Community cable, the gift that keeps on giving

Some Black Israelites wear very Sikh-looking turbans and beards (thanks, Ennis):

Remember that Marley song?

African American and African Caribbean Christianity had long developed a comparison of their experience in the New World with that of the Jews held in slavery in Egypt, particularly as regards the Book of Exodus… [Link]

We know where we’re going; we know where we’re from
We’re leaving Babylon, we’re going to our fatherland

Exodus, movement of Jah people…
Send us another Brother Moses gonna cross the Red Sea…

— Bob Marley, ‘Exodus


p>A small number took the analogy literally and moved to Israel:

The African Hebrew Israelite Nation of Jerusalem is a small religious group whose members believe they are descended from the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. With a population of over 2000, most members live in their own community in Dimona, Israel. The Black Hebrews practice polygamy. [Link]

In contrast, the guy on TV was ranting against Israel even while sitting beneath a Star of David:



Some Black Hebrew Israelites, like Israelite Heritage, are anti-Semitic, and focus on Jews, as Edomites and Khazars acting on behalf of Satan and secretly controlling the United States. [Link]

Related posts: Da Star in dastar, Everyone recycles

7 thoughts on “Community cable, the gift that keeps on giving

  1. Interestingly enough, I met my first Jamaican (converted) Israelite a couple of weeks ago – a cute bouncer at a club who I think wants to have my babies. I don’t know enough about their beliefs, but I’d like to learn more. I won’t ask him, however, because he doesn’t seem the type of person who is able to discuss his beliefs without shooting down mine, so any objective info anyone could provide would be much appreciated for the expansion of my own knowledge and awareness, not because I want to let him have my babies.

  2. Forgot to list where to watch them streaming… channel 57.Schedule changes sometimes but usually always on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday.Shalam.

  3. yo its Fletcer i was wondering can black man who is trying to walk the right path but makes mastakes can he repent or not and will YhaWha forgive him