36 thoughts on “Glossies

  1. manish never sleeps, he’s helping me plan my expedited wedding, right mister? ๐Ÿ™‚

    the expiring huevos… rancheros nonetheless…

  2. the expiring huevos… rancheros nonetheless…

    Surely you are attempting to be funny, but the whole “expiring” theme is below you. You’re a doctor. You have more going on besides your beleaguered gametes, I’m certain.

  3. CommunisR, is it beneath doctors to have a personal life or to choose to blow off steam by being a little silly? It’s not like she’s out snorting lines and then operating the next morning all shaky and sketched out. All work and no play makes Chickpea a dull bean.

  4. I “discovered” Farrokh a few years ago – World class and top notch consistently. Please also refer to Sharad Haskar who’s also busy world-wide but yet gracious enought to answer my questions! How nice is that?!!

    Commenter formerly known as Ang to avoid confusion with Arj and Anj.

  5. the black and white medium is fantastic.. seriously… the smithsonian magazine has a yearly photography contest which has some amazing shots..but the above are fanstatic…

    CommunisRixatrix : take a chill pill my dear… all work and no play is a tad boring.. seriously.. of course i have impt crap to do, and things..

    DD: thanks for sticking up for me… medicine is just like the show scrubs.. probably the most real show about medicine on the boob tube.. you got to be silly or you’ll hit your head against the wall..

    the bean ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. “medicine is just like the show scrubs.. probably the most real show about medicine on the boob tube”

    chick pea, I agree with you on that. Most of my non medical friends dont seem to like Scrubs for that exact reason though..they think its silly!

  7. Cicatrix:

    Surely you are attempting to be funny, but the whole “expiring” theme is below you. You’re a doctor. You have more going on besides your beleaguered gametes, I’m certain.

    That’s not what you told me! You said that all I had going for me was my (ahem) genetic inheritance, and that I only had a short time left before I got too old. Man – I feel used! Then again (sigh) I’m not a doctor or anything …

  8. Do you mean below, as in the thread is several below this one, or beneath, as in less dignified than she?

    The latter. A woman has more to offer the world (and her potential mate) than her eggs. Going on about “expirations” would insinuate otherwise. I wasn’t referring to her schedule; I was giving her the benefit of my doubt that she was wonderful enough that she needn’t worry about huevos rancheros gone rancid.

    I’ve had it with 30 being deemed an “ending” for reproductive success among other things. Yes, having children earlier than that might be optimal but if you haven’t, who fucking cares? I don’t.

  9. ughh… communis rixatrix: no crapola, duh, a woman has more than her huevos to offer.. come on now.. i know that as well as you…but we live in a brown family.. do you know how much pressure there is out there.. and what ‘society’ and the aunty/uncles say and see you’re not married by 30? it’s funny to make fun of that.. because it is so untrue..

    of course it’s not the end of reproductive success.. it’s just something funny to laugh at.. jeez louis…

    chill pills for all.. and a fabulous friday at that ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. I agree, Cicatrix… let’s not worry abot to wed or not to wed.

    But, I also understand that the age 30 date is just in jest and poking fun at an arbitrary artifically constructed date. I think chickpea isn’t seriously worrying about the expiration; just having fun….

    But hey, if the guy’s a keeper, why not, eh chickpea? ๐Ÿ˜‰ For me, it’s more about going for what you want (so long as it’s real) rather than regretting and/or never knowing… Just kidding – no pressure! (I’m not prematurely turning into an auntie, I promise!)

  11. “medicine is just like the show scrubs.. probably the most real show about medicine on the boob tube”

    chick pea, I agree with you on that. Most of my non medical friends dont seem to like Scrubs for that exact reason though..they think its silly!

    -medicine and seeing death and dying everyday (of course depends on the field that you’re in…but overall in GENERAL)..you do have to keep a sense of silliness/humor or you’ll go mad… no joke.. i mean, intern year, i could write you a script of random/funny things that happened to me like in scrubs….which portrays residency to the T unlike gross anatomy/er which i think is a bunch of HOGWASH.. (yes, i’m a little opinionated..;)..

    huevos/huevas… whatever.. the eggs are expiring shortly…..

    Eh? (aka aunty ;)) we’re better off as friends and laughing about this in all honesty.. come on.. do you think it was for real?

  12. Manish, do you ever sleep?? … writes YBV at bloody 6 in the morning ๐Ÿ™‚

    eey, takes one to know one ๐Ÿ™‚

    and what’s all this devilspeak about “huevos”? didn’t you learn a lesson from zach rubio? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. nah, I didn’t think it was really for real…. but heh, a pact does show some respect…. or friendship at the very least! If someone likes you enough to make a pact, take it as a compliment.

    Now, where were we??? Ahhh yes, the vacuous pretty glossies! Last night I took many black and white shots and it was incredibly fun. (If I ever start a blog, it will be photo commentary only)… the appeal over writing, for me anyways, is that I don’t have to directly reveal too much about myself… and I don’t communicate well in written form, so it’s a bit of a cop-out as well! Plus, with photography, there’s always so much to learn. Enough about me.

    India has an excellent community of photographers – perhaps a reflection of their admiration for glitz and glamour and bollywood? Though Sharad has some very thoughtful pieces of work…. I like his homage to old school stern-faced Indian portraits juxtaposed against cars and graffiti. And Farrokh knows how to take a damn good portrait – he probably uses medium format. Even though they’re very glamorous, they’re quiet and not so in your face, the way bollywood can sometimes be. I also like Atul’s work thanks to DD and her introduction a couple of days ago: he’s very objective and shows his security in himself – both male and female subjects are equally beautiful. I have to say, I don’t care for his trying-to-be-overthetop fashion photos (white wig, wacky clothes), though. However his period pieces are just stunning – take that benetton sweater on head-wearing actor!

  14. eh? I agree, Kasbekar’s fashion photography is a bit over-the-top and obnoxious. But his portraits are gorgeous!

  15. Very good portfolio but total shocked at the sheer lack of credit given to any one else. Especially the makeup artist ! I am dead sure Atul Kasbeker doesnot do makeup for all the models. If some one were to copy the pictures taken by him and not give credit I am sure Mr. Kasbekar would be totally pissed. Why did he not give any credit to the makeup artist !!

  16. Eryka Badu ties the best turbans this side of the Nihang Sikhs

    actually, ‘technically’ they’re not turbans. i forget what they’re called now, but there’s a special name. soemone else probably will know…..oh, but that nihang image is great. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  17. Because, it’s about his portfolio, not about the make-up artist’s portfolio. If the make-up artist wants to make his/her own portfolio using the photos, they are free to do so. If it was in a magazine, on the other hand, credit WOULD be given to the stylist, editor, make-up artist, hair stylist, designers, as well as the photographer. The photographer is under no obligation to credit the make-up artist in his portfolio. Also, the copyright belongs to the photographer, the person who clicked the shutter. Finally, he probably worked with a different make-up artist for each shoot – it would be difficult to link to each artist. The focus should be on the aspect of the work he is trying to showcase – photography skills. This has nothing to do with snobbery whatsoever.

  18. hey hey hey now!!

    Ennis and Eh? (formerly Ang):

    5 ร‚ยท CommunisRixatrix on December 9, 2005 07:16 AM ร‚ยท Direct link the expiring huevos… rancheros nonetheless… Surely you are attempting to be funny, but the whole “expiring” theme is below you. You’re a doctor. You have more going on besides your beleaguered gametes, I’m certain.

    I’m not CommunisRixatrix! c’mon now, you know I’m all about the gametes! and themes! And lying to poor, beleaguered Ennis about my medical credentials ๐Ÿ˜‰