If you are a regular viewer of the Sunday morning news shows then you will have taken note that Bobby Jindal has now graduated into that honored circle. You are not a real politician in this country until you’ve gone a round or two with the Sunday morning punditocracy. Tim Russert’s Meet The Press is the big leagues with This Week with George Snufalufagus coming in second. Slightly more inviting and easy for a first-timer like Republican Bobby Jindal is Fox News Sunday. Here is Jindal’s full interview from this past Sunday’s episode:

He makes a pretty convincing pitch for why he would be a boring (no corruption or titties) governor which is what he says the people of Louisiana have long been waiting for after decades of corruption and mismanagement. He also talks a little about the “Bubbas for Bobby” that helped him win. This was his first big interview since he won so check it out.
He was on Hardball and the topics he stressed were getting rid of corruption, improving investment in Louisiana as a result, making sure young people did not leave for opportunities elsewhere, and getting federal dollars in for Katrina’s damage. The “boring governor” part even came up where Chris Matthews asked if politics was a spectator sport,or something along those lines, and Jindal responded it shouldn’t be and he was elected to improve the image of Louisiana and be an effective (maybe boring) administrator (I’m paraphrasing here).
He speaks well, but looks unhealthy for some reason. I don’t know if its bad lighting, but his skin looked brownish gray….anemic sort of. His wife needs to feed him or something, perhaps fair and handsome might do the trick.
I personally think Stephanapolous on ABC has the better show – Russert seems to be the big round table of aging white men, who hark back to their glory days of Tip O’Neill, Haig, etc. There are few surprises on his show.
Hope Jindal’s first term as governor is as boring (but productive) as the interview. Plus, it’s nice to see another Indian guy besides Fareed Zakaria on Sunday mornings.
I thought you said it was a news show 😉
he sounds really really competent and skilled. good luck to him w/ improving louisiana…
why isn’t he wearing a tie??
I know that Bobby Jindal’s personality and policies have evoked a mixed reaction among Indians in America and at home but the man has broken new political ground.
if he had a sense of humor, he would’ve showed up in a nehru jacket.
but looks unhealthy for some reason. I don’t know if its bad lighting, but his skin looked brownish gray….anemic sort of
I am no makeup expert but it could be that the studio folk applied white skin makeup on the brown.
His English is so good!
the link isnt correct
it should be Click here for video