At least She’s safe

nun.jpg I’m an insomniac tonight, but you benefit from what my bloodshot eyes see on the local peacock affiliate. Read what happened to an asset to the abbey:

A Catholic nun who works to provide care for pregnant women was found with only minor injuries after a mysterious abduction from her convent in Southeast Washington yesterday, authorities said.
The 38-year-old nun, known as Sister Liann, was hanging laundry about 6:30 a.m. behind Our Lady Queen of Peace Convent when she noticed a man and woman on the grounds, police said.

Poor Sister Liann–a member of the Missionaries of Charity order that Mother Teresa created–approached the suspicious pair, only to have a blanket thrown over her head as she was forced into a waiting van. I shudder just typing that; I’ve read that once a victim is in a vehicle, their chances are slim to done.

Sister Liann’s peers were alarmed when she didn’t return from her chores to attend 7 a.m. Mass. Once the authorities were alerted, no resource was spared– I’m watching footage of recruits, bloodhounds and even a helicopter, all employed in the search for her.

It’s not clear what the criminals who abducted this nun wanted; they drove her around and later dropped her off two miles from her convent, which runs a soup kitchen among other programs for residents of this troubled neighborhood. Slightly injured (though I haven’t read in what way) she walked to a nearby Catholic church where she waited for help.

Detectives had not determined a motive. They were questioning the woman last night to learn more details. She is from India and speaks fractured English, police said.

D.C.’s archbishop, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick looked perplexed while on NBC 4 news a few minutes ago, as he reminded the public that these nuns “don’t have two nickles to rub together”.

Neighbors and top police officials expressed outrage over the abduction…
Several residents said the neighborhood is violent and a hotbed for drug dealing. The nuns, they said, seemed to take special care with locking their gate at night and keeping a close eye on suspicious people in the area.
“It’s wild,” said James Kelly, 52, who lives across the street from the convent. “The nuns are here helping people out. They would do anything for you. This is just crazy.”

7 thoughts on “At least She’s safe

  1. “Someday a real rain will come and wipe this scum off the streets” -TAXI DRIVER

  2. Now that’s a story that makes you look around and say, ‘WTF???’ People seem to be getting dumber and dumber by the day.

  3. The wankers probably thought that they could get her to finance them with the contents of the collection plate and/or other church assets. And, promptly dropped her back when they found out that she is of no use to them.

  4. Does anyone else find it ironic that a nun from India has come to help the impoverished in the US? 🙂

  5. She’s not necessarily Indian. Firstly, even Mother Teresa was Albanian, but more generally all the nuns in that order wear a sari and dupatta as a habit. So I’ve seen African nuns like that, White North American Nuns, European nuns, etc. all dressed the same way (before you ask, this was all in airport terminals 😉

    The criminals might have figured that while she was poor, other people would pay for her release. She was certainly important.

    More likely, though, they were just dumb.