I probably shouldn’t open up with an admission of weakness on a blog ripe with zingers in the comments. But the truth is I’m not exactly the queen of snappy comebacks. I still haven’t thought of a good one for the Gandhi gauntlet — the group of skateboarders who would hang out in front of the library and taunt me, almost inexplicably, with yells of “Gandhi!” when I made my way inside to the children’s section circa 1986. (In a possible foreshadowing of Sondheim’s assassination humor, my dad suggested I call them “Kennedy.”)
Judging by his skill in deploying memorable rapid-response retorts on behalf of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Hari Sevugan probably didn’t have that problem when he was growing up. Born in Madras, raised in Illinois and a veteran of several political campaigns including Chris Dodd’s run for president, Sevugan completed a stint in the New York City public school system with Teach For America and practiced law before moving on to politics.
In an interview with Fox News Sevugan, a Cubs fan, shares his fondness for the underdog and the story of a bet made with his middle school students that left him with Dennis Rodman-inspired blond hair. He’s not a bleach blond anymore, but these days his colorful quips as the DNC’s national spokesman attract attention. Continue reading