Sepia Mutiny: By the Numbers

Number of Blog Posts on Sepia Mutiny: 1000+ as of today

Number of Comments: 5900+

Number of Fundamentalists (of one cause or another) that now hate us: 3598

Number of times my mom has started speaking in Gujarati because she thinks my phone is bugged because of SM: 6

Number of bomb threats at SM headquarters: 3

Number of times either Apul or I have met Rohini Reese after becoming bloggers: 0

Number of dates/lovin’ ANY of us have gotten because of SM: 0

Your continued visits to our site: PRICELESS (until you are hopelessly addicted and we can find a way to charge a price for this)

We at Sepia Mutiny would like to continue to thank our wonderful readers (except the prick that mailed us a picture of the Voodoo dolls of the seven of us). Earlier today we blogged our 1000th post. We STILL haven’t jumped the shark. We will all be getting s*it-faced in the basement of our North Dakota headquarters tonight. If you can find us you are more than welcome to join.

26 thoughts on “Sepia Mutiny: By the Numbers

  1. i’m glad your site is around. definitely provides interesting reads throughout the day and some worthwhile debates. hell, i’ve been looking for something like this online for years. congrats on the milestone, and hopefully there will be many more.

  2. until you are hopelessly addicted and we can find a way to charge a price for this

    Ever think about Google Ads? And if you all did not want to profit from SM, you could even donate proceeds to a neutral charity or something (maybe even after server costs).

    Though I personally think it’s acceptable for you all to profit from this blog. It seems like you all have put in a lot of work to this site, and it shows πŸ™‚

    Just a thought.

  3. Love the new rotating banner by the way πŸ˜‰

    I second that. Very nice looking.

  4. This website is an absolute must. Great work guys and girls… think about Google ads! Nice little beer money earner.


  5. congrats guys =) i feel like i’ve learned more from reading this blog recently than from all those college classes.

  6. In all seriousness (rare moment) you guys rock, this is my #1 favorite website. The day is not complete unless I’ve snickered and snorted or gotten thoroughly riled up at reading the day’s postings. Congratulations on your millenium posting!!

  7. You’re bookmarked both at home and work and are one of my daily “must reads.” Keep it up, all!

  8. Congrats. I am waiting for SM’s sassy little cousin from Calcutta to show up and turn your worlds upside down with his/her precocious charm.

  9. Great job guys! I never made time for any websites before but that’s changed now. A few friends have also picked up the same habit. It’s nice to finally have a site like this…

    Number of dates/lovinҀÂℒ ANY of us have gotten because of SM: 0

    Abhi, just wait until I move to LA. but can we skip the date?

  10. Hey who you callin’ a fundamentalist and who said I hate you guys?

    Seriously, though, good work. And ditto on the Google ads: you have enough traffic for it. I wonder what the ads would be for? India Abroad matrimonials, Starbucks chaitealatte (insert your own lame jokes here)……

  11. Just want to echo the statements above. Thank you for making my days at work less soul-stripping.

  12. Congrats guys… “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. -voltaire”

  13. Ineresting site..keep up the good work You ABCDs are running riot though and a few more FOB and hot blooded desis are required to keep you “confused” guys out of the woods.. πŸ˜‰

  14. “basement of our North Dakota headquarters”

    Wait, did you actually manage to snag one of these for your headquarters?? They’re all over ND…

    Abhi, this particular North Dakota girl would go on a date with you because she is absolutely fascinated by your blogging personality.

    Keep up the great blogging!

  15. Hey ND, YES! You have deciphered the nature of our abode. This leads me to believe that you are either exceptionally clever and live in North Dakota OR you have been sent by someone to infiltrate our group by beguiling me with flattery. Either way I now have a reason to like the great state of North Dakota besides this blog. Thanks! πŸ˜‰