This Sunday at 5PM, we’ll be hosting a joint meetup with Ultrabrown. In the past the joint meetups have drawn around 50-70 people (albeit on a Saturday) often spilling over into other events (like the Shilpa Ray show in Brooklyn).
If you’re worried about finding us in the lounge, clip the image at right. We all look alike, I just dress more fly. Or you could look for Manish.
p>Joint meetup, Sun Aug. 16, 5-8pm at Verlaine, 110 Rivington St. between Essex/Ludlow. Take F,J,M,Z to Essex/Delancey, walk north 1 block.
That picture disgusts me. It is exactly sentiments like that “secularism = anti hindu” is why India can never truly mix with the West, which is a freedom loving society. It is that same fundamentalism that drives the nutty Sri Ram Sena to attack women in bars. It is this notion that India is “moral” because of fundamental religious bs and that strick morality is the only acceptable notion. I am APPALLED that this controversial truly effed up notion was allowed to be displayed in an India Day Parade.
sorry, previous post obviously in wrong category.
What is this meetup groups’ name? The picture doesn’t show up. I’d like to drop by.
lol Va, you did more for the propagation of your opinion than youll ever know by accidentally posting it here. it stands out here, but under the proper post’s Discussion link. you would have jhust been #467 :p.
Thanks Taurus…I think atleast ONE person did read my comment even though it was number five hundred..
However, Im serious, I dont see a meetup scheduled for Sunday..and I’d like to know whats going on…got a name besides ultrabrown or atleast a picture that works…
The meetup is us and Ultrabrown, that’s all.
One of my last hurrahs in NYC. Sad. But look fwd to meeting people.
if the image is anything to go by, ennis will be wearing polyester plaid pants and he will be very happy to see you. the party tricks will include a visit by kaa the python.
there will also be performance art. ennis and manish will bring a giant tub of vaseline and do mustache sculpting. the piece will be called mootch noir.
Ennis lies. I know Manish Vij and he would never go anywhere without his full moustache. That picture is of some “chickna” poser.
Well, I’m not sure I quite get it.. But I’ll show up and be the confused girl trying to figure out where she belongs 🙂
Va, just look for this guy, his name’s Ultra, Ultra Brown.
LOL…if I do see him, I think I’m gonna drink a lot of those cool priced Martinis and try to hit on other people…
You’re gonna miss out on a good time, girl! lol! Whatever happens, take pictures.
lol moustache sculpting, you say? I’m there! Will there be cake? and an entrance fee/ age limit :P?
“why India can never truly mix with the West, which is a freedom loving society”
do you really believe that? The facts speak to the fact that currently the Indian gov is directly in line with western policies of racism, genocide, and rape of the 3rd world. The gov has happily jumped aboard which is proven by many policies such as taking away farmer’s rights and allowing them to be taken into debt slavery by multinationals, the importing of asbestos for construction knowing the risks, de-regulating everything so that western corporations can exploit ppl easier, still believing the AIT.
what more do I have to say? 700 years of arab rule, followed by western rule to this day all because of an inferiority complex.
But yea that secularism=anti-hindu thing disgusted me too still you shouldnt have kids displaying your fucced up mentality. And those were girls too how are they gonna be treated n idk 10-15 years time marry this guy or ill kill you.
If you don’t raise your kids with your values, thenw who will?