Controversial crooner (and cover girl) Mathangi Arulpragasam got fugged not once, but twice over at the always-entertaining Go Fug Yourself (thank you thank you, mbawife). Behold her first fugtacular outfit below, and her second, after the jump (click to enlarge both to their full glory…srsly).

The first thing I thought of when I saw this (as if you hadn’t already guessed from my title) was “Jem! And the Holograms!“, or Jerrica, more accurately. They don’t make cartoons like they used to, do they boys and girls? When we played “Jem”, I always wanted to be “Aja”, but I was often stuck playing “Kimber”. The four of you who know what the hell I’m talking about need not comment, I can feel your sympathy over the intarweb. I’m sensitive like that.The second thing I thought of was, “this is not that bad for an M.I.A.-fit”. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen her look so glam. Wait, can one have shiny banana-yellow toenails and still be glam? (I told you to enlarge the pic!). I do like her makeup in this first shot, mostly because one of the greatest things about being a brown girl is being able to get away with wearing colors which would make our pastier sisters look like painted putas. Stop sneering, you’ve totally rocked green eyeliner, I saw you, last month. Wasn’t you? Eh, we all look alike.
Moving on to Miss Arulpragasam’s second sartorial statement:

I don’t know that I could improve upon GFY blogger Heather’s interpretation of the situation:
It’s like she’s the poster child for A Very Kidz Bop Easter, in which she plays the basket. [fug yeah]
I think this is pretty standard M.I.A.-fare, right down to the kicks. The first ensemble is a bit more interesting because I rarely see her in dress shoes. Or a dress. You see, I’m voting basket for the second look, so it doesn’t count as a frock– what the fug was she thinking?
When we played “Jemâ€, I always wanted to be “Ajaâ€, but I was often stuck playing “Kimberâ€. The four of you who know what the hell I’m talking about need not comment, I can feel your sympathy over the intarweb. I’m sensitive like that.
OMG totally had the same feeling when we had to play Spice Girls and I was always the choice for Scary…luckily my beautiful, gorgeous (all of the vanilla tinge) friends let me play Posh Spice without a second thought. Now THAT is <3 in action 😀
I think MIA looks HOTT in both pix…she’s lucky she’s got the smooth skin and the figure to pull it off! As for Rohit’s comment above…eurgh. I could say a lot of things but I’m just going to leave it, people like you and comments like yours are so not worth it.
Fug outfits or not, MIA is gorgeous and she totally proves that brown girls keep MAC’s bright green/electric blue/dark purple eyeshadows in business. No one rocks the eyes like we do ;D
Rohit, it’s a shame that you think she is ‘too dark’. She has a gorgeous skintone.
I believe she is Sri Lankan if I’m not mistaken.
51 · Rohit said
Too dark for what?
Banned and deleted, my friends. Sorry we let that one slip past the goalie.
Outfit or no outfit, she’s very very sensual!