I bet their kids are geeks

In news that shocked Edna and Wilbur Johnson of Beulah, North Dakota, it’s been discovered IITians are really, really smart. Mitra covers the big IIT reunion in DC:

… [IIT] alumni say American friends are starting to rank the institution with Harvard and MIT… Shenoy related that when his son, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology student, was asked by a professor where his parents went to college, he replied: “My dad went to IIT and my mom went to MIT.”

In turn, his son’s MIT professor said, ” ‘Your dad went to IIT?’ ” Suresh Shenoy recounted, mimicking an incredulous yet impressed inflection. “My wife hates it,” Shenoy said.

No, I bet their son hates it. IIT + MIT = unholy geekiness. Or perhaps your mom helps you install Linux on your iPod. Hey, that’s actually kinda cool…

36 thoughts on “I bet their kids are geeks

  1. No, I bet their son hates it. IIT + MIT = unholy geekiness. Or perhaps your mom helps you install Linux on your iPod.

    That was hilarious! When I was in high school in Kharagpur, I had many friends whose parents were both professors in IIT. Talk about uber-geekiness!

  2. Do u remember the 60 minutes segment on IIT?

    Some Quotes:

    ‘This might be the greatest school u never heard of’

    ‘Imagine MIT+Harvard+Princeton and u come close to the prestige IIT has across the globe’

    ‘my son couldt get into IIT so I sent him to Carnegie Mellon’

    etc etc…

    There was some exageration in that… but what the hell…We IITians are the best 🙂

  3. IIT people might have a lot of sheer brain power, but industry people usually lament the fact that the IIT students have to be given more training than lets say an MIT grad.

  4. U r right.IITians in general are much better research engineers than practical ones. Afterall most IITians dont go into IIT bcos they r geeks or that they love technology but bcos its their ticket to success.

    U will find IITians making their mark as entrepreneurs,executives etc etc in the corporate world as much as if not more, than in technology. Infact most IIT grads work in software,consulting,investment banking,get MBA’s etc rather than stay as engineers.

    Going to IIT is like getting ur basic education in technology rather than in what Indians consider useless 🙂 areas like liberal arts.

    Right or wrong, in India liberal arts as opposed to engineering,medicine or similar fields are considered trivial pursuits; a luxury affordable only by the rich and idle.

  5. iit is an absolutely amazing institute but it needs to mature… i got in but decided to come to the states for undergrad on a scholarship what about geo-economics and world politcal issues’ awareness what about communication and public speaking skills what about inter-personal and inter-gender skills… what about dreaming beyond becoming a ceo in an mnc….

  6. iitians r good but not better than us. MIT is 100000000000000 times better than IIT. how many students r there in IIT who have qualified JEE without any coaching or tution. they r not more intelligent than u if they were they should not have spend thousands of money in coaching or they don;t need any coaching. but are common people need to be coached that how to solve a problem given in book! theu r like u. nearly Rs. 200000 goverment(our money) is spending on IITians what have u got from them?? 0(ZERO) inventions they have done in last 50 years then y r we lifting them up. MIT does lot of research n they serve people via technology, education n god’s blessings.

  7. Jatin the MIT guy….(o my god 1000000000000 better???god’s blessing??!!!what are you talking about…!!!) Whats wrong with trying be 1 in a 100 with the help of a little coaching?its not like they are giving you the question papers…you are studying and working hard for it(you do know that IQ can be increased, right?)…Most big institutions abroad have an applicants to seat ratio of 1:8 only.I’m not saying getting into MIT is any easier, but all said and done, IITs are one of the toughest to get in the world over and their quality of education and brains is something to reckon with, to say the least… Yeah, like you suggested MITians aren’t common people…because common people find it hard to afford colleges like that!Face it…the cost makes the entrance biased toward the rich… The IITs are open to almost everyone and this is thanks to the expenditure of the govt! ABOUT research….you are paid much, much more in institutions aboard for the same research work and thats why they have a higher degree of inventions and research work. Besides Infosys’s founder Murthy was an IIT and so were others who are responsible for India’s IT position. Don’t worry dude, this myth of grad not giving back to India has long gone….Last year, only 5-10 of the 3700 grads of the IITs went abroad…. I’ll talk about the IIMS some other time…digest this first…

  8. jatin on July 8, 2007 01:21 PM · Direct link … what have u got from them?? 0(ZERO) inventions they have done in last 50 years

    Jatin, you asked the question which all the conformist Indian graduates are afraid to ask, you made them uncomfortable dude…lmao.. Any question on research to IITs makes them infuriate ( defence mechanism of humans ) . The graduates of West excel in International Maths, Physics Olympiad, IBM software challenge, crack all theoritical physics and maths problems( No “brainy” IITian wins there 🙁 ).. but hey IITians work as slaves in organizations.. Whos got the brain ?

    Two kind of people generally adore IITians 1) All Desis cos it makes them feel better about Indians 2) Naive people in west who have no clue about technology

    All Others see IIT as joke and IITians as immature people blowing up their own toots.

  9. just try the entrance test for IIT and i am sure that it is going to knock your balls off. It is ten times harder than the course you come across in your first year at MIT.

  10. @ jatin on July 8, 2007 01:21 PM let me tell u one thing bro….sometime back IIT JEE(JOINT ENTRANCE EXAMINATION) paper was shown to the profs. of the MIT and u know what he was literally knocked down by the level of the paper and what u said about the ratio of the level of IIT and MIT u mentioned it to be 100000000000, sorry to say but i think u r poor at counting digits in a no.Regarding coaching why don’t u try JEE without coaching u will get to know what u r talking about.So, next time when u think of posting such a weird comment, THINK AGAIN.

  11. @ Jatin and Manny.

    Get your facts correct first, then do the talking.

    I suppose both of you guys don’t like maths, do you ? Well if you did you would certainly know that a work carried out at one of the IITs fetched a Godel and Fulkerson Prize. Both these prizes belong to the league of prizes comprising of them and the Fields Medal. And for the record there have been several such inventions and discoveries at the IITs in the past 50 yrs. Obviously you are not aware of them. I am not into IIT vs MIT battle, its just that you two guys don’t seem to be aware of what the IITs have given to this world. On a personal note, Jatin you seem to know so less about your own institute, cause I know that some of the professors and even HODs at MIT are IIT graduates.

  12. No institute is good because it takes in good students. Nor because its prof. r good. But because it gives back good minds to the world. Nd for ur guy’s very kind information, iit follows mit’s syllabous. So Mr. Jatin, follow ur rule nd dont comment until u indeed have perfect information.

  13. heya, I m an under grad from iit r,…n it needs alot to get into IIT n cracking the jee….who dont get into, spread wrong information about them…IITians have BRAINS!!..thats why they succeed in all fields..:)..but one thing i dont feel good is that most of people have earning good ONLY as their motive…but infact doing innovative things shud be the…money comes behind that…

  14. Heyyy…every 1…listen..you can’t compare IIT with MIT bcoz :

    1. The admission procedure is entirely different…MIT also looks for your school marks, your volunteering, your writing capabilities…but this is not in the case of IITs….the IIT-JEE is set too tough…

    2. The teaching methodologies are different…MIT focuses on practical learning whereas IITs on theoritical learning….

    And for those who think coaching for IIT-JEE is unfair :

    1. If you will come 2 India…u will be amazed to see the competetion in IIT-JEE

    2. Every1 wants to study Computer Science/Electrical/Mechanical engineering….to study these branches…1 has to be in top 1000 out of 8000-9000 in JEE ranking….others get low branches…so coaching makes it easier for student for getting top ranks….Coaching Institutes don’t provide us the IIT-JEE paper….it just acts as an catalyst…

  15. hey guys iit and mit cannot be compared ..once u get into iit it is the way u live in there and the way u mingle with professors work and it all works on the impression and if iit ians are very good they how come many are addicted to drugs it is the study pressure or what ..mit is more of practical ……than just mugging in the coaching ….

  16. @Manny U should check out the level of IIT JEE and then comment on MIT vs IIT issue. For your very kind information, International Physics and Maths Olympiads are being WON (you heard me right) by IIT toppers every year. Last year, the JEE topper scored full marks in the physics Olympiad, and the rest of the team too scored gold medals.

    get your facts right. read the news sometime, it will help.

  17. I agree that IIT-JEE is a tough exam to crack, and requires all your intelligence. Therefore the IIT-JEE toppers are extremely bright and intelligent. But, till now, I have never heard any IITian doing something good for the environment or people, in other words making a great invention for protecting environment. I am trying to say is that they know to solve problems, but what great research has any IITian done till now. It is good to crack exams and top olympiads, but not so great. You need to ultimately prove yourself by the work you done that benefits mankind and nature, and not being proud of just getting a single-digit rank in IIT-JEE.

  18. Well, to be completely honest, IIT students are generally extremely well-endowed when it comes to raw brainpower. However, as demonstrated in multiple previous comments, raw brainpower is little more than a curiosity, a mere parlor trick useful for entertaining guests at an evening party, or professors at rival universities. It is a little known fact that human beings with the IQ of 140 are as capable of gripping complex ideas as those with the IQ of 180. It is what is done with this mental prowess that is critical. I would’ve considered going to IIT had I not been offered a place at the University of Cambridge. It’s 800 years old, has produced 85 nobel laureates till date (and by way of teaching and research is affiliated with several more), and frankly, even here a stellar IQ like that common in IITians is rare. However, there has fairly obviously been no lack in output! I believe it is the same case with an institution like MIT.

    I believe that assimilating a super think tank like IIT’s selectiveness is capable of doing has tremendous potential. Unfortunately, as things stand right now, this potential remains grossly untapped. Until IIT can create the environment that fosters consistently groundbreaking work, year after year, like Cambridge and MIT do, it will remain unplottable on the map of the world’s best universities.

  19. Ok I agree that the exam of IIT is the most difficult in the world but ask any professor at IIT and he will tell u that the IIT exam doesn’t test the aptitude or intelligence of a child it just test the mugging capacity of a child. It test if one can work hard, so hard that he actually ruins up his life and does not get any chance to discover himself. IIT can only provide a brand name there is no experience in IITs. There is no personality development. No contacts no exposure I would prefer to send my child to Purdue University than send him to IIT Bombay. Even Purdue is a lot better than IITs. IIT’s cannot help you in business world.

  20. Hi guys, I did my undergrad in ECE from IITKGP followed by postgrad from one of the state univs in US (call it xSU). will not tell you the year to preserve my identity though. After reading all the comments and based on my first-hand experience, i must agree to some of the observations made here. First up, I believe that IITians are more capable of solving math/technical problems than most other people. Second, I saw a stark difference between the environments at IITKGP and xSU; while i felt completely suffocated at IITKGP, i felt the exact opposite xSU. at IIT, I did not/could not/would not do any research, did not produce any valuable output, and hated my advisor and other profs for their high-handedness. On the other hand, at xSU, I absolutely loved my advisor, loved to attend theory classes, had fun solving research problems and writing papers.

    I do not know whether it was a problem with me, or the environment, or the profs at IITKGP. But i am sure that IITKGP has a lot to improve on. Only then we will see good quality research output from there.

  21. I think it is pointless comparing IIT and MIT. Each has its position in its domain. Look at plus points of each. My child is in IITB and is quite active in technology projects. Can anyone guide me about the qualities required to get admitted to MIT Graduate courses? Also, you can point me to forums, useful URLs etc.

  22. POSTED EARLIER what about geo-economics and world politcal issues’ awareness what about communication and public speaking skills what about inter-personal and inter-gender skills… what about dreaming beyond becoming a ceo in an mnc….

    well ur ignorance is quite amusing.the aforesaid only may apply to a part but not to the bulk. its not just the education in iit but also the whole plethora of opportunities u get to develop your personality u have debating ,drama ,music and other clubs which expose u to competitions on a national and in some cases international level. also each and every thing is managed by the students.There are annual techno/cultural festivals in all iits in which students organize every thing, right from manual labor to acquring sponsors,and hence my sarcasm regarding developing inter-personal,communication skills. WELL whats wrong with dreaming of becoming a ceo in mnc,if you are among the few in millions who actually can.AND ANYWAY ITS A PERSONAL CHOICE.STUDENTS HERE LOVE ENG. AND MANY OPT TO PURSUE HIGHER STUDIES AND GO INTO REASEARCH.


  23. I am a student from India not from IIT or any other government founded institutions . . I want to talk of methodology to get into IIT . . Almost 90 percent of student making to IIT go for coaching from 10 th standards onwards . Total money needed is 2.5 lakhs <5500$> . . There are people who can’t afford such prices for getting their son into IIT , given they Do Not Have Awareness , of what kind of investment this might turn out in future . . Ok people who do Get into IIT , their fee for entire 4 years is just the same plus they get so much of scholarship . . See the graph . “YOU PAY SO MUCH TO GET SOME TRAINING TO HAVE RIGHT INTUITION FOR 6 HOURS IN JEE EXAM , AND THEN FOR 4 YEARS IN YOUR INSTITUTION YOU PAY ABSOLUTELY NOTHING”

    So What about students whose parents did’t paid for coaching classes . . They have to take admission in three tire private engineering colleges and pay 10 times more than what they would have paid if they had coaching . Even worse . The job oppourtunies ONLY {ZERO RESEARCH } being provided is 100 times less than that provided by IIT , no chance of going abroad . . I don’t think that God Is so Biased in distributing Intelligence that 60 percent of JEE selected students are from [KOTA,RAJASTHAN] . . And rest of people have to compromise on this . I have relatives and friends who had no better IQ than me in high school but their parents realized this investment and send them for coaching classes , and now they study practically for no Fee at IIT . And i have to pay 10 times more than them . . And zero research chances , placements of 5 thousands rupees per month maximum that can be hoped for . . For me.

    IIT ARE NOT OPEN TO EVERYBODY , THEY ARE OPEN ONLY TO RICH and smart . they are really closed to straight forward students and parents . MIT /STANFORD ARE IN REALITY OPEN TO EVERYBODY in terms of money and thinking as well . .

    And KOTA Coaching really provide the questions , work out their year long problem sets and test papers and 40 percent of questions wILL Appear In JEE For sure . . Google and see the market they have created for ONLY ONLY THEORITICAL TRAINING . MIT on admission is much better since it tests all other skills or complete skills of a student

  24. @Rahul, i disagree with you, at least partially. IIT is NOT for rich and english speaking population from cities. The reason why English Test was removed from JEE in seventies was that government wanted to people with raw analytical skill, raw intelligence to get into IIT, irrespective of their english language skills or oratory skills –those things can be tought, but not raw intelligence or ability to grasp complex mathematical concepts. At least during my stays at IIT (in nineties), I saw more people from small towns, villages, than from mega cities. I saw significantly large number of students from small towns who were good at maths/physics/chem, and could have been rejected by any of the “elite colleges” in big cities where money, proficiency in english are required. There are medical/engg colleges in Karnataka where I know for sure, you would need to pay 20L+ to buy a seat. What about that?

    On the other hand, i do agree with you partially. The culture of coaching institute based admission into IT has mushroomed, but it is NOT IITs fault!! in fact, these guys are doing there best to minimize this culture. the culture has flourished not because of IIT, but because of we the people. We are at fault in trying to find a way to get things done somehow. Do not blame IITs — they did not invent JEE in sixties to help coaching center flourish in nineties, they invented JEE so that bright students, who are good at math/analytical skills, irrespective of caste, creed, place of birth/living, proficiency in english, “connections”, looks, “smart-ness”, can get into IIT and becomes engineers, who, in the best case would do something for the society, and in the worst-case, would earn enough money to uplift their families standard of living.

    Coaching class? my family scraped through to pay my schools tuition fee, which was only Rs.1K per month. And there are many many more IITians like me, more than the “rich, coaching class-bred IITians”.

    Know the facts before you talk.

  25. i diagree with rAHUL,AND HERE’S WHY. “IIT ARE NOT OPEN TO EVERYBODY , THEY ARE OPEN ONLY TO RICH and smart .” please visit an iit campus and and then comment.AS a student of iit i can tell u from my experience that a majority of iit junta belong to middle class. iits do not promote this coaching culture.yes there are coaching insti. springing evry where but u make it sound as if there is no hope for the others.i did not take coaching same as many of my friends.the jee pattern keeps on changing each year just to keep these insti’s guessing. In fact at iitg students are prohibited from imparting coaching(for money). ps:no offense intended

  26. Its not about the institutes.Its about the thinking.Solving complex mathematical problems and working hard has nothing to do with creativity.Its the peace within which leads to creation.Its the knowledge of self which is more important.Human brain cannot be compared.All Sciences are nothing but freedom of mind.If we are just earning for a living and physically working day and night,its merely a waste of life.Technology is nothing but materialism.True mind has reached its fulfillment in every age and every condition. Its not about India or US,its not about IIT or MIT,its not about brain its all about your own fulfillment of self.When we are happy with our self its true success. Basically we all are sexual creatures but it is when we suppress our sexual thoughts we progress in materialistic world.But creativity comes when we live natural way.What i found in IITs case is that by cramming and working hard,and repessing sexual urges they are able get into IITs but as this is not natural their creativity is lost. These are all my confused thoughts.If you can make out little the purpose is solved.

  27. We cant blame some our IIT friends for their furious arguments. The years of intense hard work and training have made them obsessed with their schools. I had appeared for the entrance exam 7 years back but didn’t cleared it. Without wasting much time I shifted to Science and did reasonably well there.Currently, I am doing my PhD in an American University..

    To be honest I found it really tough to crack JEE not for my lack of intelligence, but due to my inability to cram things in a very limited time. Rather I found myself eligible for a carrier in science by failing in the test. I honestly think that someone with a Scientific Temper and rational thinking would find it really tough to crack IIT.

    I still remember the courses in Physics and Chemistry I studied for the entrance exam. The most fundamental ideas like the Quantum theory and Thermodynamics were taught in the worst possible manner and the exams miserably failed to serve its purpose since I found my friends who never comprehended these very basic and beautiful concepts topping the class. Quantum Mechanics is usually beyond the grasp of some one who has just done his high school. I was really disturbed and unsatisfied by these intricate but beautiful ideas of science and have spent a lot of time trying to resolve things for which I even had to risk my performance in some of the exams.

    I was really shocked to hear from a few IIT aspirants that these are the topics they found the most easy. One reason may be the fact that very few equations( The wave equation, debroglie equation and the uncertainty equation) are involved in the basic Quantum Mechanics at school. Of course they would find it easy since they can juggle with these few equations easily to solve problems.

    The real funny thing I found is that the first year of the +2 Physics applies a lot of Calculus and linear algebra to build up the concepts and these courses in mathematics comes next year in the curriculum. Still students manage to score maximum in their first year physics. The courses in Mathematics are the most ridiculous. Students integrate ,integrate and integrate for years actually dont know actually what integration is. They know how to integrate but dont know when, why and what to integrate.

    I still remember an article by a medical researcher who has clever enough to rediscover the concept of Integration.

    ( A mathematical model for the determination of total area under glucose tolerance and other metabolic curves. M.M. Tai. Diabetes Care, Vol 17, Issue 2 152-154).

    . I was shocked to see that the article were cited 75 times in a few months. It means that these 75 researchers who had a basic education in mathematics found something new in this idea which Sir Newton had proposed 300 hundred years ago. They just never knew that they were using these tricks to top their exams and become what they are now.

    It is really unfortunate that the examination systems in India to choose the cream of the students to the top Institutes have turned out to be ridiculously bootless. .

  28. @sujith what?? iitjee is cracked by cramming??dude, what r u talking about? u cram for 10 years and still u can’t clear jee. i cleared jee this year but found nothing to cram…

  29. Animesh, I appreciate that you made it. I just wanted to say that with the effort you put into it you can find a position in a North American university ten times better than IIT . I am doing research in Chemistry, and you may have a look at http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/news/2007/april/23040701.asp , which provides the top living chemists ranked based on there contributions. In a very long list of about five hundred you would find only two Indian chemists, but not any where in the top. A few more Indians names appear but none of them are educated in India.

          And here is a list of the most sought after research supervisors , http://careerchem.com/RECRUITMENT-CHEMISTRY/Advisors.pdf  .You wont fight an Indian in the list. So do you think someone should take the trouble of getting into IIT or IISc to do research when you can find a place abroad at much less effort. He can put that effort into something bigger than getting into IIT.

    The word cramming is often misleading. By cramming I don’t mean the process of learning by heart the way we learn the English alphabets. By cramming I mean the lack of the questioning attitude. You test students by asking questions on the subject . But are they ever judged by the pertinent questions they can ask about the subject. You learn the formula E=MC^2 and do you ever think what on earth that means?

    So do you think I should have tried to stay back and look for a position at IIT or IISc? I admit it cost more time and effort to make it to the IIT. That may be due to the very limited number of seats.

    I presume that you are much younger to me. I feel that you are very bright and gifted and if you ever dream about a research carrier please try to quit India. You will have a better time in US. If you bother to judge something as easy or tough recall the quote by Einstein,

    “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex… It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.” Albert Einstein

  30. I am an IITian and I agree with you Sujith on principle but not on practicality.

    The competitive nature of JEE means that the aspirants have to do better than their peers in the exam, which means marks foremost and not necessarily understanding. The coaching institutes and the declining quality of the question papers make it easier to score more.

    I cleared jee in 2k5(perhaps the last year with mains written paper), and during my preparation I worked through the older mains paper. The older papers(pre-2k) were significantly harder and much different from what I encountered during my years. And I am certain that without a thorough understanding, it would have been impossible for someone to write appreciable answers to them.(mains papers)

    “I still remember the courses in Physics and Chemistry I studied for the entrance exam.The most fundamental ideas like the Quantum theory and Thermodynamics were taught in the worst possible manner and the exams miserably failed to serve its purpose since I found my friends who never comprehended these very basic and beautiful concepts topping the class.”

    Does this mean that you took coaching somewhere? Most coaching institute do not operate on the principle of understanding but maximisation of marks in fixed amount of time. Even when teaching for principles, my friends in coaching institutes were taught concepts in a way not in order to understand themselves per se but in order to solve problems. IIT aspirants who have to maximise their advantage, will rather take quantity of topics covered over quality of preparation when the threshold of marks is higher.(not to say I did the same, for I left out some topics during my preparation, too lazy heh)

    Then, engineers are not scientists. Engineers don’t have to propose hypotheses and theories, they have to found solutions to engineering problems. So they tend to delve in theory less. Most of the guys here have to get jobs that pay well and generally not jobs in research. Secondly, most of the exam culture here rewards cramming, the syllabus is huge for each semester and suffice to say, grades are got by last week cramming than musing on the subject material for all four months. Job oriented focus makes most of the things taught redundant anyway. When you come from middle classes, research based jobs requiring at least some amount of post-graduate studies are not the priority. 4 years of boredom with studies here also swears the majority off any further studies. So once our country is sufficiently rich, I believe we will see much more of research.

    “I still remember an article by a medical researcher who has clever enough to rediscover the concept of Integration.”

    What he has done is approximating an integral, which any child with basic geometrical knowledge, knowing the formulae for the area of rectangles and triangles can accomplish. The abstract of the article: “OBJECTIVE–To develop a mathematical model for the determination of total areas under curves from various metabolic studies. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS–In Tai’s Model, the total area under a curve is computed by dividing the area under the curve between two designated values on the X-axis (abscissas) into small segments (rectangles and triangles) whose areas can be accurately calculated from their respective geometrical formulas..”

    “It means that these 75 researchers who had a basic education in mathematics found something new in this idea which Sir Newton had proposed 300 hundred years ago. They just never knew that they were using these tricks to top their exams and become what they are now.”

    1)Medical 2)researchers. Not the best of comparisons. 😉

    And finally, career, not carrier. Since I saw it twice.

    other poster:

    “What i found in IITs case is that by cramming and working hard,and repessing sexual urges they are able get into IITs but as this is not natural their creativity is lost.”

    repressing sexual urges? lol dude haven’t you heard “apna haath jagannath” Repressing sexual urges might be unnatural, but most of our social behaviour is unnatural. Even creativity is unnatural.

  31. btw I was searching for the average IQ of an IITian when google’s machinations landed me here. Sorry for posting on a necro topic, had a look around and will probably hang around and lurk in the shadows. 🙂

  32. i faild in iit this year, hahaha funny shit that was. i was using ‘tukka’. Never studied whole year. fuck u iit 🙂

  33. @amber : and others . . There is no way that english and other relative smartness will compensate for raw analytical skills . I am talking about raw skills only . . What these coaching classes do is that they polish the candidates so well that he can work as if he had a good grasp of the concepts of science and math . . What about the innocent guys who had some raw intelligence but did’t had a chance of being taught by some “good” teachers , and their raw skills degraded with time . By the time they realised this they find themselves in so much of intense and severe competinon that they can breakdown . . . What about these students? They have to live the rest of their lives in average way . Whole society respects IIT guys , and tHAT too BLINDLY , and correctly so , what IIT teaches in 4 years , no other college in India teaches even in their “PHD” . . . I am not saying that JEE is impossible without coaching . . But the investment for getting trained for JEE is impossible for some people . .

    Recently IIT had an agenda that the fee was raised to be 2.5 lakh per annum .so as to make them “self dependent” . This was rejected by the Indian Government claiming that people won’t be able {afford} to study there . . How ironical is that ? Lol? People pay 3 lakh to get into that place and then they won’t be able to pay there ??lol?? And about junta in IIT :HOW MANY STUDENTS WOULD HAVE REJECTED THE IIT’S OFFER OF STUDYING THERE , after passing JEE , IF THE FEES WERE TOO HIGH , “”I HOPE THERE WON’T BE ANYONNE IN THIS country who would GENERALLY reject studying there . . . And IIT DID’T CREATED COACHING . . . ha ha ha ? Where do the faculty in bansal , resonance , fiitjee comes form ? IIT Only . . Go to any town or city and you will find a number of Boards On Roads”” “MATHEMATICS FOR IIT JEE “by Mahesh S c””“” who created that B tech IITx degree that drives people crazy and that Man makes loads and loads of money just by IIT name . . Somebody said that IITg have barred the students from delivering coaching . Why not all other IIT . Why haven’t every IIT made an obligation on every IIT graduate that he should tell people that JEE without coaching is possible . But it’s too late . . IIT have already projected enough CRAP , morally corrupt , money minded . People in indian society . All making money just by “guiding” the students” . Via that “B TECH IITx” degree . . . . .

  34. The gap between iit’s and nit’s is rapidly diminishing even some of the the BITS colleges are getting ranked above iit’s the level of iit’s 10-15 years back has now crumbled terribly and no iitian has the right to talk nusiance about “The MIT ” its undisputedly the no. 1 in all aspects !! pls check the world rankings , make a bit detailed study and then talk rubbish the first iit comes at no.41 in the world and the second one is far off not even 4 iits are in top 100 institutes this shows the level of iits in the world Whereas MIT is always no. 1 also the placements of NIT ,IIT and BITS graduate are nearly the same afterall its your understanding of the subject and skill in job determines your success not the college brand name you carry

  35. i think only IIT bombay , kharagpur ,kanpur and chennai are standard the rest are IIT’ s only for name sake and even these are degrading day by day due to “various” reasons its all better at the NIT’s and BITS colleges