The things we take for granted…

Sepia Mutiny’s favorite soldier, Lt Neil Prakash (aka Red Six), gives us a glimpse of the mind / heart / soul of a soldier thousands of miles from home

2 things that break my heart: 1) SSG Terry promised his little 3 year old angel, Josephine, that he would be home for her birthday. So everyday when she wakes up at home now, she asks her mother, “Is it my birthday, today?” 2) Whenever I call my fiancee, I have to cut her off with “Baby, my 30 minutes are up.” I had no idea that she is on the other end, repeating to herself, Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Someday, I won’t have to, Laura. But not anytime soon. Because you’ll be saying that to me when you come here. So I guess, “Now the rubberband is on the other claw!” to quote Dr. Zoidberg.

Good luck and Godspeed LT & Crew. If ever a group of men so richly deserved a simple hug & pat on the back, it’s you.

[Neil’s Blog, Previous SM Coverage here & his Silver Star]

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