This debutante is FIERCE

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On Saturday night, yummy Sepia athlete Amir Khan destroyed his opponent David Bailey in what is being hailed as “a stunning debut to his professional career” (thanks, Ananthan). The fight lasted all of 109 seconds. You can’t beat that with a bat, Salman.

Khan floored his opponent almost as soon as the bell went and knocked him down again very quickly.
The towel appeared to come in from Bailey’s corner but the referee seemed not to notice and the fight continued.
Bailey threw a couple of punches but was caught by another fierce delivery from Khan and the referee stepped in.

A previous SM post discussed Khan’s reaction to the London bombings. His point of view seemed especially significant; like those who carried out the attacks, he is a British Muslim of Pakistani descent. Any similarities to the suspected terrorists end right there, however. Khan made his sympathies clear then (during an interview the day before his match) and at the main event itself:

Khan entered the ring to “Land of Hope and Glory” and dedicated his victory to the victims of the London bombings.

How did the teenager with the Olympic Silver Medal for Boxing feel about his debut?

“I was a bit nervous because it was my first fight – I’m going to go home and watch the video and see how it was,” said the teenager.
“I want to be one of the youngest British world champions ever and hopefully it will happen.”

Word, Amir. Show ’em how it’s done.

12 thoughts on “This debutante is FIERCE

  1. Khan: I’ve done far worse than kill you. I’ve hurt you… I shall leave you, as you left me – as you left her. Marooned for all eternity in the center of a dead planet – buried alive!

    Kirk: Khan!

    [Khan closes his eyes in voluptuous satisfaction.]

    Opposite apposite:

    In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure-dome decree : Where Alph, the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man Down to a sunless sea…

    And all who heard should see them there, And all should cry, Beware ! Beware ! His flashing eyes, his floating hair ! Weave a circle round him thrice, And close your eyes with holy dread, For he on honey-dew hath fed, And drunk the milk of Paradise.

  2. thanks anna! nothing like a HOTTIE desi athlete to brighten up my day.

  3. I caught the tail end of the fight on bbc radio, they interviewed some other boxers/analysts afterwards and the consensus was that Bailey was a weak-ish opponent but the fact that Amir beat him so quickly surprised them

    so i guess we’ll have to wait a few more fights to see if he’s the real deal

    the post-fight scene from the radio sounded incredibly chaotic though, they couldnt get khan to stay still for an interview… and then someone pulled the fire alarm in the arena and they went back to the studio

  4. the post-fight scene from the radio sounded incredibly chaotic though, they couldnt get khan to stay still for an interview… and then someone pulled the fire alarm in the arena and they went back to the studio

    sounds like an indian party! 😀

  5. He may only be 17, but that makes him legal to bonk in the UK!!! The REAL reason for my move to London comes out at last!

  6. I’ve read the phrase “tag and release” — like, taking note of a young stud, “tagging” him and then releasing him back into the wild, to claim him later when he’s legal. Heehee. 😉

  7. Sin

    He lives in Bolton! About two hundred miles and fifty miles away from London.

  8. finally, a desi athlete who’s making a worldwide name for himself outside of spelling bees, maths and chess. I hope he goes on to be the champ, it would be great. On the other hand, if this boxing thing doesn’t work out, at least his training will come in handy at the next desi party brawl.