Odds-defying, Death-defying…

Another miracle:

A teenager who survived December’s tsunami has been rescued by police from a remote island on India’s Andaman and Nicobar archipelago.
Eighteen-year-old Jessy is said to have lived on wild fruit for 45 days.
She was found on Wednesday close to the site where nine survivors of the tsunami were found last week.

Jessy is part of the Nicobarese tribe. She fled the tsunami and sought shelter in the forest. When she tentatively made her way out several days later, “the rest of the population had been either evacuated to Campbell Bay or swept away by the waves”.

Her husband and year-old baby are among 1,000 people who are still considered missing; apparently, the “lucky” survivor told police that she believes her family are actually among the 2,000 archipelago-dwellers who died. 🙁

Sigh. I’ll take every bit of good that I can get.


via the Beeb: Tsunami woman found after 45 days

5 thoughts on “Odds-defying, Death-defying…

  1. Looks like the link should be: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/south_asia/4256635.stm.

    And can someone tell me how to “quote” in a comment so that it is automatically formatted (if it’s possible)? For example, in the article writeup, Anna quoted three sentences from the article: “A teenager who … found last week.”

    Thank you, cause I can’t figure it out for the life of me.

  2. Use <blockquote>The quoted bit</blockquote>.

    Thank you Manish! Maybe there should be some sort of mini-FAQ page for inane questions like these?