Racial facials for digital mugs

St. Andrews Perception Laboratory’s “Face Transformer” allows you to change the age, race or sex of a facial image. The web-based Java app can also morph a photo into the style of a famous artist, caricature, or even an ape.

All you need is a browser that supports Java and a digital face image (JPEG or GIF format). Of special interest to SM readers may be the races, which include Afro-Caribbean, Caucasian, East Asian, and West Asian (their term for South Asian). The whole process is relatively quick and easy. The hardest part is finding a decent photo. While you search for one, here’s a few tests that I ran through the system:

Aishwarya Rai, Actress

Wanted to use Preity Zinta (in a variety of ways), but y’all seem quite smitten with the lovely Ms. Rai. So, whatever, you win. It must feel good to win. It doesn’t feel good to lose.

George W. Bush, U.S. President

At least we can be sure that the West Asian Bush is capable of spelling “incompetent,” in addition to acting that way.

Condoleezza Rice, U.S. Secretary of State

Smart, sexy, loves football, and has an utter disregard for human life. We should totally date and make babies.

Howard Dean, Democratic National Committee Chairman

No matter the race, he still looks like the captain of the Titanic (a.k.a. the Democratic Party).

Chow Yun Fat, Actor

Chow kicks an incomprehensible amount of ass. If you disagree, you probably need to get your ass kicked by him.

What post would be complete without opening myself up to public ridicule? Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a photo where I’m not drinking, wearing a costume or doing sexual favors for money. Luckily, the county corrections office did (plus shots of the previously mentioned activities) and allowed me to have a copy, which will come in very handy for Christmas cards this year.

Apul Patel, Resident Jerk

St. Andrews Perception Laboratory: Face Transformer

17 thoughts on “Racial facials for digital mugs

  1. This is great! The “West Asian” Condi totally looks like an Indian aunty. The Black Howard Dean is friggin scary. The East Asian Aish is a cutie.

  2. some of the “afro-caribbean” men (okay, nearly ALL) look like someone just smeared weird paint on them.

    in other news, love see no colour- apul is a cutie, no matter the race. 😉

  3. I’m impressed… it even works on bearded & turbaned types 🙂 I’d make a mean manga!

  4. Thanks, Anna. Your kind words keep me warm on an otherwise cold, wet and dreary day over here in L.A.

    Dude, anyone tell you your Botticelli image looks like OJ? 😉

    Hold on, does it look like friendly “Naked Gun”-O.J., or murderous throat-slasher-O.J.? This makes a huge difference.

    Nitpicking: Howard Dean’s photo is labelled Aishwarya!

    Good catch. Thanks for the head’s up. People who are unfamiliar with Dean probably thought that Rai had really let herself go. Should be fixed now.

  5. afro-caribbean apul, don’t you remember mom telling you that the bronzer goes in even strokes, even around the places that will be covered by your collar?

  6. what a fantastic waste of time.

    as you can tell from my blog, there is a reason i’m leaving work an hour and a half late tonight.

    /has re-ethnicized all her co-workers and a few of their friends, as well as the photoshop collages on trilianet

  7. i don’t know what possessed me to put my picture through that … though i must admit i didn’t look bad as an east asian.

  8. I think Aishwarya looks really gorgeous as herself, any other race she is just eh. She looks ugly as a black and a white person, but looks cute as a button when she is Asian. Just my opinion.

  9. Is it just me or does Modigliani George W Bush look a heckuvalot like a caricature of Clinton? WEIRD!