TOMORROW: Eat Ice Cream in DC, Help Quake Victims in Pakistan

Blog Quake day came and went, but so much more still needs to be don(at)e(d).

Mushie was on NBC’s Today this morning, as Ann Curry asked him how much more his country needs; his answer was measured in the Billions.

My cousin Lisa sent me a forward with an easy way Mutineers in DC can help TOMORROW:

BEN & JERRY’s in Dupont Circle has graciously agreed to donate 25 % of your tab towards the South Asia Earthquake Relief Effort. The money will go directly to the Association of Pakistani Physicians of North America (APPNA). Please mention the cause when you purchase your ice cream.

An estimated 70,000-80,000 people have been killed and 2.7 million left homeless in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake that hit Pakistan, Kashmir and India on October 8th. With the harsh Himalayan winter rapidly approaching, death tolls are expected to double.

You CAN make a difference. Your contribution will be used on the ground in Pakistan to assist doctors and nurses treat the injured and prevent the spread of disease.

When: Wednesday, November 16th, 7:30-8:30p

Where: Ben & Jerry’s, 1333 19th Street NW

This is a wonderful idea– if any of you are coordinating similar fundraisers, please let us know. Mo’ notice, mo’ betta.

6 thoughts on “TOMORROW: Eat Ice Cream in DC, Help Quake Victims in Pakistan

  1. Why not just write a check directly for the $4 to APPNA instead of eating corporate ice cream and donating a whopping $1 through this?

    What a stupid idea.

  2. it’s not a stupid idea if ONE dollar that previously wasn’t going to south asian quake relief DOES get there because of an event like this. unclench already. the people who were going to write checks probably already HAVE.

    maybe someone will go to this and remember that they MEANT to write a real check and do so…maybe someone will read this post and think, hmm, i can’t go, maybe i’ll click the handy “donate” button at the top of this blog…what does it matter to you? you never know how people are affected by things.

  3. Who’s stupid, you ain’t stupid at all, my friend. Non-profit organizations need as much exposure and marketing and advertising as they can get. This is another great way of reminding people. People do not donate of their own volition – they constantly need reminders. There are so many issues out there and it’s easy to get lost or even caught up in their own daily hustle and bustle. This is more than just 25%, it’s exposing the cause.

    I think it’s a great idea. And 25% is considered generous. Now, imagine if other businesses followed suit. I for one, am inspired.