An orgy of sepia prose

SAJA is hosting a remarkable literary festival, an evening of readings in Manhattan.

Those reading include Suketu Mehta, Jhumpa Lahiri, Shashi Tharoor, Amitav Ghosh, Anita Desai, Kamila Shamsie, Manil Suri and Meena Alexander. Those mingling include Akhil Sharma, Jonathan Franzen, Kiran Desai, Marina Budhos, Pooja Makhijani, Meera Nair the author, and S. Mitra Kalita. Park Slope is apparently emptying out for the evening.

And the wine and samosas are for a good cause: SAJA is putting together fellowships to report the tsunami in-depth well after the initial reports fade.

The idea is to help a group of journalists… from the U.S. and Canada cover the affected areas SIX TO NINE MONTHS after the disaster and have their reporting available to a wide global audience… A New York Times story… explains it all… “All too often when disaster strikes, the relief mission seems to last only as long as the media attention.”

Buy tickets here.

Update: Please note the new schedule, which has been moved up by two hours.

SAJA Authors Day: Saturday, March 12, Manhattan; $35; CUNY Grad Center’s Proshansky Auditorium, 365 Fifth Ave. / 34th St.; 1:30-2:30pm registration, 2:30-4:30 readings, 4:45-6:00 tipsy schmoozing

15 thoughts on “An orgy of sepia prose

  1. Strangely enough, me too. Brimful – in case you want to find me – I’ll be the Indian one.


  2. I used to be a member of SAJA even though Im Black. Yes, Im one of those kind of people;). Id love to crash your Sepia Mutiny soiree at this literary affair but Im in rice paddyfields Japan becoming addicted to the Internet, blogging and my insert photo function on Typepad. What have you all turned me into? 😉

  3. I can’t stop laughing at the Park Slope reference. God that’s too much. I wonder if Thirdi will horn in on the Indian charity/art orgy.

  4. Wait Shree, you are the Tech Guru’s sibling? That’s awesome!…I’ve seen that guy many a time on WABC…He would know the answer to all of life’s great mysteries…Is Sam Champion gay?…What ever happened to Storm Fields, the guy with the best weatherman name ever?..Even better, you guys are named Shree and Sree..did hilarity ensue as a result, or am i being a prick? Let me know!

  5. I have just read the book “Under the wolf, under the dog” by Adam Rapp. He’s an author who lives in MA. He makes a reference about Storm Fields. I’m sorry to say the book doesn’t answer your question…but I thought it was cool that a book published in 2004 for teens would mention a local celebrity. I did a search and found your site.