Female runners targeted in Pakistan

From the perspective of religious extremists, at least this is somewhat logical — if you’re trying to enslave women, you definitely don’t want them training to outrun you:

A week ago baton-wielding men threw petrol bombs and torched vehicles at a mini-marathon in Gujranwala, 135 miles south of Islamabad. The race – one of the first to allow female participation – ended with police firing tear gas and making more than 50 arrests. The threat of further violence forced the cancellation of other mini-marathons at the weekend in a direct challenge to President Pervez Musharraf’s policy of “enlightened moderation”. [The Guardian]

The Guardian: Mullahs target women runners

11 thoughts on “Female runners targeted in Pakistan

  1. If all these Islamic fundie men are really sooooo worried about women’s honor being sullied by other men, why not just give them all guns? Then, if a man assaulted her or made lewd comments, she could just take out his kneecaps. I bet that would solve the problem of the honor-threatening Islamic male gaze fairly fast. 😉 And then men and women could live peacefully without women needing to run marathons separately and in headscarves, for crying out loud.

    Here in London health authorities are having to make a concerted effort to educate Muslim women about their health (Bangladeshi women in particular have the most problems) because they won’t/can’t exercise. I was swimming the other day while a school class was there (about 8 or 10 years old, I think), and all the girls in headscarves were sitting off to the side doing their homework rather than in the pool like everyone else. How can Muslims sexualize something like gym class for children? Better hope their kids are never on a sinking boat, I guess.

  2. Hothead! You’re … here! Wow. I loved your work! About gym classes though, I think we’re probably moving (back) towards single sex gym classes for a number of reasons. I’ve seen studies that show that most women (Americans) are more comfortable exercising in a single sex environment. Given that the purpose is to encourage fitness, I guess I would have no opposition. Then again, I’m no longer a 15 year old male!

  3. Actually, what’s worrisome is that the Talibanization of Pakistan is spreading beyond backward areas into the mainstream. Musharraf is striking the same grand bargain with the fundies as the house of Saud, and it’s just as dangerous.

  4. Our women dont need to run wild with their dupattas flying around and their upper front area heaving. Such Western imports should be rejected. I am glad some men in Land of the Pure still have enough manliness left in them to teach these western posers a lesson.

  5. Hmm, I’m guessing the above post is an Al M imposter? I thought he was more moderate than that.

  6. I hope he’s being sarcastic, but as I always find myself wondering, who says that the men have to stand there watching the heaving of the breasts and the fluttering of the dupattas (which, as we may all remember, are the world’s greatest turn-on device)?

    I suppose hiring gay men to supervise said races would be a tenable situation, but it would cause some degree of Catch-22, nahin?

  7. Yes, I am being sarcastic. I guess my id gives the impression that I am some sort of a radical, while the real reason I have this id is to mock the Islamists by keeping this id and promoting secular causes at the same time.

  8. Our women dont need to run wild with their dupattas flying around and their upper front area heaving.

    Surely they have sports bras in Pakistan? Doesn’t help the dupatta problem, but it’s a start. Unless men get turned on by the uniboob….

  9. andrea

    The dupatta is the scarf that Pakistani and Indian women wear as an accessory to their traditional clothes, and they can cover their heads with it or wear it loose.

    I suppose they could use it as a sports-bra, hey thats an innovation, kind of sexy actually.