Meet Talibert

Orwell’s Ministry of Truth (‘Freedom is slavery’) could hardly have done better than the neo-Taliban running Pakistan’s nuttiest province. Americans are familiar with daft states. We call them ‘Florida’:

A controversial new law critics say will seek Taleban-style moral policing has been presented in Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province… The proposed law calls for the establishment of a new department to “discourage vice and encourage virtue.” … hardline religious parties have enough seats in the provincial house to pass the bill.

It will be headed by a cleric called “mohtasib” – one who holds others accountable – to be nominated by the government. The principal duty of the cleric will be to “ensure adherence to Islamic values in public places”… the mohtasib will be required to ensure people pay adequate respect to azan (call to prayers), pray on time and do not engage in commerce at the time of Friday prayers. The mohtasib will also stop unrelated men and women from appearing in public places together and discourage singing and dancing… [Link]

Having already banned alcohol and wedding feasts, they’re now trying to persuade people to like their fundamentalist sect better by beating them in public. It’s motivational genius!

5 thoughts on “Meet Talibert

  1. Dinesh D’Souza got it right when he said “Who can be judged to be more moral? He who chooses of his own free will to be moral or one who is coerced upon pain of death to be moral?”.

    These freaks don’t seem to get it.

  2. I think it was “End of Racism” or “What’s So Great About America”. Not sure. He may have also been quoting someone else. Also I paraphased. Or I may have dreamt it.

  3. “Who can be judged to be more moral? He who chooses of his own free will to be moral or one who is coerced upon pain of death to be moral?”

    I don’t know. Which one is D’Souza? I’ll go with the other one.

  4. Has no one thought of a reality show in which these nuts and their Hindu counterparts, like the RSS, are abandoned on a remote island, with no link to the rest of the world? It’d be more entertaining that the goriest Bollywood underworld drama!

    Dinesh D’Souza could be the referee, which would give him ample data to resolve his conundrum.