Here’s to you, Mrs…William

All right, stop what you’re doing, ’cause I’m about to ruin…the substance and the style that you’re used to… ๐Ÿ˜‰ Kindly allow me get your mind off that toxic Us vs. Them, anti-ABCD debate. Instead of feeding trolls, peep THIS Hindustan Times article with shotacon overtones :

A 45-year-old Indian woman who operated a telephone sex service has been jailed for five years for seducing a 16-year-old boy, a report said on Wednesday.
Persis William was also fined 2,000 rupees (46 dollars) for having “illicit intercourse with a minor” and using him for “immoral purposes” in a house in Mumbai, a leading newspaper said.

The impressionable youth first called the sex line in 2000. After several months of chee-chee talk, the pervy Mrs. William upgraded from phone call to booty call. Or…perhaps “sugar momma” would be a more apposite term:

She gave him a gold chain, a shirt and three pairs of jeans. The boy stayed with her for 16 days during which time they had sexual intercourse, the newspaper said.

When the boy’s concerned parents contacted the authorities about their missing son, the police found him with his Ephebophiliac lovah. Now before you flame-broil me over it…yes, yes…I feel mildly guilty for my amusement at this story, because if the genders were reversed, I surely would’ve raised an arch. Still, if you think I’m depraved for that inexcusable double-standard, then just remember– I once voted and worked for the GOP. Now that’s some hard-core evil, right thurr. ๐Ÿ˜‰

54 thoughts on “Here’s to you, Mrs…William

  1. Sid, you aren’t alone. Looks like we are all jewish afer all! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Great. Jewish people get equated with pro-Israel lobby groups (as opposed to Chomksy) and we get equated with pro-India lobbyists.

    On a sidenote, here’s some more Times Of India critique from the people at Chiens Sans Frontieres. It’s hilarious:

    A blogger detected that on April 23, 2004 the city supplements of the countryร‚โ€™s leading English daily the Times of India (both of Mumbai and … Kolkata) carried a story titled “Sex and the City” on their front pages. The text of the story and the heading were the same. Since the metros changed, the names of the characters also changed: Ryan in Bombay Times became Raghav in Calcutta Times, Amit Patil (23) became Amit Datta (23) and social psychiatrist Dr.Anjali Chhabria became psychiatrist Dr.Shiladitya Ray and so on. That is not the end of the comedy. Though Anjali Chabbria became Shiladitya Ray in the first paragraph of the Calcutta Times story, in the next paragraph she forgot to change her disguise and remained Anjali. Nobody knows whether the entire story is fictitious or only the characters.

    The audio of the post just below that one is also worht checking out–a desi-in-desistan telemarketer calling British people to sell them mobile phones on the day of the London bombings is also quite…interesting.

  2. I always though The Graduate would make a great movie set among all those posh upper class Indians in Bombay! Mrs Robinson could be played by Rekha or Dimple! I could play Benjamin!

  3. giving my 5 sents to the ABCD-FOB discussion..

    This what I think..

    I think american borns are justified in feeling TOTALLY american and “zero” indian..but unjustified in trying to disassociate themselves with the so-called FOB’s coz THAt becomes an identity issue for them….and interferes with their process and perception of BEING american…thats just STUPID..

    why can’t they just be with them like they would be with say an Italian FOB..and I also disagree with the common notion that FOBs are uncool..and wear chappals(referring to their non-classy ) attires)..The new generation of India and hence the new FOBs getting here have grown up in an awesome culture and have probably seen more of the world (literally and figuratively ) than many ABCD’s (again no generalisations)

    so lets just cool it on the debate..ABCD’s and FOBs are just different people..and since wen did trying and meeting new things and people without prejudice become a bad thing?

  4. there was case in kerala, not so long ago, called the nilagiri rape case. recently a movie was made about it called achanurangatha veedu. i can’t help but draw connections between this one and nilagiri. the girl was 17 and she ran of with a young bus conductor.the guy turned out to be a perve and she was raped, sold, and passed around differnt men. in kerala, overall one of the most liberal states in the country, the girl was treated like a criminal. she was not treated like a naive village girl that was abused by adults. then consider this boy, a city boy who chose to run of with this woman. they treat him like the child he is, but that girl was ostracized by her community. what a long way we have to go.