Manmohan accepts, then declines Harvard invite

The Harvard Crimson now reports that Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, will not be speaking at Harvard this September.

The Indian Express wrote last week that, following a phone call from University President Lawrence H. Summers, Singh accepted Lamont University Professor Amartya SenÂ’s invitation to speak at the University.

Why the reversal? What gives?

Well according to an article on

The Indian Express had also reported that India’s ministry of external affairs had advised the prime minister not to speak at Harvard as the timing of the lecture would clash with bilateral negotiation appointments. The article had that MEA officials felt that a “meeting with Summers, who was treasury secretary in Bill Clinton’s Democratic administration, could jeopardise relations with the current Republican White House.”

Sigh. Will things never change?

4 thoughts on “Manmohan accepts, then declines Harvard invite

  1. I dunno, seems kinda pragmatic. Something I think Indian officials and ‘electocrats’ should encourage.

  2. What, they shouldn’t come to Harvard to talk about economics b/c the White House might feel threatened by the fact that Manmohan Singh and Larry Summers would end up having dinner together? We’re not talking about hanging with John Kerry at a campaign stop, Summers isn’t evne active in politics any more. This white house has made all sorts of aspects of politics zero-sum that never were before; they’ve taken “you’re either with us or against us” to new levels.