The Desi Dad Project will continue on…

Despite the fact that it is now Father’s Day, only EIGHT of you have thus far contributed a picture to The Desi Dad Project. To those eight, I appreciate your contributions. Now, I understand that many of you don’t live anywhere near your parents’ basement and that it may be difficult to scan a picture of your father right away. I know that you will when you finally can. The rest of you though are just lazy wankers. Even those annoying Canadians who begged and pleaded to be allowed to upload their fathers were just talk. Perhaps just like George W. Bush’s struggle to promote his social security plan, I am now engaged in a struggle to promote a plan for which I have not yet created enough blog capital. If this is my third rail then so be it. It is a shame though. The eight pictures we have gotten so far are fantastic and the descriptions are even funny to read through (note: you need to open a Flickr account to see all eight).

After today The Desi Dad Project logo will come off of our sidebar but the project will remain open indefinitely. Maybe some of you will finally upload your dads. Lazy wankers.

Happy Father’s Day!

Here are a couple of desi-related Father’s Day links (1, 2).

10 thoughts on “The Desi Dad Project will continue on…

  1. Abhi,

    Next time I am at home, I will be sure and upload the pic requested. My Dad lived in Manhattan during the seventies, and to put it mildly, he was the man in terms of dress and appearance. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. If anyone is interested, I posted my own Father’s day post here.

  2. Abhi,

    Now you know who are the real McCoys are.

    For a reaosn, I used picture from his very young days.

    My dad seems quite popular (by flickr hit counter). He still is. He has a strong presence except in the presence of my mother.

  3. Not being the most tech-savvy Canuck, nor being the owner of a scanner, I have no idea where to go to get my Dad scanned. And would I get him scanned onto a memory stick? Then upload him? Help.

  4. Well Abhi, I for one would like to thank you for this project. Also, thanks to all the people who are taking the time to upload pics of their dads. I am really enjoying it and I think it’s a great idea.

    8??? I only see two!! I’m grabbing my daddy pix right now!>>

    Taz, you have to join the Desi Dads group to see all the photos. If I remember right, you just have to click the “join this group” tab.

    BTW, there are now nine photos!

  5. Excellent project, can’t wait to contribute! But yes, everything’s at home in albums; might be a minute before I can get to stuff & get it scanned. But props to you for starting this, Abhi! A fine way to honor fathers.

  6. Hey don’t fret! This is an awesome idea, Abhi. I did forward it to a lot of people.

    It’s just a matter of getting home and rummaging through the albums to find it. I could ask him to do it though, but then that’s not the point is it? (“Post your Desi self from 1970”)

    Keep posting reminders though.