I have to agree, this guy is fricken funny, I will be watching for him to come to town!!People need to spend a little more time laughing, and less finding things to be offended by.

  20. errr.. whats a seed?? when i download it afterwards theres a seed that goes on for 5 hours…..

  21. ok i downloaded the abc thing and i downloaded the file, and it says russellpeters.ram progress 100% and BT status completed/seeding now how do i play it?

  22. For ABC, check the Action > Preferences menu item, Misc. tab, under Set default download folder. The downloaded file will be in that folder.

    Install Real Player (free version) from http://www.real.com. Then double-click the downloaded file.

  23. i am looking for info on russell peters.. i think we went to elementary school together for 3 years…he was one of my best friends… i need to find him and find out… can anyone help me?!!