DNC Day 3: Madia’s first TV commercial

Earlier today Ashwin Madia and his communications director Dan Pollock showed Ravi and I their new commercial on Dan’s laptop. It is titled “Running” (obviously a pun on the fact that he is running in the video and running for Congress). SM readers are among the first to see it:



Ravi and I also interviewed Madia and we will do a post about that later. You can see a picture of all three of us on our Tumblr site.

7 thoughts on “DNC Day 3: Madia’s first TV commercial

  1. I agree. Hearing the anglicized pronunciation of his name was a bit jarring though. ASH-win?

  2. For a Marine he should have way better form. Ashwin, buddy, pump those arms a little.

  3. For a Marine he should have way better form. Ashwin, buddy, pump those arms a little.

    🙂 i thought the same thing. he was too tight and good runners run with the belly out and back arched with the bum out. the screengrab in the vid shows him with a little stoop and the arms were not loose which imo wastes energy. well… so what, the guy’s a soldier and a lawyer, not a pretty boy actor and the vid was pro’ly done on the cheap by a studet out of Uof Min media studies LOL… probably Madia’s school chum who’s shooting infomercials for Bob’s big car lot. all the best.

  4. Neat to see the ad! Coming from Harris County in Texas (4 Million people, lots of desis and only 2 desi candidates running) it is interesting that a congressional district in Minnesota (less than 700,000 people and not that many desis) has a desi candidate. Pretty cool stuff!

    Lots of desi candidates around the country did survive the primaries and will be contesting seats in November as the nominees for their party – including Ashish Mahendru from Houston. Please keep an eye out for them.

  5. The ad was professionally done and it has been well received in the 3rd Congressional District. Ash has his own running style as well as a distinctive presence. Maybe he would have been looser if he wasn’t campaigning so hard…no one works harder and that’s the same ethic he’ll bring to Washington. He’s a perfect fit for our district…fiscal conservative and social moderate. Keep an eye out for upcoming ads. He also is beating the ultra conservative Republican in fund-raising…quite a feat for a first time candidate nobody knew in October, running against a 14 year state legislator. Captain Madia the Patriot is the candidate to watch!