A while back we asked for artists to submit their work to SM for inclusion in our new site redesign. We have decided to dedicate the header area of our website to feature South Asian American artists (up-and-coming or well established). Within the next month our website administrator Chaitan will be integrating the artwork of two artists, the first of whom is Namita Kapoor. As luck would have it, Kapoor’s exhibit is opening in San Francisco in just a couple of weeks:
…Kapoor draws from her backgrounds as a South East Asian and American. “I use imagery from Indian myths, Bollywood posters, and vintage commercial advertisements and abstract them with a variety of materials such as sari fabric and appliqué, henna prints, silkscreen and acrylic and oil paint.” Kapoor works her way in and around these various materials, infusing a dance between mediums that explodes off the canvas in a rhythm of brilliant colors. In these paintings, remnants of traditional Indian iconography contrasts with her expressionistic modern brush strokes, creating new environments for her dual cultures to co-exist, thematically and stylistically.
LOCATION: BoConcept: 101 Townsend, San Francisco, 94103
p>EXHIBITION DATES: June 27-July 31, 2009
p>OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, June 27, 6:00-8:00 PM
p>VIEWING HOURS: Monday through Friday 10am-7pm; Sun 11am-6pm

You can view some of her additional work here. If you want to go to the reception with other SM readers then you guys can use the comments area to plan. Please forward to your friends in SF.
Looks great–will be viewing it July 7 (Tue.) at 1pm–e-mail me if you can join–can get lunch afterward.
Beautiful work…
Fantastic idea! You guys are brilliant. And props to Chaitan.
Abhi: Great Idea. Karma Chromatic – Nice name. Good Luck to Namita Kapoor.
Sure, but only if you sweeten the deal, daddy.
very cool idea! you’re gonna make it so that i can no longer just read SM on bloglines.
LOL–ok, I deserved that, I guess. But, sorry, no.
This is really cool!
— Regards, Ratan@Deadwood
Hi guys,
thanks for the interest in the show. I hope to see some of you at the opening and if not then, please drop a line after you view the show. There are over 30 pieces, and prints…in fact I’m still working on them 😉
Hi Namita, We would love to visit the Bay area to see your exhibition. Congratulations and best of luck to you! Lots of love, Ninu Masi
Hi, Nams,
We are soooo proud of you!!!! Reach for the STARS!!! We know you can do it……
Love you,
Mom And Dad
Namita – I’m such a fan of your work and cannot wait for the show! From the sneak peek i got ..I know Karma Chromatic is going to be a stunning collection 🙂 See you on the 27th!
Congratulations Namita. Khandan is proud of you. Love Booji. Delhi.
This is going to be an amazing show! Namita’s work is mystic yet optimistic. A perfect combination! A definate MUST SEE!
I visited her open studio ten days ago. Great work.
really great idea. great work namita. my fav is BSIDES. class.
thanks rudie!
If you like those I have about 20 new ones that are going to be in new show. They now are resin panels and give a wild 3d effect…i’ll post them when the show is up 😉
These pieces look amazing! I’m really looking forward to viewing them! What a talented artist!!!
I wonder about the “East” in “South East Asian.” Anyway, the art looks fantastic. I like the Dishoom triptych. I’ll make sure I go in person to see more of Kapoor’s art and sit on some designer couches while I’m there. 🙂
Like they have in Cricket matches?? would love to come, problem is lots of water and land in the way. do your next show in London!!
NetIP SFBA is hosting a reception at BoConcept on Saturday, July 25 from 5-8 pm. Namita will be present and giving tours of the exhibit at 6 pm and 7pm. RSVP via Facebook.