A couple of diabolically ingenious (or phenomenally stupid) plans have been recently reported on in the media, both plans intended to ascertain where American Muslims be hanging out (so as to keep tabs on the potential terrorists hiding among them). The first was Los Angeles’ Muslim Mapping Project. At first I assumed that the LAPD intended to map the spread of Islam in the world since the birth of Muhammad…but then I realized that the department probably doesn’t employ many history or religion PhDs. “Muslim Mapping” must mean something else. Here is an excerpt from the LAPD officer who briefed the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (headed by Joe Lieberman):
“In order to give our officers increased awareness of our local Muslim communities, the LAPD recently launched an initiative with an academic institution to conduct an extensive “community mapping” project. We are also soliciting input of local Muslim groups, so the process can be transparent and inclusive. While this project will lay out the geographic locations of the many different Muslim population groups around Los Angeles, we also intend to take a deeper look at their history, demographics, language, culture, ethnic breakdown, socio-economic status, and social interactions. It is our hope to identify communities, within the larger Muslim community, which may be susceptible to violent ideologically-based extremism and then use a full-spectrum approach guided by an intelligence-led strategy…” [Link]
“We want to know where the Pakistanis, Iranians and Chechens are so we can reach out to those communities,” LAPD Deputy Chief Michael P. Downing was quoted by CBS news as saying Thursday. [Link]
p>This plan actually makes a lot of sense to me (and doesn’t Downing seem downright neighborly?). It would be much too difficult to move all the Muslims into ghettos with well-defined boundaries. I don’t think Homeland Security has that kind of budget (yet). Why not use GIS data and other high tech strategies to simply make a virtual map of Muslims? I mean, Google Map already has overlays for satellite imagery, traffic, and street view. It wouldn’t be hard for Google to simply add a “Muslim neighborhoods” overlay to their GoogleMaps would it?
We have learned that Muslim communities in the U.S. are mistrustful of the mainstream media. Therefore, they may turn to other sources of information for news and socialization, such as the Internet. Unfortunately, despite all of the positive aspects of the Internet, it allows those individuals and groups with ideological agendas to easily make contact with like-minded individuals and access potentially destructive information. [Link]
Holy crap. I know that Muslims read our site and socialize here with like-minded individuals through comments. Despite the fact that I like this plan I hope we aren’t getting mapped as well.
As you might have guessed, people immediately started whining about this. Here is the LA City Beat’s critical take:
We can imagine Daryl Gates got a good chuckle during one of his jogs in the Monterey Hills as he pondered the suggestion by LAPD’s terrorism expert to map neighborhoods where Muslims hang out in Los Angeles. The bad idea ranks right down there with the political spying unit that flourished under Gates and amassed files on Mayor Tom Bradley and city councilmembers, among others.
Before we revert to the dark ages of the 1980s, the mayor and police commission must embark on a high-profile campaign to ensure that Deputy Chief Michael Downing’s mapping idea, even in the vague utterings given last week to a congressional subcommittee in Washington, D.C., finds a home in the deepest recesses of the very crowded Gates’s Hall of Fame of Bad Ideas.
Set aside the constitutional and ethical objections, it would be logistically impossible to come up with any sort of comprehensive map showing where the hundreds of thousands of Muslims reside in our diverse city. They, like the rest of us, are too scattered, from San Pedro to El Sereno, from Brentwood to Boyle Heights. You can crunch Census stats and other public records and you’ll never know our religion, if any. Muslims aren’t all called Mohammed. We don’t want any undercover cars in our neighborhoods keeping an eye on our Muslim neighbor. [Link]
p>And then the plan was cancelled. Just like that:
The Los Angeles Police Department is scrapping its controversial plan to create a map detailing the Muslim communities in the sprawling metropolitan area, bowing to the outcry among Muslims and others that the project was a thinly disguised form of racial profiling.
“We put it out there, it was rejected, it’s dead on arrival,” the police chief, William J. Bratton, said at a news conference after a meeting with Muslim residents and civil rights organizations who had criticized the plan. “It will not be going forward…” [Link]
p>Awww. Maybe this was just an idea ahead of its time. But…that wasn’t the only “cool” idea to recently surface. The next one is just full of awesomeness:
Like Hansel and Gretel hoping to follow their bread crumbs out of the forest, the FBI sifted through customer data collected by San Francisco-area grocery stores in 2005 and 2006, hoping that sales records of Middle Eastern food would lead to Iranian terrorists.
The idea was that a spike in, say, falafel sales, combined with other data, would lead to Iranian secret agents in the south San Francisco-San Jose area.
The brainchild of top FBI counterterrorism officials Phil Mudd and Willie T. Hulon, according to well-informed sources, the project didn’t last long. It was torpedoed by the head of the FBI’s criminal investigations division, Michael A. Mason, who argued that putting somebody on a terrorist list for what they ate was ridiculous — and possibly illegal.
A check of federal court records in California did not reveal any prosecutions developed from falafel trails. [Link]
p>Growing up, my family loved falafels. My mom made them at home and we sought them out at local restaurants. I know many other Indian families that love falafels as well. Anna once took me to a great falafel joint in Adams Morgan. I for one support ANY plan that would be able to help identify the best falafel joints (by tracking their raw materials) AND keep the homeland safe as an extra bonus. Again, imagine if GoogleMaps added an overlay feature identifying the best Middle Eastern restaurants with little falafel icons. Yum. But alas, this idea too was killed:
The program, however, was short lived and was quickly “torpedoed by the head of the FBI’s criminal investigations division, Michael A. Mason, who argued that putting somebody on a terrorist [watch] list for what they ate was ridiculous — and possibly illegal…” [Link]
Tom Friedman is right. As a country we have stopped innovating and seem to scrap our brightest ideas before they are allowed to mature. Is it any wonder we are falling behind the rest of the world?
Scary stuff. I first heard about it on Moorish Girl where she had aptly filed it under “Department of WTF.”
And to think that the LAPD (remember Rodney King?) is executing the project. Time to double my year-end gift to the ACLU.
Cyrus said:
Don’t forget that Rednecks are also associated with being from the rural areas of the Southern part of the U.S.
Any label that makes a derogatory presumptions about a subset of population (for example..the Muslim population) is offensive.
This epithet discussion makes me think of psycho-historian, Lloyd deMause. He uses a term called “poison container” for a person who is made to embody “bad” things that people want to throw far from themselves. Poorer people are often “poison containers” for society. Every race has been made to feel this way in comparison with another race or culture. It can occur within cultures and within families. I could get into the psycho-sexual stuff–it’s really interesting. Circumcision, both male and of course female, could be attributed to this phenomenon, but I digress..so is a lot child abuse and bullying. back to Cyrus. Cyrus is apparently in a high tax bracket since he is worrying a lot about how his taxes are used and i agree the falafel thing is stupid. But its probably just pr. The people who are running this terrorist scam thing (the U.S. had no formidable enemies, they had to be invented) know what they are doing and believe me, it ain’t falafel. These people have white necks, red necks, brown necks, yellow necks and even black necks. Most in power in this country are white, but quite the well-bred as these things go. I’ve met some of them. We all have personal stories and i get nervous around people who seem uncouth and impulsive, but my experience is that most lower SES whites are no more racist than higher. Lay off with the epithets and don’t hide behind your own ethnic-recipe unless you are, like the guy who changed the bulbs in my office today, an electrical contractor supporting a family on 40,000.00 a year and no paid insurance.
This if off topic but I am so glad that the delicious Falafels are Vegetarian & that there are so many vendors in NY who sell them !
Racial profiling and geographic mapping of Muslims may appear excessive at this time. But after the next 9-11 attack on US soil, you will see it being implemented in ways that you cannot even imagine currently.
It is okay to have debates ad nauseum about protecting civil liberties, but when you are faced with the wrath of an extremist religious cult that is pulling off cold, calculated, murderous attacks all over the world, what will you do to protect your country and your neighbors?
Singing kumbaya, conjuring up new conspiracy theories, and making fun of government efforts to secure the homeland are all excellent endeavors. But they won’t protect you or your family from Osama’s wrath. Gandhi wrote a letter to Hitler but was not able to stop him from proceeding with WWII. Your articles and faux liberalism won’t stop Osama either.
If you are a Muslim or liberal and are offended by this, I have a simple question for you: what are you doing to help the situation? Publicly denounce Wahhabis, start a protest movement within Islam that says that the religion needs to overthrow the extremist element that is holding the religion and world hostage. If you wish to hold to the label of Muslim, then be willing to be identified with its excesses as well as its good points. Renounce the label or reform it, before it destroys our society.
The good of the many cannot be sacrificed to protect the good of the few.
By the way, this is a South Asia-related forum. Anyone track the news item about bombs that ripped through courts in three towns in UP in North India? Apparently the Muslim terrorists were pissed at the lawyers who after 20 years of having to live with terrorism, have stopped defending terrorists in courts in those cities:
ashman everything you said is true, it just that many here can’t deal with the truth.