Philatelics get ready to grab up Dilip

First, they were going to hang a portrait of him in the U.S. Capitol Building. Next they were going to name a building somewhere in California after him. NOW they are thinking of commemorating him on a stamp! Dilip Singh Saund is the most popular brown man in America right now even though he’s dead.

There is only one problem as I see it. This idea is coming too late. Last week announced a partnership with the U.S. Postal Service which will allow anybody with spare change in their pockets to create a customized stamp. That’s right. Now you can put your own picture on an official U.S. stamp and mail it anywhere you want. That being the case, the once sacred honor of being displayed on a stamp, has been cheapened. How cheap you ask? Well to put it into perspective I took the liberty of creating a stamp of me, which I could now purchase from the USPS, and one of Saund. Honestly now, which one would you choose? Which one would you choose?




3 thoughts on “Philatelics get ready to grab up Dilip

  1. Dude, I can’t wait till someone starts putting porn photos on stamps.

    Watch this enterprise getting shut down as fast as it started.

  2. gc, they’ve got rules and some screening procedure for pornographic or objectionable stamps. So no Hitler stamps, no stamps of grisly bodies, etc.