low-key? more like low, for keyes.

alan keyes just got on my last nerve. The Chicago Sun-Times is reporting that two days ago, the carpetbagging hypocrite from the great state of maryland called women who get abortions and the doctors who provide them…”terrorists”. now i don’t care where you stand on this excruciatingly personal issue, you just don’t go there.

when the wrong-reverend jerry falwell blamed sept. 11 on “the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians” just days after the horrifying attacks of 2001, the white house reprimanded him and he apologized a few days later. i’d hope for a similar outcome now, but i’m not holding my breath.

to suggest that there is some similarity between someone in al-qaeda who plots the murder of innocent americans and an american woman who requests an abortion from a doctor who will provide one is disgusting. no matter where one stands on this litmus-test of an issue…i really think that anyone with half a brain would find the would-be senator’s comments deplorable.

The remarks came as Keyes was explaining why three months ago he said that the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks were a “warning” from God to “wake up” and stop “the evil” of abortion.

“Now, you think it’s a coincidence that on September 11th, 2001, we were struck by terrorists an evil that has at its heart the disregard of innocent human life?” Keyes said in a May 7 speech in Provo, Utah. “We who have for several decades killed not thousands but scores of millions of our own children, in disregard of the principle of innocent human life…I don’t think that’s a coincidence, I think that’s a shot across the bow. I think that’s a way of Providence telling us, ‘I love you all; I’d like to give you a chance. Wake up! Would you please wake up?’ “

the offensive remarks don’t end with terrorist-comparisons; keyes also likens the fetus/mother relationship to that of a slave whose life or death is in the hands of his/her master. keyes has repeatedly attacked his opponent, Barack Obama, by insisting that Obama holds the “slaveowner’s position” because he is in favor of a woman’s right to choose.

Keyes argues that women who claim they have rights over the fetuses in their bodies are akin to plantation owners claiming control over slaves because they are “property.”

women as terrorists within their own bodies? as slave-owners? i’m not even pro-choice, but i must say, alan keyes? get out of my uterus. now. and take your stupid metaphors and insensitive contentions with you, thank you.

6 thoughts on “low-key? more like low, for keyes.

  1. ugh. keyes is becoming more sharptonesque every day. He’s an embarassment.

    (and why does he put slavery into seemingly every issue?)

  2. you know, we go from the candidate who was swinging to the one who’s blaming 9/11 on abortion. i preferred jack ryan.

    and for that matter, why can’t we bring back the swinger? jack ryan could have had the vote of every guy in illinois if he’d put up billboards of jeri ryan with a quote: “yo, i’m jack ryan, and YES, this is the woman who came with me to international sex clubs.”

    the respect he’d get – bammm, instant 30 point boost among the maxim crowd 😉

  3. This is my view on this, but I could be wrong. Alan Keyes was not brought in to win Illinois, there’s not enough time and not enough willingness from the repug’s in Illinois to care about winning. In hockey they have term for someone who’s only purpose is slow down or mess with the scorer on the opposing team and that is an ‘enforcer’. Obama is going to win Illinois, there is now way for him not to; Alan Keyes is meant harry, bludgeon, slow him down, bloody his nose, and provoke Obama — there is no other purpose. Why else would he promote such caustic rhetoric?

    gc — your right about that, except for one thing — Jerri Ryan was being forced into it; if she was into the whole thing that would be alright, but even then Jack could only promote it on the sly ;p

  4. gc — your right about that, except for one thing — Jerri Ryan was being forced into it; if she was into the whole thing that would be alright, but even then Jack could only promote it on the sly ;p

    Was she? my bad. i thought she went with him to the clubs and got cold feet at the door, but you may be right, i only paid very partial attention to that story.

    Re: Keyes…I could almost respect that enforcer idea if he wasn’t making lunatic statements. I thought the comments on Barack not being a descendant of slaves were pretty funny, and exactly in keeping with this.

    but calling for reparations? blaming 9/11 on abortion? asking for an end to the popular vote for the senate while running for senate?

    the guy is just becoming an embarrassment. he would have been good if he’d performed a “political suicide bombing” of sorts and just gone negative on obama by bringing up his cocaine use, the slavery descendant thing, etc. That would have been some good political combat – i woulda grabbed some popcorn.

    instead he’s acting like a crazy-ass third party candidate, making wild statements without any ideological consistency.

  5. You might be onto something that Keyes is an enforcer.

    Oddly though, having a high-profile joke as Keyes as an opponent is just giving Obama an opportunity to look more dignified and statesman-like. If nothing else, the additional publicity that Keyes will bring will serve as rocket fuel for the Obama campaign.

    That is, as long as Obama doesn’t let himself get needled or lose his cool. But after seeing his performance at the DNC, I don’t think that will happen.

    I think if we want to talk sportss analogies, this is boxing and Keyes is a “scrub” that is being used to build up an up-and-coming star.