Those legs are weapons of mass distraction, apparently.

lose the socks, please.jpg Don’t these people have anything better to do with their time than pick on a teenager?

Police will provide a huge security detail for Indian tennis star Sania Mirza during a world tennis tournament in Calcutta next week.
The heavy security follows rumours that a radical Islamic group threatened to stop her playing in the tournament unless she changed her on-court dress.

Awesome. Let’s harass one of the few decent athletes India has, it’s a fantastic way to thank her for reaching the fourth round of the US Open.

The radical Islamic group in question is the Jamiat-e-Islami, they claim they haven’t threatened her at all.

“These are rumours, we have not threatened to stop Sania or anybody else from playing,” he said.
“Though it is true that the kind of dress Sania wears offends us – we don’t expect a Muslim girl to wear such skimpy clothes in public.”

Look. If you want to be offended by something Sania wears while playing tennis, go after what’s REALLY outrageous– those horrid black socks she likes. Priorities, people!

Understandably, Sania’s safety is important to the authorities who are taking all threats very seriously.

“We cannot take a chance with the security of someone like Sania,” Calcutta’s additional police commissioner Gautam Chakrabarty said.
“We have deployed the best of our women police, nearly a hundred of them, to guard her both on and off the court and we have made special arrangements to frisk all spectators attending the tournament,” he said.

What does sweeeet Sania have to say about all this nonsense?

Sania Mirza has refused to be drawn into the controversy, merely asking forgiveness “for whatever I have to do on court as an 18-year-old.”

She didn’t write something irreverent about the Prophet Muhammad. She didn’t molest a mullah. She doesn’t have strange hair and a penchant for criticizing Islam. Don’t get it twizzy– she is not the enemy.

68 thoughts on “Those legs are weapons of mass distraction, apparently.

  1. This is a story and a half – e-mailed to me by my Pakistani Christian ex girlfriend:

    LAHORE: Pakistan cricket star Yousaf Youhana announced on Saturday that he had embraced Islam.
    After offering Isha prayers at the house of Pakistan Hardware Merchants Association President Sheikh Imran Daud, Yousaf said he had embraced Islam three years back but he kept it secret due to unavoidable circumstances.
    The top cricketer said there would be no non-Muslim in Pakistan provided the Muslims became true believers and start following in the footsteps of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). “This will also tend to initiate a global wave about embracing Islam by the non-believers,” he observed. “God willing, soon a day will come when Islam will be the sole supreme religion of the world,” he observed.

    That is the Tableeghi Jamaat for you folks – their headquarters in Europe are in Dewsbury, Yorkshire – the town where the ringleader of the London suicide bombers came from.

    What a nightmare –

    The top cricketer said there would be no non-Muslim in Pakistan
    • he was the only Christian in the Pakistan team and used to make the sign of the Cross whenver he reached fifty and a hundred – but the tableeghis just could not tolerate it – amazing stuff.

    If you want to get an idea of why there is so much “alienation” amongst some Pakistani youth in Britain just read the above quotes from Youhana – this is the kind of supremacist dementia the Tableeghi Jamaat are pumping into the heads of Pakistani youth in Britain – and when you get brainwashed with this kind of bakwaas it is no wonder that people turn to violence – the stuff about Israel and the rest is just an excuse.

  2. Punjabi Boy whats wrong with the statement of Yousuf? You even raised objection to Jamaat, where the Crusading American dare not…. these guys are doing propgation for the last century.

    You too are propogating…. sadly hatred.

  3. zak

    Sorry dude – the line wont wash with me – that is a terrible thing to happen, to have Tableeghi Jamaat visiting the Pakistan cricket team and prosletysing – it would be like the RSS visiting the Indian cricket team and telling Harbhajan and Irfan and Kaif to become Hindus – my Pakistani Christian friend is really upset about it and she says its only a matter of a few more years before Christians in Pakistan are finished – and yes, I know the Tableeghi mentality well having grown up amongst them and talked to them many times – and they are a bunch of bigots and lunatics.

    Of course to someone like yourself who has sympathy and love for and cannot see the horror in a statement like this:

    there would be no non-Muslim in Pakistan

    I am not surprised by your posturing – the whole world knows that pointing to hatred is not hatred dude – someone with symapthy for the worldview and ideology for the Tableeghi bigots and lunatics should tread carefully with his accusations and language.

    In England you can see the effects of this kind of supremacist nonsense in the wreckage of the trains and bus in London.

    I’m sorry Zak but that line just doesnt wash anymore – get a new style.

  4. zak, To point out intolerance in certain ideologies and groups affiliated with the Islamic tradition is not hatred against all Muslims. This is a medium to promote understanding, so help us understand your point of view. Instead of crying “hate! hate!” at the mere mention of a group like tableeghi jamaat, why don’t you share your view of the organization? You don’t see ANYTHING wrong with statements like “God willing, soon a day will come when Islam will be the sole supreme religion of the world,” and there will be a day when there are no more non-Muslims in Pakistan?

  5. Zak has no problem with:

    God willing, soon a day will come when Islam will be the sole supreme religion of the world,”

    and says we are propagating hatred because we are angry that Sania Mirza has to have security to protect her from death threats.

  6. Zak,

    There is such a concept as “constructive criticism”. Disapproval does not automatically mean “hatred” — don’t think in such extreme black-and-white terms, because you’re misunderstanding people’s viewpoints and intentions.

  7. If the mullahs and radical Islamic groups disapprove of Sania’s sports attire to such an extent that the former group has submitted a fatwa against her and she requires bodyguards against the latter, then if they truly have the courage of their convictions, perhaps — in the interest of fairness and their alleged integrity — they should also issue fatwas/warnings against actors such as Salman Khan, Shahrukh and Saif. After all, in orthodox Islam, men are also supposed to “dress modestly”, and I would hardly perceive the shirtless depictions of these actors in various films to fit that description.

    I don’t support any such fatwas or threats, of course, but am playing Devil’s Advocate. I wonder why there is such an obsession with female attire whilst the behaviour of Muslim men in this regard is simultaneously being ignored.

  8. I wonder why there is such an obsession with female attire whilst the behaviour of Muslim men in this regard is simultaneously being ignored

    Perhaps the mullahs are more comfortable seeing semi-naked men than women… for some reason seeing women is a similar state disturbs them. I wonder why…

  9. LAHORE: Pakistan cricket star Yousaf Youhana announced on Saturday that he had embraced Islam.

    This is SO sad…….Yousuf Youhana was s sign of hope, an indication that perhaps things weren’t THAT bad in Pakistan after all, wrt Christianity and Hinduism. Okay, if he chose on his own, no problems. But this smacks so much of the “brainwashing” or indoctrination of Muslim youth that so often accompanies profiles on proponents of terorrism.

    Is it really his choice?

    The top cricketer said there would be no non-Muslim in Pakistan

    Sounds a lot like brown-nosing, to me. Is he being forced to do this, in order to survive in the rapidly-being-Islamised Pakistani cricket world?. I guess it won’t be long before he sprts a full beard, like most of the other cricketers mentioed – Anwar, Inzy, Afridi, Saqlain.

    Hell, I guess now we’ll Danish Kaneria (the only Hindu in the Pak team) spout this kind of stuff.

  10. Yeah, that Youhana story was soooo depressing…I don’t even think coercion is an issue, the wider problem is a mileu where onlu one religion has ANY legitimacy, so over time one begins to internalise the dominant worldview…

  11. I don’t even think coercion is an issue, the wider problem is a mileu where onlu one religion has ANY legitimacy, so over time one begins to internalise the dominant worldview…

    Ummmm…isn’t that, like, the entire foundation of the very concept of Pakistan? And yes, I am aware of that one solitary reference to pluralism in that address by Jinnah but that is merely one feeble exception to the norm. Ever since its inception, Paksitan has made extermination of all non-Islamic religions and a deliberate Arabising of the society to disown any links with the infidels next door the core of its nationhood.

    We’re talking about a sick country that names its missiles in memory of those who invaded their land, and raped, pillaged and plundered the pre-Islamic society. It does not surprise anyone – except perhaps a few South Asia-wallahs – that the project to annihilate all traces of non-Islamic identity from Pakistan continues unabated. Let’s not forget that Hindus and Sikhs formed as much as 30% of post-partition Pakistan but today their numbers are down to less than 1%. Why all this hue and cry about Yohana when millions of others before him have already persihed to the sword of Islam in Pakistan?

  12. Punjabu boy, You mentioned about RSS visiting Indian cricket team, why should I have any objection to it. RSS profess to be a social organization and myself was part participated in their shakas. Except telling how shivaji faught, you know whom, and akhand bharat incorporating pak and bangla which I welcome anytime, they have nothing to else to say. Hinduism you said! Well tell me what hinduism you have an audiance here.

    Deepa, am as much with you to condemn, if you point me who issued death threat to beloved Sania.

    Jairaj singh, If only you want to understand, In Islam their is NO, yes absolutely NO priest hood, UNLIKE PADITS OR FATHER AND THE POPE. The concept of Muslims in the grips of mullah is your imagination only. In Islam every muslim has equal right to lead prayers.

    If only u want to understand FATWA, the so damn word, is nothing but an opinion. I can have an opinion as any other muslim can have opinion on issue. IF I say sania is OK for me do you publish it as fatwa, NO absolutely no. becouse you ignore and seek the one that suits you and rant here, how bad these guys are, how intolerent and finally ISLAM needs some reformation.

    Well i wonder why Fob is so sad. well its shocking that he wonder he embraced Islam at Gun point, oh no sword edge.

  13. Zak,

    The RSS is a right-wing fascist organisation in India which openly admires Hitler and wishes to “Hinduise” the whole of India. And, for your information, they don’t exactly like Muslims very much either. As a Muslim it would be worthwhile for you to remember this. And they’re also pursuing an propaganda-fuelled agenda to merge Sikhism into Hinduism, whilst simultaneosly attempting to convince Sikhs (and everyone else) that Sikhism is not actually a separate religion but a “sub-sect” of Hinduism.

    concept of Muslims in the grips of mullah is your imagination only

    Events of the past 25 years indicate othewise. Hell, what’s happened here in the UK also contradicts this, especially when you consider the London bombs.

    You still haven’t answered the questions posed to you regarding whether or not you a) agree with the concept of there ultimately being no non-Muslims in Pakistan, and b) if you agree with the aim of Islam being the dominant, and possibly only, religion in the world.

    By the way, my name is not “Jairaj” — just Jai.

  14. Jai Singh

    Everybody has the right to dream don’t they? So let RSS also. Thanks for the advice, I do know they don’t like Muslims. But I feel the concept of Hinduising the whole India is simple.. …everyone living in in Hindustan is geographically Hindu. Sikhism being part of Hindu, well for that you need to define hinduism. IF idolatry is the basis for defination then Sikhs are not hindus. If any religion/Philosorhy springing from India is basis of Hinduism, then anybody who is not muslim, christian, jew is hindu, which is what the defination of Gov of India.

    As far as me subscribing to views of Yousuf, well that didn’t happen after thousands of Prophets and I don’t see that in near future.

  15. The Tamil Nadu governent should give full protection to Tamil Muslim Heroine DAUD SHARIFA KHANUM. They are wasting crores for a stupid TV distribution scheme filled with illegal sales and muRaiKedu, paNa mOsaDi.

    20 crore rupees for a peNgaL paLLivaasal (women’s mosque) should be throw-away.