
For your kitschy pleasure:

‘Indian God.’ A music vid of Ganesh as petulant recording artist.

I’m a fuckin’ Indian god, baby that’s a fact
I’m a fuckin’ Indian god, girl I want you baaack
How can you leave an Indian god, baby that’s fucked up…

Fuckin’ Indian god, man, you can’t leave that.
It’s too good, mmm!

He said he’s an Indian god, baby, not a fuckin’ songwriter. Watch the video.

‘Handy Hindus’ finger puppets. They’re Hindu gods done up Elmo / Sesame Street style in cheap plastic.

‘Hindi Bendy’ toy. Here’s a quick way to make money: take a boring old toy, slap on a bindi and add some extra arms.

Here’s their entire section of Hindu products; Archie McPhee sells novelty products by mail-order:

“I study customer’s actual orders. I see 100 voodoo dolls going to a software firm in Palo Alto. What does this mean? A Manhattan buyer wants every nun and Catholic religious item we carry and wants them by air. What’s the rush? And here’s yet another order to Japan. What are they doing over there with all this glow-in-the-dark string they order?”

Lest you think they specifically tweak Hindus, you should see the rabbi punching puppet and the bobble-headed Jesus. They don’t sell Islamic novelties, can’t imagine why.

11 thoughts on “Kitsch-mish

  1. Turn your fingers into powerful Hindu gods with these Handy Hindu Finger Puppets.

    Um, I own these. And that line is EXACTLY why I bought them. There’s a rumor that I cheer friends up by portraying Ganesh with a weird Elmo-esque voice: “Don’t worry….I’ll remove your obstacles!”

    Wow. Mom would kill me.


  2. Hindi Bendy’s long road to enlightenment is chronicled on the back of his package.

    Either a short road or a large package!

    The smoking baby is also pretty awesome.

    Is the Indian version of this one with ears instead. I have some “uncles” that could serve as models.

  3. Talk about creating cultural commodities! Interesting, creative but somehow unpleasurably playful.

    The song, what’s with that one….the “Gods must be Crazy..Oops Fuckin’ crazy.

  4. To say the least – that music video and song is fuckin disgusting. I am not sure what purpose it serves. I guess in name of freedom of speech, these nuts can do anything.

    If he made this using islamic god or prophet, his dick would have perhaps been cut by now but I guess we are at best silly Hindus.

  5. Thats what I was thinking, but didnt want to say, for fear of being seen as a prude of conservative. I’m not a Hindu, but I winced when I saw that language being used in the video of Ganesh, Its very offensive, and its not even trying to make a point, its just offensive for the sake of it.

  6. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. (Reinhold Niebuhr)

  7. i have that krishna clock. except it’s not krishna, it’s shiva. and it wakes you up by going “om namah shiva”.

    my parents found it somewhere and then obviously had to buy one for all of our relatives.

  8. hell i’m (nominally) christian, and drunk, and i was offended by the ganesh video… my reaction was along the lines of OMG WTF… i was so surprised that i only thought the letters, not the actual words they stand for.

  9. May the Lord have mercy on your soul for the website you have created and the outrageous insult on other culture’s beliefs. I hope you repent before your time on Earth is ended or you will pay for horibble attributes to the world for the rest of eternity.

  10. All the Google links to Archie McPhee’s website for Hindu finger puppets, including this one, come back “Item not found”.

    Does anyone know another source???

