Just a little to the left …

India isn’t the same place it used to be. Literally.

A seismologist in India says that the country has moved closer to Indonesia due to the massive earthquake which triggered the tsunami in December. Dr Vineet Gahlaut said that India had shifted a few centimetres eastwards. The expedition reveals the geographical distance between India and Indonesia – the epicentre of the deadly earthquake – has been reduced by between five metres and 15mm. The amount of movement depended on the closeness of different areas to the epicentre of the quake, Dr Gahlaut explained. [BBC]

You see? The tsunami has brought the people of India and Indonesia closer together.

10 thoughts on “Just a little to the left …

  1. Whaddya mean? That’s a huge distance! Look at the photo of Mushie holding his hands apart, he’s measuring out 15 mm …

    Oh, have I said too much?

  2. 15mm closer to the inevitable India/Indonesia mega-union that will dominate the world with delicious tea, batik shadow puppets, and exquisite diving spots. Can’t wait. No really, I literally can’t wait.

  3. Junglee: or food! More often food (and sometimes sleep) Just call me kumbhkaran 🙂