GOP Babe of the Week — Namrata Singh Gujral

namrata-singh-gujral.jpgReader RJ points out that this week’s (month’s?) GOP Babe of the Week is Namrata Singh Gujral. Namrata is the second Desi babe to receive the, uh, honor in a row – taking the crown from prior winner – Ms. Govindini Murty. Sepia Mutiny profiled Ms. Murty before she hit it big in one of the more memorable earlier posts.

Namrata is an actress / producer and, in true Hollywood fashion, plugged her production company in her acceptance speech –

“I am so honored to be on your site. We set out to make pro-America movies. We knew this was going to be a long, uphill battle. So encouraging to know it’s not a going to be a lone battle. Thank you, America – for your love and support. Please visit American Pride Films often. Thank you, again!”

Her company – formed with Naval aviator Lt Cdr Joe Cooper – attempts to provide positive media portrayals of day to day life in Amrika –

The company’s mission is to make movies that showcase the reality of average Americans, who are not interested in global domination and have a human and compassionate side. With this positive message, APFG hopes to overcome some of the negative American sentiment overseas and at home, changing hearts and minds along the way.

Namrata’s personal website can be found at the modestly titled NamrataWorld.

(why is it called “Babe of the Week” when the last one was named in Feb?)

31 thoughts on “GOP Babe of the Week — Namrata Singh Gujral

  1. “(why is it called “Babe of the Week” when the last one was named in Feb?)”

    Not that hard to figure out – it’s not the “Weekly Babe”. “Babe of the Week” is just that – of that particular week. It give no indication as to how frequently such babes will appear.

  2. F. this bitch she’s getting milked for her skin color.

    and read my shit

  3. good heavens, saurav– my eyes have been furiously furrowed by fuschia! couldn’t you have warned me about that ATROCIOUS color scheme? owwwwwww. GAH.

    sdk- you’re so eloquent within your comment, i don’t know that i could handle reading your blog. i think i’d quietly die…b/c it’s so perfect, of COURSE.

  4. govindini murty is the biggest female uncle tom our race has created.

    Dinesh Dzousa’s looking at her going “n***A is you crazy?!”

  5. it’s interesting–i think if you look at the archive they inadvertantly give you some good social commentary on the order in which they exoticize women–first all the White women; then they move on the model minorities. now what? a few more weeks of desis, some east asian folks, and then …? Andrew Sullivan?

  6. The racial harmony, colorblindness, and love of their common man displayed by SDK and Saurav are amazing proofpoints for how far we’ve progressed.

  7. but it disturbs me as well. if a person wants to be dominated on the basis of race, thats a scary thought

  8. I think this is an important part of the poem; also, What about the option of being desired in a non-objectified way?

    …… These fantasies of exoticization these dreams of colonial domination are safe safe enough because I trust these people.

    I trust that they know better, that these white men white women have more sense than to actually believe they have a right to dominate me and my brown body in the bedroom or the world outside.

  9. A friend of mine once said to me, “desire is so complicated…” People like to be dominated for all sorts of reasons; not all of which are counterproductive. I know that you were referring specfically to race-based domination fantasies, raju, but i just felt like i had to put that out there.

    The writer’s fantasy that these White men and women “have more sense than to actually believe they have a right to dominate” us in the outside world is the more disturbing thought process to me. Too charitable an interpretation of the human psyche, I think.

    I liked that (she?) broke down the different responses and presented a spectrum of objectification…I dug that.

  10. Here are a few examples of what some of “those men” think about Desi women

    …Hooray for Bollywood! …What every other man on this thread said. — “Daaaaaammmmmnnnnn”

    Sounds far more innocent than the massive colonialist agenda you guys have managed to weave into this tongue-in-cheek story…

  11. desire is complicated I agree, however to be honest these particular form of desire can be troubling. does it legitimize those thoughts on the part of the dominating partner? Does it help the partner to see other people of color as also desiring similiarly? Whats the connection between oppression and the desire for domination? Does the desire make one more likely to be complicit or co-opted? How could it not? Can one be dominated in the bedroom and free outside it? I’m not saying I know the answers to those.

    I think sex and desire can be really simple and complex at the same time.

  12. I agree it is disturbing. I dont have any respect for someone who thinks like that. I think it is demeaning. Is it a female fantasy? I have never in my life felt a desire to be dominated by a white sexual partner in a fantasy. i cant imagine a black woman ever want to play slave and master in the sexual games either.

    Fukked Up.

  13. I don’t get it. How much does it take to be a good-looking woman, wear makeup, buy lingerie, pose for sexaaay pictures and be politically hyperactive? And they give out awards for this? If so, where’s mine?

    it gives me the creeps to think of what those men think of desi women

    The same thing any other man thinks when he eyes up an “exotic” woman, “Wonder how she [insert hormonal fantasy here].” It does make me feel uncomfortable, though, that a lot of the pictures submitted to the winner’s gallery are almost soft-core porn. My imagination runs free and comes up with conservative men asphyxiating their private to the provocative displays of these GOP women.

    We can look at the phenom of the GOP Babe from many different perspectives. Perhaps conservatives want to show their male-heavy group that good-looking women, who care about their appearance, aren’t just pretty faces, but have conservative opinions. This is like my male scientist colleagues who have held me (among other women) in high esteem for being goodlooking and a geek. However, there is no Geophysics Babe Of The Week even at our Old Boy organization because that is counterproductive to the goal of Real Inclusion and It Takes All Kinds.

  14. However, there is no Geophysics Babe Of The Week…

    As a fellow geoscientist I am painfully aware of this fact 🙂 Good points though.

  15. You guys remember Ann Coulter was hired by some paper to cover the DEM convention and in the very first report among other ridiculously biased and stupid things that she rants about, she had a comment about the appearance of the DEM women. So looks like GOP has a culture of “looks”

  16. my guess is the gop is using token women to cover up their hideously anti-woman policies. like they use token Blacks (c. thomas), token Hispanics (gonzales), token Desis (bobby jindal), token immigrants (arnold schwarzenegger).

    funny, that.

  17. I dont have any respect for someone who thinks like that.

    Why is it about judgement? Isn’t it possible to simply respect and feel saddened by the fact that some people have deep hurt or internalized shit that leads to things like racial-domination fantasies (both ways) and other issues? Not everyone can be so well balanced (speaking from personal experience).

  18. So, I think we all know this woman’s getting “milked for her skin color,” that seems like an obvious counterpart to a cheesecake photo where she’s getting milked for being a woman. That said, why is this entire conversation about objectifying color and not women? By my count, this is the sixth post in a month that has to do with desi women and their misaligned and/or misappropriated sexuality…

  19. true thats f-ed up too. people are marginalized by race and gender, and other things.

    one possible reason……people tend to focus more on race-based feminism than feminism in general. for instance, domestic battery in a third-world country might get more attention than domestic battery in the US, in which there is a 20% prevelence lifetime

    another might be, many of the comments are by desi men, who might be involved by objectification based on race than gender