Modi gets B*slapped

Although you may have already seen it in the comments on the sidebar, this is an important enough issue that I’m elevating it to a full post. A spokesman at the US Embassy in New Delhi announced that Chief Minister Modi has had his Visa DENIED [see previous posts 1,2]. This is a huge victory for grass roots activism (props to CAG) and I hope it will serve as a great example of Hindu/Muslim unity within the U.S. From Rediff:

The US has denied visa to Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi to visit the country, apparently because of Gujarat riots.

Modi has been denied diplomatic visa and his tourist/business visa already granted has also been revoked as per the US Immigration and Nationality Act, a spokesman of the US Embassy in New Delhi said.

The CM was to pay a five-day visit to the US from March 20.

Modi is expected to address a press conference at 1400 IST to give his reactions.

“We can confirm that Chief Minister of Gujarat state Narendra Modi applied for, but was denied, the diplomatic visa under Section 214 (b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act because he was not coming for the purpose that qualified for a diplomatic visa,” the spokesman said.

His tourist/business visa was revoked under Section 212 (a) (2) (g) of the Act, which makes any government official who was responsible for, or directly carried out, at any time, particularly severe violations of religious freedom, ineligible for visa,” he added.

Assuming that the U.S. Embassy in India was working under orders from the Bush Administration, this means that Bush and the State Department are officially recognizing Modi as someone who committed a “violation of religious freedom,” thus acknowledging the validity of the State Department’s own assessment. If Karen Hughes is as on the ball as we expect her to be, then she better “use” this.

The other issue here that everyone seems to be overlooking is the predicament of the AAHOA. Indian Americans own an obscenely disproportionate number of hotels in this country in relation to the percentage of our population. There is SO MUCH untapped political muscle (or “capital”) there that was completely wasted on misguided efforts to bring over Modi. Now the AAHOA have been made to looks like fools.

In my opinion the last few weeks have also highlighted a generational difference between first and second generation Indians Americans. Most of the hotel owners are Hindu Indian immigrants whereas (I’m willing to bet) most of the people protesting Modi and working to thwart his entrance were Muslims, as well as the sons and daughters of those Hindu Indian immigrants, who were born (or at least raised) in America. For the most part, our parents that emigrated from India are politically apathetic at best and complacent at worst. I bet you (or maybe I just hope) that there were quite a few dinner conversations over the past few weeks between young Indian Americans, and their hotel owning parents who didn’t see what the big deal was. Whether I am correct in my assumptions or not, it was still great seeing Hindus and Muslims in America work together in order to thwart Modi.

Note: DarkDaysAhead has more on this latest news.

195 thoughts on “Modi gets B*slapped

  1. Saurav – I think you are confusing affirmative action with uniform civil code. And I don’t blame you since India’s civil code is very unique. India does have an equivalent affirmative action system know as Reservation. Its even stronger than affirmative action in that it is more concrete in terms of admission to colleges and jobs in the public sector. In some states though it has become unmanageable where reservation accounts for almost 60% of intake while merit candidates account for only 40%. While i support it, I think it should be more economic need based and less caste based. I think with all the prejudince in India, it is needed for now. Civil code is all together a different concept.

    The British used to rule Indian religious communities each with their own civil code. Civil code involves law with respect to birth, death, marriage, taxation etc. (as opposed to Criminal code). It was their way of divide and rule. (also contributed to the creation of Pakistan) When the British left, India continued with separate laws for various communities. This promotes communalism. Some people say why does it matter if different communities have different laws. Well can you imagine if New York had a different set of laws then Pennsylvania? (American may get some taste of it with respect same gender marriage laws real soon) For a just secular society it important that all citizens have one set of laws. I will give you an example from my own family. My mom’s sister’s husband ran away one day to another city (in India) leaving behind a wife and child with no support. To avoid detection and to alimony in the new city, he changed his religion to Islam. Well because of this the Hindu law no more applied to him and he could take advantage of this loophole. He married another woman without divorcing his first wife (in islam you are allowed 4 or 5 wives). Well guess what, the law could not touch him. I don’t care if this lunatic became a muslim or a christian or embraced whatever faith – but the law should have applied equally to every community. I doubt if he seriously practices his new faith but he abused this Indian absurdity because it exists.

    Secualrist politicians in India run away from this because it does not support their agenda – minorities will stop voting for them. And hence double standard on this and myraid of other issues – On Kashmir, On Ayodhya, etc.

    (This is not to say that extremist on the right don’t have their own issues. For example I am against catholicisation of Hinduism. Hinduism is beautiful because it allows people to practice their faith in whatever way it suits them as opposed to dogmatic ideology of many other religions)

  2. Basically the fact that there is NO uniform Civil code in India is inherently communal and thats the BEST part about Indian past. !!!

    The parsis came from Persia and stayed in India and kept their traditions, so did the Jews and Muslims. Inherent make up of India is communal. Communal is not necessarily a bad word.

    India is the only country where minorities were not persecuted in past when Europe was harrasing Jews in unspeakable manner.

  3. I think you are confusing affirmative action with uniform civil code.

    You’re right. I actually do that fairly often, although that’s probably because the reserved seats and the civil code could both be part of a process of granting minority communities their rights. It’s interesting to look at because it gives me a sense of what would happen if identity politics had taken over.

    I think it should be more economic need based and less caste based.

    Without knowing enough about Indian politics to evaluate it, I can see the plausibility of that argument; it pretty much echoes the same argument that a lot of people (including on the left) are making in the U.S. these days, if you switch “caste” with sexuality, gender, or other identity categories when they talk about where the American left should go.

    In general, I get the sense from what people like you that I’ve been talking to say on blogs and my preexisting knowledge that a lot of the Hindu Right’s strategy seems to be to use what are basically economic issues (education, nutrition, disaster relief, etc.) to coopt people into their movement to support their theocratic agenda. Yes?

  4. Z,

    You can read the relevant pages from Gujarati textbooks in English and Gujarati.

    The texts were introduced in 1993-94, which is well before Modi’s time.


  5. Law is typically not uniform across the US. Each state has its own constitution and its own laws. E.g., for a long time, Nevada had laws that made it much easier to get a divorce. and so the “Reno divorce” entered popular usage.

    However, this is geographic in nature, ie.., when you move from California and establish residency in Nevada, Nevada divorce laws apply. What you’re asking for in India’s case is that the law depends on which community you belong to.

    Let us remember that the varna (so-called caste) system prescribed the law based on which community the person belonged to. So, for instance, in Alberuni’s time (1000 AD) it was legal for a Shudra to drink wine and eat meat, but not for a Brahmin. Why do we reject one system of law per community, but demand another? Really, the rights of a person and the protection of law should be independent of what community they belong to.


  6. Saurav,

    You write:

    “In general, I get the sense from what people like you that I’ve been talking to say on blogs and my preexisting knowledge that a lot of the Hindu Right’s strategy seems to be to use what are basically economic issues (education, nutrition, disaster relief, etc.) to coopt people into their movement to support their theocratic agenda. Yes?”

    — You may be justified in suspecting the BJP/VHP etc. motives and goals. However, you are already making several mistakes in your quest to comprehend them.

    I would say the biggest one is the “theocratic agenda”, and close on its heels is “Hindu Right”.

    The big problem with virtually everyone is that they are attempting to describe India with European terms that don’t really apply.

    For example, in a theocracy, the source of legitimacy of the government is God. In a theocracy, humans cannot be the source of legislation; the only source of legislation is God, via the holy books. Now, you’ll see that accusing the BJP of being theocratic is wholly misplaced.


  7. Saurav – Almost all movements/organizations/groups use social issues (education, disaster relief etc.) to gain traction in society. Thats as much true of the right as left. And what do you think the church does all over the world in Asia, Latin America and Africa?

    However, I don’t cary anyone’s brief – right or left. Similarly millions of people who vote for BJP or the communist parties or other as may apply do not neccesarily believe whole hog in some party’s or group’s ideology. For example I would not want to live in a Hindu theocratic state. If that day came – I would personally join groups like CAG. But what people and groups like CAG do is that they don’t give moderates like me the space to raise our voice against the more extremist elements of the right. Why? Because they show double standards when it applies to different communities.

    I already talked about uniform civil code (I think you would have to live in India for sometime to understand what I am talking about). On Kashmir, communal secularist want to give them special rights compared to rest of the country. Another example – numerous Hindu temples in India are controlled by the state whereas minoritiy mosque and church properties in India are controlled by their own communities. There are numerous examples to illustrate that the state itself is communal and various parties themselves communal (even though they profess to be secular) and play vote bank politics.

    Historical and modern wrongs must be corrected on all sides. Whether its done by Hindus or by anybody else. For example I support reservation for lower castes based on the fact that there has been historical injustice perpetuated on them by upper caste hindus. Similarly there is nothing wrong if Hindus want to get addressed some of the wrongs that were committed by others – albiet they should do it non violently (not the Modi way). Also Indian historical events of last few hundred years have left the Hindus insecure even though they form the majority in the country.

    Unfortunately leftists like some members of CAG are blind to all this. Many of them are aethiests – so they cannot relate to majority community’s angst or they chose to ignore it. Therefore people who see the double standards and inconsistency are forced to withdraw, occasionally or comprehensively support the demands emanating from the right. And this does no good to anybody.

  8. anon and others have used the word “Hindu theocratic state” quite often. Would they care to explain what precisely they mean?

    Do you mean that the Manusmriti would come back? Well, the BJP and RSS are anti-caste.

    Do you mean a ban on cow-slaughter? Well, it is arguable, but even Humayun said that beef is not a fit food for the devout. There are cultural grounds for a ban on cow-slaughter, just as, e.g., California has a ban on horse-slaughter, and most western countries would punish the eating of dog-flesh.

    Do you mean a Uniform Civil Code? How is that theocratic in any way? It is true having each community governed by its own laws is the traditional Indian/Hindu way, the unification of Hindu law under the Manusmriti was indeed an innovation of the British, otherwise there were region-wise and community-wise laws prior to the British even among the Hindus. Then you are already living in a “Hindu theocratic state” in the current state of affairs.


  9. Z #139 says

    think that it was necessary to lie in order to

    You think that’s a lie? What do you have to say about this: In Modi’s Gujarat, Hitler is a textbook hero

    First of all the timelines are all wrong (Congress vs. Modi), as pointed by someone here. Second the book paints Hitler and Mussolini in a negative way (read the first page on the seventh chapter). Also see the exercises regarding chapter 6. How can any one conclude that this text is glorifying Nazism? In 1937, I am sure Germans felt that Hitler was one swell dude.

    True it does not meet American standards of PC but it is not grossly historically inaccurate. Hitler did give pride to MOST germans and not perceived in the manner Saddam or Kim Il Sung was by their citizenry.

    It is just a mediocre text meant for students to memorize good/bad points regarding everything so that they can be set suitable exam questions. You can find stuff like this in school texts (state board) all over India. Interestingly genocide closer to home (Bangladesh) is glossed over in the interests of preserving communal amity (no mention is made that hundreds of thousands of Bangladesh Hindus were massacred, thousands of temples were destroyed).

    Bottom Line: the people who signed that letter made a big mistake regarding propagation of Nazism etc. by Modi’s government.

  10. Arun – From my posts you should be able to tell that i am FOR uniform civil code. I am also more in agreement with BJP on other issues such as Article 370 – Kashmir (i may have # wrong), Ayodhya etc.

    However I do object to the concept of Hindu Rashtra. By thoerocratric state i mean, a state that governs its people based on laws/rules/traditions derived or based on a religious code – in this case Hindu. Although i do think that Hinduism does not have as tight a code as Christianity or Islam.

    For example i would not want Tuesday as a holiday just because in many parts of India, that is the day when people go to Ganesh or Hanuman temples. Just as i would not want Friday as a holiday the way its in Saudi Arabia. Now Sunday is connected to the church but I guess it does make sense to change that since we are in a global economy and it has been decades if not centuries since Sunday has been a state holiday.

    I also think Church and state should be separated. Therefore I would not want Supreme Court or Parliment sessions starting with a Hindu (or Islamic or Christian) prayer.

    To contrast this position, I do support the right of Hindus to build a temple in Ayodhya (even if it cannot be proved that Ram was born at the same spot – it cannot be proved anyway). In this case it is matter of faith of millions to a very significant piece of land over objection from a minority for whom this land is not any different than thousands of other spots where mosques stand. I would support state intervention to end the legal tangle and bring this and other matters such as Kashi and Mathura to close.

    So support some of the legitimate causes voiced by the right – Yes but keep the governance of the country at arms length from any religious code.

  11. anon,

    “Hindu Rashtra” does not imply any laws derived from any tradition or religion. One BJP writer wrote:

    “We know well that India can never become a ‘Bauddha State’ or ‘Vaishnava State’ or ‘Shaiva State’, but it will remain Hindu Rashtra-the nation of the Hindus, the term Hindu meaning-”Aasindhu sindhu paryeta yasya bhaarata bhoomikaa, pitru bhoo punya bhooschaiva sa vai hinduriti smritah”-All those who adore and revere this Bharat as their holy land, as the land of their forefathers.”

    What are the specific points that are objectionable in the above definition? I know that via VHP, etc., the word “Hindu Rashtra” has acquired many connotations other than the straightforward meaning presented above. Is it the specific meaning above that is objectionable, or is it the other meanings that have come to be associated with the term that are objectionable?

    BTW, you have every right to object, as this is a matter of opinion, not of fact. I just would like to understand your point of view.


  12. Arun

    Well “Rashtra” means Nation. So literal translation would be Hindu Nation. I would not want India to be called a Hindu Nation more than I would like Saudi Arabia to be an Islamic nation or United States to be a Christian nation.

    As far as holy land – well 20% of the population may consider some other land as holy land. Father land or motherland is ok but holiness is in eye of the beholder.

    And why does it matter anyway? It is better to convert other theorocratic and quasi theorocratic states such as Pakistan and Saudi Arabia into open democratic societies then attempt to give India some other characterization.

    However I do believe that India is secular because it draws its tradition from Hinduism which lends itself to be accomodating to other belief systems.

  13. However I do believe that India is secular because it draws its tradition from Hinduism which lends itself to be accomodating to other belief systems.

    There is no doubt that Hinduism is a tolerant religion.It is a credit that small communities like Parsis, Jews and Chrsitians have lived peacefully in India with their Hindu neighbours.

    However Hinduism and Hindutva are 2 totally antithetical philosophies. Hindutva is Islam in Hindu clothing! A jehadi corruption of a 5000 year old religion.Modi and Advani are the saints of this militant movement, in preference to Tulsidas and Tukaram.

    It is a greater threat to the Indian nation state than jehadi Islam.

    All Modi loving, BJP supporting Hindus – you lose the right to claim the honourable legacy of Hinduism once you “convert” to Hindutva. Yes it is mass conversion to Hindutva,and an indirect conversion to a form of Islam, yes Islam with a Hindu flavor.

  14. George I can see you talking something but all I can hear is blah blah blah

    Islam with a Hindu flavor

    Hehe Haha Haha HAHAHAHA (mocking Ravana from Ramayan)

  15. People in Spain still call anyone from India region (South Asia) Hindu. !!!! Its an ethnic identity.

    I am not making this up. Go back and look at the coverage of Spain’s 3/11 train bombing coverage. Authorities were looking for a South Asian decent man and they refered to the person as “Hindu”.

    If I get a chance I will find the links and post it.

    So like Arun explained, the definition of Hindu is ethnic. !!!

  16. ‘Hindú’ in Spain has more to do with their provincialism than anything else– those labels were locked into Spanish centuries ago and never changed. And they couldn’t use ‘indio’– it means mestizo, as in Mexico.

  17. George/Manish – To the extent Modi’s brand of politics is a counter reaction to communal secuarlism of India, I agree that Hindutava is not same as Hinduism. But to say that its some version of Islamic jihad, I can only say its very sophomoric opinion and ignorant as well. Mind you – I don’t support the means and certainly not some of the objectives of people who follow the Hindutva creed.

    Hindutva is a complex reaction to past few centuries of Indian history not limited to but including – arrival of islam (violently), mughal rule – particularly Auranzeb, the British rule and peculiar brand of Nehruvian secularism of the communal variety. That does not neccessarily make all its objectives noble or correct but if you recognize it as such, you have a half decent chance of influencing it. Further if you realize that Hindus feel insecure because of this heady mix of experience, then you know why they demand equal treatment of citizens all across India, you understand their frustation on Ayodhya issue. And on and on.

    I wish people in India do not get excited and destroy property over a lame issue like denial of a visa. But If you have followed Indian politics, these kind of things are common on all sides of political spectrum. Modern Indian histroy is repleat with bandhs, property destruction and riots over variety of reasons including religious, political and economic.

  18. First of all mestizos is used for are mix ancestry people who are 80% of Mexican population and NOT for the indigenous(or “Indian”). The word “indio” came because the first Spanish (and Italian such as Columbus) explorers when reached America looking for India (or Hindus) found this land and called them something similar to “ind..” I hope people are atleast aware of the above fact that Hindu came before “Indian”. (It is not like chicken and egg .. we know about this …or at least we should) Hindu word was a lot prior in the Spanish vocabulary then the exploration of new world which is only 4-500 year old.

    Definition of mestizo is here

  19. … mestizos is used for are mix ancestry people who are 80% of Mexican population and NOT for the indigenous(or “Indian”).

    Mestizo usually refers to people with one indio parent and one non-indio.

    Yes, it’s a historical mistake. Tell Madrileños that and I’m sure they’ll be happy to reform their language. Matter of fact, start with Texas.

  20. Since its a historical mistake we need to CORRECT it and get it into our conscience that HINDU has always been an ethnic term until very recent history and later when the term is completely twisted into meaning something else.

    Its a SHAME that people of the present day India have to call themselves by a name given by the occupiers (“Indian” as given by British occupiers)

    Its like when school bully calls some other kid by a “name” the kid ACCEPTS it and is proud of it. How PATHETIC !!!!!

    Where is our spirit of defiance !!!!

  21. anon,

    Hindutva is a complex reaction to past few centuries of Indian history not limited to but including – arrival of islam (violently), mughal rule – particularly Auranzeb, the British rule and peculiar brand of Nehruvian secularism of the communal variety

    I understand your point here.But your logic leads to the slippery slope of justifying an extreme right wing violent political movement.

    Nazism too was considered by Germans to be a reaction to the German humiliation in WW II, the unjust treaty of Versailles and French control of the Rhineland. We all know the road that led to.

    I respect Hindu sentiments on Ayodhya etc. But once you descend to the level of violence, you lose the moral high ground .

    Modern Indian histroy is repleat with bandhs, property destruction and riots over variety of reasons including religious, political and economic.

    Again riots in the past should not be used to make light of present day riots. It is a colossal failure of our justice system that past instigators and perpetrators of violence have got away scot free. Unless this changes, we are doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

    HINDU has always been an ethnic term

    buddy get over your deep inferiority complex and be proud to be an Indian.We live in India NOT Hindustan.

  22. FYI, from the Pioneer:

    Shias up in arms after US does a Modi on Sadiq

    Subodh Ghildiyal/Siddharth Kalhans/ New Delhi/Lucknow

    Shia community in India is up in arms against the treatment meted out to cleric Kalbe Sadiq by the United States of America. Conspiracy theories are back in the currency against the US and anti-US sentiment has resurfaced after the lull following the attack on Iraq.

    A much-respected cleric, Sadiq was turned back from Chicago airport on March 17 and had to return to the United Kingdom. Sadiq was on an invitation from the Shia Assocation for a religious Moharram congregation. Kalbe Sadiq is on his annual three-month trip to Gulf-UK-US where he is welcomed to address the `majlis’.

    This is not an isolated incident as the Shias are drawing a pattern after two more scholars were denied entry by the US in March, the month of Moharram. Maulana Safi Haider of Tanzimul Makatib Madrasa (group of 1000 madrasas) was barred entry earlier in March by the US. Another scholar Maulana Qazi Askari of Delhi was reportedly “humiliated and turned back” by the US in March.

    The community leaders said the American Shia Association had registered its protest with the White House and demanded an apology from President Bush.

    With the news trickling down, anti-US sentiments, too, have begun to spread in the city of Lucknow which has a five-lakh strong Shia community. Posters and pamphlets protesting the treatment meted out to the religious leader were distributed in the Shia-dominated localities of Kazmain, Pull Ghulam Hussain and Dargah Hazrat Abbas. It is believed that Maulana Kalbe Jawwad, another respected Shia cleric and Imam-e-Juma, may speak on the issue to the community in the Majlis after the Friday prayers in Imambara tomorrow. The `majlis’, the community leader said, may see good attendance.

    Speaking to The Pioneer, Kalbe Sibtain, Sadiq’s son, said his father had a valid visa but was barred entry at the Chicago airport without any reason. “He told us that he had been quoted Article 235 (b) of some law of the country,” he said.

    Sadiq has been visiting the US for the last three decades as a preacher. “He has never had any problem. It has all changed after September 11, we think,” said Sibtain, adding, “He was shocked but said we should not raise a hue and cry about it.”

    However, the issue has already acquired sharp anti-US overtones. Kalbe Jawwad blamed the ill-treatment meted out to Sadiq on US attempts to drive a wedge between Muslims in general (Sadiq is opposed to a separate Shia Board and is vice-president of All India Muslim Personal Law Board) and the Shia community in particular. He blamed the recent formation of a separate Shia Board as against the AIMPLB umbrella on the “evil” US designs. “The new board was formed on US directions and the people responsible are presently enjoying their stay in America,” said Maulana Jawaad. Incidentally, Maulana Atthar, who heads the newly-formed Shia Board, and other office-bearers are on a tour to the US. “Those who are touring US for 30 years are denied entry and those who have never done so are given fresh visas. The gameplan is clear,” said Jawwad. Jawwad’s line of argument has led to competitive anti-Americanism. Debunking the accusation that his father was an American stooge, Atthar’s son Maulana Yasoob Abbas speculated that the root of the ill-treatment to Sadiq could lay in the anti-US stance he adopted during and after the attack on Iraq. “There were strong protests in Lucknow and entry of Americans to Shia monuments was barred. Sadiq had also participated in a pro-Saddam rally organised in Ramlila Maidan in Delhi in June 2004,” he said, adding that this was the first Moharram after the protest rally.

  23. George, You may like names given by occupiers, you may like existing on mercy of someone,… I dont Also I dont live in India.

  24. You may like names given by occupiers

    Huh? Are you implying that the fact that George has a Christian name, somehow makes him side with the Americans, or that he exists on their mercy? Obviously, You ran out of arguments.

  25. D, Dont jump to conclusion. Pls read before making assumptions about anyone.

    I didnt mean George’s name …He was responding to my comment about “Indian” name given by the British. His tone was insulting so he got that in return.

    If you would have read the thread you wouldnt have made an ass of your self like you just did.

  26. George – I did not make the comment about Hindu being an ethnic term. But since you bring it up,here is the meaning from Merriam-Webster dictionary. Look at the 2nd meaning

    Main Entry: 1Hin·du Variant(s): also Hin·doo /’hin-(“)dÃŒ/ Function: noun Etymology: Persian, Hindu inhabitant of India, from Hind India 1 : an adherent of Hinduism 2 : a native or inhabitant of India

    Assuming you are Indian, or Indian American, – I don’t really care if you want to run away from your ethnicity.

    Secondly, I did not note the historical context to justify violence. I did it so folks on this board – particularly ones who were not brought up in the heat and dust of India like some of us would have some context to what is going on in India. Most Hindus do follow the democratic law and process in India.

    And whose fault is it that when injustice was perpetuated on them in last few centuries, that there was no democratic process. And most Hindus don’t want to go back to some atavistic past but do want to correct some big wrongs which have been brought about by various actors in history.

    As for the riots and bandhs, again i wanted to put it in context as some other poster presented this as evidence of jihadi mindset. Even the communists of Kerala have been known to carry out violent strikes and murders. Are they then jihadis?

  27. Assuming you are Indian, or Indian American, – I don’t really care if you want to run away from your ethnicity.

    anon : How does considering myself Indian but not Hindu mean I am running away from my ethnicity? I am an Indian Christian , not a Hindu. That is my identity and being Hindu does not figure in it.”Hindu” denotes a follower of the religion of Hinduism and not an ethnicity or nationality. Take Balinese and Nepali Hindus.They are both Hindu as well as Indonesian and Nepali respectively.Hindu is not analogous to India.

    RC: Hindu was a word coined by Persians, again “foreign ” in origin.Get your facts right before shooting your mouth off and revealing yourself to be the ignorant jackass that you are.


    Hindu: Origin And Significance Of The Term Hindu By Sri Swami Sivananda Origin And Significance Of The Term Hindu That part of the great Aryan race which migrated from Central Asia, through the mountain passes into India, settled first in the districts near the river Sindhu, now called the Indus, on the other side of the river. The Persians pronounced the word Sindhu as Hindu, and named their Aryan brethren Hindus. Hindu is only a corrupt form of Sindhu.

    From encarta:

    Hindus themselves prefer to use the Sanskrit term sanātana dharma for their religious tradition. Sanātana dharma is often translated into English as “eternal tradition” or “eternal religion” but the translation of dharma as “tradition” or “religion” gives an extremely limited, even mistaken, sense of the word. Dharma has many meanings in Sanskrit, the sacred language of Hindu scripture, including “moral order,” “duty,” and “right action.”
  28. Balinese, Javanese are followers of Sanatana Dharma. If you went to France, and saw the people there, and then called all the people who followed a religion like that of the French as French, you’d be committing the same error.

  29. George, You are a complete idiot and your response is so typical even before you wrote it, I knew what you would say. It is always the same. All I said was the “Indian” was the name given by the British who ruled India. Like I said before you may love “Indian” title that doesnt change the fact that it was given by occupiers who were occupying India until only 60 years ago.

    Now as for the word “Hindu” is concerned all I said was that it is known as an ethnic identity of a people in the world until it got twisted around.

    As for the dictionary meaning of that word “Hindu” also noted in other comments.

    Since you are an idiot and a bigot you will not get the fact that “sanatan dharma” is the religious aspect, any ethnic background person can follow that as religion anywhere in the world.

    The whole central asian Aryan theory is bogus. Its been completely discredited. So I like better the definition Arun put in his comments. (well anything is better than name given by British. BTW on Indian Passport it still says “Bharat Ganrajya” ….)

  30. RC, let’s try to keep it civil. I don’t think I am the only one getting annoyed by the tone of your comments. Argue like an intelligent gentleman with well-supported facts if you want to make a point. Otherwise I think I speak on behalf of other readers who find that you weaken your own aruments by a using a caustic tone that sounds more like a raving rant.

  31. “…the fact that “sanatan dharma” is the religious aspect, any ethnic background person can follow that as religion anywhere in the world.”

    Yes, well, not to be obvious, but you’re essentially proving his point (about Hinduism and ethnicity) with this statement, so.

    “You may like names given by occupiers…”

    Yes, and you seem to like the language given by occupiers, what’s your point.

    That said, in light of this weird post-colonial argument, when defining the meaning of “Hindu,” aren’t the Vedas a better source than Merriam-Webster? And, if Hindu is an ethnic term then what happens to Hindus in Thailand ? By that same argument, are all Christians Palestinian? Or, are you using the same definition for Hinduism & India that is used for Judaism & Israel? If so, speak on it, lay out your argument, because it’s obvious we’re all itching for a fight.

  32. sd/George – First of all let me make it clear – that I don’t CARE what one want to call himself/herself. Hindu, Indian, Indian Christian, Indian Hindu, Hindu Christian…blah blah blah. You get the drift.

    The reason i put the the dictionary quote was to support the fact that hindu CAN connonotate as an individual from India. As the dictonary notes there can be 2 meanings – religious and ethnic. You seem to run away from one but like the other. BUT the bottom line is that no one can force you call yourself something you don’t want. And I myself don’t want Indain government to waste their time to ponder of this issue when we have issues like rank poverty, illiteracy, exploitation of children etc. Having said that I also belive that the Indian state should note and ACT on some of the legitimate aspiration of its significant section of Hindu (by religion) citizens on issues like Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura. They should also end state discrimimation and communal variety of secularism by bringing the uniform civil code. They should also call Pakistan’s bluff on Kashmir. Until this happens, the forces which are demanding these things will not go away and India’s economic and development progress will not be as fast as it should and can be.

  33. Us Govt made Narendra Modi Hero. Do you know how many KASHMIRI PANDIT ( Hindu ) has left KASHMIR and lost their property and lives .THis is because of Terrorist attack by Pakistani Supporters Every body knows.How Parvez Mushraf will get visa in USA ? What about Afghanistan and Iraq How Us president should be allowed in other countries. truth of principle should be applicable for every body. Few people put fire in COACH 6 and 56 person burned. Tragedy no words to mention. Do you know any country where minorities have attacked on majority ?

  34. I.D. Joshi, This is off topic but I can’t resist educating you. In answer to your question, “Do you know any country where minorities have attacked on majority?” Just off-hand I can think of two. Iraq and Rawanda.

  35. Until this obnoxious variety of evangelism stops, folks like Modi (of both violent and non violent varieties) will continue to get support in India. Organizations like CAG need to start protesting against this sort of economic-cultural-religious genocide too!!!

  36. Modi was not convicted becuase at that time The state Governement was of BJP. It’s sad modi has been let go of mass murder. Why he won election is another story, becuase gujrati people are close nit community and most of them are relgious. Most of the people who go and physically vote are aged people who are religious. Modi with Asaram Bapu presented an image that modi is a clean man when he is roaming around with a self called god like asaram Bapu. Wehreas asaram bapu himself is a conman and frud and mass hypnotiser. Asaram has built a big army of sewadaars who have been brainwahsed by him in his ashram. All of the sewadaars disciples of asaram can go and kill anyone if asaram said so because they are brainwashed. When modi is geting is getting a support from so many of the disciple of asaram who can do wahtever for thier guru , this is why modi is a mass murdred today and still out.

  37. I think that Indians who celebrate an insult to their mother land are making a mistake. Hippy-liberal leftists are A*holes of the first water who think of themselves before they think of the nation always. JMO.

  38. Just an update. Modi was denied the visa to US in March this year. 4 months later, he was voted by the people of India as the best chief minister in the country in a nationwide opinion poll conducted by the India Today magazine. Last month , the BJP under Modi won a overwhelming majority in the vital Gujarat muncipalty elections , proving Modi’s enduring popularity in that state.

    Gujarat’s economy enjoys a growth rate of 10%+.Industry is booming. Investments – both domestic and foreign are flowing in. Although Gujarat has only 3% of India’s population , the state accounts for 25% of India’s exports.

    Modi is today more famous in India for his excellent administration.No Indian chief minister has executed administrative reforms or liberalised the economy the way Modi has.

    Not a single case has been registred against Modi. His popularity in his state and among a significant section of India’s population – notably the ambitious hindu middle classes , is undeniable.

    Yes.Indeed Modi was denied a visa to US 10 months back.Anti-India Leftists hate him. Proud Americans with Indian sounding names hate him. Muslims hate him more than most. So what !

    Modi remains the overwhelmingly popular and democratically elected leader of India’s richest and most advanced state.

  39. All of you who wrote against modi are stupid. Just look at his record. I grew up in gujarat. Have nothing against Muslims but we have been abused by many of them for too long. the riots were natural response of the people. There has been riots in gujarat many times before when modi was not around. so to blam him for the riots it totaly stupid. Did he do everything in his power to stop the riots. No he did not but that was the will of the people who put him in the office. US goverment should encourage his visit not deny him visa. He should be a natural allie to US. This was a mistake by the consular office in Delhi.