Controversial crooner (and cover girl) Mathangi Arulpragasam got fugged not once, but twice over at the always-entertaining Go Fug Yourself (thank you thank you, mbawife). Behold her first fugtacular outfit below, and her second, after the jump (click to enlarge both to their full glory…srsly).

The first thing I thought of when I saw this (as if you hadn’t already guessed from my title) was “Jem! And the Holograms!“, or Jerrica, more accurately. They don’t make cartoons like they used to, do they boys and girls? When we played “Jem”, I always wanted to be “Aja”, but I was often stuck playing “Kimber”. The four of you who know what the hell I’m talking about need not comment, I can feel your sympathy over the intarweb. I’m sensitive like that.The second thing I thought of was, “this is not that bad for an M.I.A.-fit”. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen her look so glam. Wait, can one have shiny banana-yellow toenails and still be glam? (I told you to enlarge the pic!). I do like her makeup in this first shot, mostly because one of the greatest things about being a brown girl is being able to get away with wearing colors which would make our pastier sisters look like painted putas. Stop sneering, you’ve totally rocked green eyeliner, I saw you, last month. Wasn’t you? Eh, we all look alike.
Moving on to Miss Arulpragasam’s second sartorial statement:

I don’t know that I could improve upon GFY blogger Heather’s interpretation of the situation:
It’s like she’s the poster child for A Very Kidz Bop Easter, in which she plays the basket. [fug yeah]
I think this is pretty standard M.I.A.-fare, right down to the kicks. The first ensemble is a bit more interesting because I rarely see her in dress shoes. Or a dress. You see, I’m voting basket for the second look, so it doesn’t count as a frock– what the fug was she thinking?
Glad you are back. It just wasn’t the same without you!
Is that the worst they could do? MIA still rocks ๐
Jay- ๐
technophobicgeek- I agree. ๐
YOU’RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for MIA, she is such a gorgeous person, why does she need such fugly clothes?
And she has a globe purse in that first picture. That is so awesome! I want one.
gulti girl, get your toes painted in yellow as well :-p.
whatever. she looks fab.
4 รยท koppakabana said
Koppa-cake, see my comment below, about the first frock, that is. She is gorge, like Ithaca.
7 รยท pailpeacock said
Word. Her first look is growing on me like a fungus. ๐
The globe purse is hot.
I wonder if it can fit all of my tiffins inside…
She looks like Mermaid Barbie in the first pic. It’s the same shiny blue fabric. As for number 2, there are simply no words.
And she could DEFINITELY use those earrings in the first photo to contact Synergy!!! ๐
damn the first one looks like an underwater window dressing. i don’t even know about the second!
Nidhi, I can help you. Long long ago, I had a door mat like the second one… ๐
Doesn’t MIA support the PLO?
Good stuff, Anna, nice to see you back blogging. I’m no expert, but I like that first outfit. It shows off skin in new and interesting ways, and as a boy, I’m down with that. The second outfit is pretty scary though.
My general sense is that M.I.A.’s fashion is like her music. She’s quite ecletic, and what she comes up with is hard to compare with anything else out there. Every now and then the end product can be somewhat jarring — especially for people expecting something more conventional — but more often than not she rocks.
Call me crazy…but she actually pulls off these looks! Because of who she is, she can wear such STRONG outfits and get away with.
This is ridic. She looks like she always looks! Mildly fug, but mostly impressive. I ADORE the yellow toe nails (doing that tomorrow!!!) and globe purse.
Are we not talking about how she claims she’s retiring?
That second photo is just begging for a Fark-style photoshop contest to replace the mic with something else. She plays along nicely by looking upwards with a wild-eyed stare.
M.I.A.’s got style. She’s retiring? She’s took enough change from this rap game?
I love go fug yourself, but I have to disagree with them on the first photo, for M.I.A, that’s not so bad
after seeing MIA in concert dressed like an elf (head to to green felt outfit, including a green elf cap), the top photo of her is actually quite pretty.
the 2 photos look like before and after: she seems to badly need to pee in the first one, and seems much more relaxed in the second.
Everyone and their mom and Jezebel loved her globe purse. And I’d have to agree..I want one – pronto.
I wonder what outfit M.I.A will be wearing for her wedding. Does anybody know if this rumor of her marrying some Canadian guy is true?
Her figure is manly, still, with appropriate clothing she could look feminine. Face is so-so. Average looking desi girl.
MIA’s last gig ever?
Engagement announcement (ha).
Those 2 photos got me excited in my chuddies!
MIA is going to launch her own clothing line, so you have hope
Outfit #1 would be perfect for a party at the Delano in Miami.
Welcome back Anna – Sepia wasn’t the same without you!!
I like #1 too. Typical MIA fare. ๐
I’d hit it.
I’m dying of laughter… Anna… check this out that’s my Halloween costume from 2 years ago…. yup… i was Jem! ๐ I opted not to relegate myself to being Kimber or Aja. ๐
as for MIA’s clothes.. i actually LOVE her clothes and style. I like that she’s alterna, non-conformist, and isn’t putting herself in a box.
and if anyone has gone out to her latest tour… i have never seen such an amazing concert! how many ppl do you know that can crowd surf and sing at the same time?
She’s so damn gorgeous I’ve never quite understood the utterly fugly clothes. I figured I was just getting older and she was simply being the rebellious rocker but I’ve never seen her in a single outfit I’ve liked. Perhaps that’s part of her appeal, the clothes. I don’t get it because she has the potential to look supafly!
Here are some other “interesting” choices:
Choice 1, Choice 2, Choice 3 & Choice 4.
Errr ummmmm….why why why?
Because she makes more $$ going for a “prol” audience than a higher-class one!
Arulprasagam – what a lovely name. In Tamil it means someone who has a halo. Literally – Arul == Grace. Pragasm = Light
Oh and she looks delectable in the first pic.
34 melbourne desi said
That’s what she said.
ANNA – because of you I just spent an hour watching Jem clips on YouTube and the past half hour looking for dresses on ebay so I can put together an outfit and be Jem for Halloween. I’m still looking for the right one.
Now I just need a party to go to (Sona… hint hint… cough Have a Halloween party cough)
Love the fug girls, but their tastes are sometimes…um…50s prom dress, anyone?
love the top pic, sparkly aqua takes me back..remember that other 80s heroine, She-Ra? I believe her costume had a good deal of that. It was the only reason why I wanted the doll. Should I have just admitted that?
I think women LTTE cadres should swap their khaki outfits for what MIA wears.
16 รยท scorps1027 said
agree, All about attitude, watch her live and all will understand!
She reminds me of Kelis. They both have a penchant for strange outfits.
MIA looks cute though.
Too much color, too many shapes: I have a seizure, every time I see her.
My premonition? MIA goes AWOL before 2010.
Noooo! She-Ra’s outfit is white with gold trim. Maybe you are thinking of her friend Glimmer, who is shiny sparkly purple, or Peekablue?
ANNA, so glad you’re back. Now the theme song to Jem and the Holograms is stuck in my head, though ๐
Besides being mad cute, MIA is the nicest “star” I’ve met. She willingly got out of her tour bus when I gave her a desi yell, took pictures with me and my friend with HER Polaroid..and gave us the pictures to keep! And….the icing on the cake was when she let me give her a peck on her cheek and returned the favor ofcourse ๐ I LOWE her.
30 รยท Lurker said
It’s good to have you back, too.
Another H-ween party is definitely in the works…Fuerza. Ironically, I was MIA for H-ween last year. It gave me an excuse to wear gold tights and green sneakers.
Heart you, Sona.
You’ve been M.I.A. for too long, A N N A. Nice to see you back.
As with the Bjork swan dress, it’s kind of dumb for people to judge MIA’s fashion. It’s fairly obvious that she’s not simply colorblind, but that she’s purposefully wearing ridiculous things.
Are you guys kidding me? she looks great and that 2nd dress is dope. the context, if it helps, is a benefit show played with graphs and charts of global economic statistics on a projector in the background.
Even out of context though, it’s a good look.
Camille, yes She-Ra had a white and gold outfit, but the doll had – wings, or something, highlights, something – with sparkly bits like that. I could swear but the memory’s beginning to go..