‘The Kumars’ video clips

Video clips for The Kumars at No. 42 have now been posted. I liked the sketch format of Goodness Gracious Me better, but the interviews generate an interesting tension: being in character means you don’t have to lob softballs like Leno. Sanjeev Bhaskar’s running gag is to wear the most outlandish outfit possible. And Meera Syal’s granny character is just wicked:

To Helena Bonham Carter: In this country you are seen as the epitome of elegance and good manners. But I personally was very, very happy to see you in Fight Club playing a right old slut. Did you enjoy it?

To a female fashion consultant: Can I just say thank you on behalf of my grandson. That’s the first physical contact he’s had with a woman since he went to the doctor.

To an interior designer: If you want to do an Indian theme party properly, you have to put plastic over your sofas, lots of Tupperware in your fridge and preferably concrete over your entire garden.

I loved the Tom Jones and Helena Bonham Carter interviews. Check out the clips.

Previous posts: 1, 2

12 thoughts on “‘The Kumars’ video clips

  1. just wanted to let you know that the producer and co-host of Hot-97 have been fired and the parent company said it plans to donate $1M to the tsunami efforts.

  2. This show is growing on me – the Patrick Stewart interview was one of the funniest things I’d seen on TV in a long time.

  3. Man Abhi, you must have watched that Patrick Stewart one too many times, the video is broken now….

  4. I have been trying to find out, without success, whether The Raj String Quartet, who played on The Kumars have made a CD. Does anyone know. Searches on Google keep referring me back to the Scott – Raj Quartet of novels.

  5. You know who that actor was, don’t you? It’s Kavi Raz.

    Kavi Raz played the role of Assistant Chief Engineer Singh in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “Lonely Among Us”.[link]
  6. Ennis, followed the IMDB link…and noticed this attribution for Mr. Raz: “L.A. Law” – Vindaloo in the Villows (1993) TV Episode …. Rupesh Poondar

    Okay, LOVE the title. Did anyone see that episode? Anyone? Because now I’m really curious.