i think she’s anti-Bush

i hope the rest of you enjoyed your holiday weekend as much as i did. πŸ™‚ i spent the latter part of today catching up on email and my bloglines feeds, where i found THIS:

The New York Times ran a story today about how the city’s luxury strip clubs have been sitting empty all week. This is a bit baffling, honestly. At one club, at least, tonight, a barback instructed a waitress to keep at hand a good supply of speared olives and lemons “for when 50,000 Republicans show up.” In the dressing room, meanwhile, the dancers popped speed-like pills in preparation for a long night…
…Yesterday I saw a youngish Republican point to the sparkly dot on the forehead of the South Asian dancer gracing his lap. “What’s that?” he asked. “A bindi,” she answered matter-of-factly. “A what?” he asked. “A bindi.” They went back and forth in this way for some time before she said, with some hostility, “It’s my heritage.”
This sort of tension has been brewing for several days now. If the Republicans, buoyed by Bush’s nomination, get randy tomorrow night, it may boil over.

via the village voice’s “Hot Girls, Frisky Delegates: RNC Diary of a Strip-Club Waitress”

3 thoughts on “i think she’s anti-Bush

  1. Yesterday I saw a youngish Republican point to the sparkly dot on the forehead of the South Asian dancer gracing his lap. Γ‚β€œWhatÂ’s that?” he asked. Γ‚β€œA bindi,” she answered matter-of-factly. Γ‚β€œA what?” he asked. Γ‚β€œA bindi.” They went back and forth in this way for some time before she said, with some hostility, Γ‚β€œItÂ’s my heritage.”

    I wonder if being a stripper is part of her “heritage” too? Jeez, even the strippers are PC nowadays.

  2. heh, well, i want to make clear that i’m not anti-stripper. far from it.

    Perhaps the poor Republican flack was just trying to give her a subtle hint to take off ALL her clothes, including the bindi πŸ™‚