…is Abhi? Not our Abhi of course, but the other Abhi, the one who vedded TMBWITW on Friday, as millions of far-less-fortunate people cursed his luck for snagging such a delicious piece of barfi [Thanks, Sushma :)] . Since you mutineers just loooove engaging in conjecture regarding what’s actually going on in random paintings in Indian restaurants, I thought you might also yenjoy deciding what on earth Big B’s little B was thinking at this moment.
While you do that, I’m going to try and give the outstanding, fifth DC SMeetup the sort of write-up it deserves. And after I do THAT I’m going to tell you why 80% of the people who read Perez Hilton deserve to be sterilized, lest they reproduce more racist idiots…
I wonder where dad keeps his vaigra
“I knew it – I should have shaved. My unshaven look is far too pensive, and the blogs and news reports will be abuzz trying to gauge my thoughts.”
teri bindia re…aaye hai
If anything, this event — which has been billed by fans as the most fabulous B-wood A-list marriage of the decade — has turned out to be kind of a dud. Nothing interesting happened whatsoever. It’s as if the participants are sort of oddly pretending they aren’t actually being watched by 1 billion people.
I kind of preferred the over-the-top, multi-week, paparazz-erific insanity of Vikram Chatwal’s wedding (Manmohan Singh! Bill Clinton! etc!) to this quiet little affair. At least with Chatwal & co., there wasn’t this pretense of humility.
Aish is dressed like a typical bunt bride. The look is supposed to be very Jagadeka Veerudu Athiloka Sundari. I suppose I’ve been attending too many Indian weddings in the US, because her jewelry does not look over the top at all. ๐
It’s not over the top. It’s a) an Indian Hindu wedding, and b) the wedding of a famous — and very glamourous — couple. As for the period jewelry, don’t y’all know of Western brides in Christian weddings who prefer to wear their great-great grandmother’s so-and-so particular type of dress or jewelry or somesuch for their wedding? And celebrity couples in the West theme their wedding ceremonies all the time. This is no big deal. I neither like Ash nor Abhi very much, but I think they both look fine here. In fact, given that Indian brides usually look like they’ve just been dealt their death sentence at their weddings, Ash actually looks very lovely.
“Where’s the buffet?”
Maybe my unshaven look will become famous in phoren like Aish’s lashes
Sigh. Despite the dire warnings, I had to see the Perez Hilton post/comments for myself.
It’s been noted many times in previous articles that Abhi-Aish were planning a small wedding intentionally due to Amitabh’s mother being in the hospital. Unlike the Chatwal’s and the Nayar’s, I don’t believe this couple ever went out of their way to talk about how great their wedding would be. I don’t think you can hold them accountable for what fans wanted to believe.
Who says they have to throw an expensive over-the-top wedding just because a billion people are watching? I’m sure a large part of their lives are dictated by the fans and the media – it’s nice to know that they had the wedding on their own terms.
i’m glad they went semi-low key with the entire event.. i think they kept it simple/traditional/very bachchan of them.. aish is supposed to be quite a nice ‘down to earth’ person, from those people i know who know her personally… i’m happy for the bachchan clan.. she is better than that karishma kapoor gal ;)… better for their ‘khandan’…
Doesnt it look like Abhishek is wearing more eye makeup than his Loreal spokes-wife?
รขโฌลabhi my son, why did you not shave when I asked you too,
I do not care if you are in the middle of getting married,
why did you disobey me.
Abhishek!!!, you are going down the right road if you want a thum-ma-cho and my chumpul up your ass!!รขโฌย
It’s not over the top. It’s a) an Indian Hindu wedding, and b) the wedding of a famous — and very glamourous — couple
Most Indian Hindu weddings are not over the top, but I’ll concede on the celebrity thing. Gotta keep the masses happy by having as big a tamasha as possible.
She looks beautiful.
they aight.
“Bakhi duniya ke pass gaddi hoga, bungla hogao, Oscar bhi hoga..magar mere pass Rai hai!”
can someone puh-leaze tell me how to see the perez hilton comments (just want to see what the fuss is about), went to the website and nothing there under the tirupati pics………….
Their dresses and jewelery are not over the top…it’s the norm. No tamasha.
Rather than the big wedding and tamasha, in Aish’s place I too would have opted for the necklaces she is wearing…Those are polkis (uncut diamonds) people!!! Check out the size of the stones!!! Excuse me while I wipe the drool off the floor.
Fine, where else would one wear them besides your own wedding but what the hey. Can you imagine owning those…(please, please don’t lecture me about blood diamonds…my husband thinks I’m sick to love diamonds so much. I’m a lefty in every other way, I promise.)
Their dresses and jewelery are not over the top…it’s the norm. No tamasha.
Her headgear is definitely over the top, at least by usual South Indian wedding standards. Dude, I’ve been through the traditional Indian wedding as the bride, and I can guarantee my wedding did not feature jewelry that looks like it came off the set of Pataal Bhairavi.
The thing about Abhishek’s eye makeup if he has any on…it is traditional for Punjabi grooms to have surma (kajal) applied by their sisters just before getting on the horse. (The sisters then get whacking presents from the parents). Amitabh’s mom is a Sikh…I also noticed that Abhishek had mehendi on his hands, which again is a very Punjabi custom. Some of my male cousins have objected to this very cool ritual during the sangeet (the night before the wedding) so we had no alternative to be get them sodding drunk and then applied gobs of mehendi to the hands and feet.
never mind (not like anyone actually answered…thanks…) saw the perez hilton comments, looks like he put some up himself to start some controversy. and yes – the hate doesn’t discriminate, everyone gets shit on his site.
The misconception is understandable. However, let me point out what is really happening to clear up the confusion:
Abhishek, in his infinite power (akin to Jack Bauer), and in an effort to abate any concern Aishwariya has regarding his palling inadequacy compared to John Abraham, has willed his beard to grow at an unfathomable rate, as a show of unrivaled bravado and machismo. About 1 second after this picture was taken, Abhi’s beard actually elongated further, in all its glory, stopping only when it touched the ground.
One second prior to this bewildering show of potency, Aishwariya, in her ungraspable, immutable glory (akin to that of Chuck Norris) actually forsees Abhi’s pompous attempt at fighting a losing battle with his insecurities (e.g. his severe defeciencies when pitted side-by-side with John Abraham, most notably his inability to cuddle with women due to the permanent shadow cast on his face by the Gods…what us humans refer to as a ‘beard’), and is staring at the ground, waiting for Abhi’s so-called spectacle to occur so that she can chastise Abhi for not accepting the fact that if Bipasha was not in the picture, John Abraham would be the lucky one and not him.
So you see, they really are not looking miserable. Instead, they are merely fighting battles on a supernatural plane. That’s not the main point though. The kicker…wait for it now…is that this wedding really didn’t have to happen.
Let me explain further. Chuck Norris and Jack Bauer were both bored out of their f’in minds a couple of months ago and decided that SM readers needed to realize the importance of Chuck Norris and Jack Bauer in the bigger scheme of things…just for shits-and-giggles. Thus, Norris actually became Aishwariya, Bauer became Abhi (Bauer obviously lost the ‘paper, rock, scissors’ game…obviously), and in their new identities, proceed to profess their undying love for each other and make wedding a reality….JUST to have this particular picture brought forth to the masses, and to have anna post it, with the flow of follow-up posts, JUST to have this particular post materialize for all SM readers to see.
(cue the cosmological-electronic-‘I CAN SEE THE LIGHT!!’-music) Now that everyone has realized the power of Chuck Norris and Jack Bauer, the world will return to normal, with Aishwariya and Abhishek married, but oddly unsure as to how and why they ended up together.
And, after I hit the “post” button, I will have no idea that I was such an important messenger….the baffling and boundless powers of Chuck Norris and Jack Bauer…WOW.
These days, brides in India usually deck up a lot of artificial jewelery…sometimes more than what Aish is adorning in these pics. I’ve been to hundreds of weddings in India and have seen the whole spectrum too ๐
I am sorry, I cant join in the interest and positive comments here. Actually, I am sickened by the formality and the ostentation of these folks. Both of the individuals are educated and successful individuals yet both subscribe to what seems to be the narrowest and most backward looking traditions from our culture. For gods sakes, Amitabh father was a poet belonging to the “progressive” naturalist hindi tradition !
First, we had this gibberish about manglik, now we have this completely formal wedding. Not a single piece of personal involvement, not a whit of concern for the disadvantaged, nothing. Of course, it is their right to be as retroa s they want to be – sure, Aishwaray could be weighed down in 10 tons of gold and they could burn 100000 kilos of ghee as part of a yagna – its their right, and its my right to call it a shameful backward looking spectacle.
First, we had this gibberish about manglik, now we have this completely formal wedding. Not a single piece of personal involvement, not a whit of concern for the disadvantaged, nothing. Of course, it is their right to be as retroa s they want to be – sure, Aishwaray could be weighed down in 10 tons of gold and they could burn 100000 kilos of ghee as part of a yagna – its their right, and its my right to call it a shameful backward looking spectacle.
Al beruni – I second that portion of your comment!! I’m going through my own wedding in Nov, and have tried to incorporate some charity work or personal touches to our wedding…but it seems my relative just ignore everything and would rather spend loads of money on useless things (i.e., gifts for my groom’s family, already obese people getting more obese). Eh!!
blows rasberry at Al beruni the party pooper
“Confound it woman, you will put down the Gameboy AT ONCE, or I’m asking for a dowry!”
Both of them look highly uncomfortable.. what with the head gear and massive amounts of jewels…
But what Abhishekjee might be thinking: “How much longer is this going to take?”
Abhi “Thats right…I’m the pimp” Ash “I can’t believe I agreed to wear this!”
His face is saying just one thing: Is that Priyanka Chopra?
Thank you all. Now it’s time for some entertainment. Lovely. Now everyone proceed to the dancefloor; please don’t crowd.
god that blog is going crazy with the racist comments…
Abhishek hasn’t looked at Aish, or vice versa, in a single photo I’ve seen. No adoring looks, no teasing glances, not even a vaguely ‘how you holding up?’ sort of look. Ever. They look totally disconnected.
That is just the protocol during traditional Indian weddings – in India.
It does not neccessarily reflect the feelings of the couple.
Most, not all, but most (excepting Punjabi weddings) that I have attended in India have the same protocol during photo-shoots of the couple and their families.
best wishes to the new couple huh
small town managalore girl has made karnataka proud in many ways ๐
I do think the jewelry is over the top, but it’s okay, you can be over the top at your wedding if you want. However, did they have to sit on that gold throne that looks like it was recycled from the set of a bad 80s Doordarshan historical/religious drama?
I guess this means that she properly divorced that banana tree, her first lawful husband. ๐
Question: did the “renowned vedic brahmin” who demanded/recommended this silly ritual, also demand that she consummate that marriage in some kinky fashion? I wouldn’t be at all surprised…
I agree Chand Bibi – none of the shots with Abhishek and Ash show them smiling together or “in love.” She had that with Vivek Oberoi. I’m not just talking about the wedding photos but all photos of them in public in general. Probably Mommy and Daddy Bachchan forced Abhi to marry Ash.
“Shit. Tonight she’s gonna find out I really am Little B.”
i still say, it’s not really a wedding till the brown man sings of Massachusets and Spanish Eyes.
During her Oprah interview Aish said Indian women incorporate yoga-asanas with sex.
How true is that – and maybe that’s what he’s thinking about?
This is whats wrong with indian women. They’ll listen to mommy dearest and marry “into a family” instead of falling in love and doing what their heart desires. Sure, she’ll have a respectable, guarded future ahead, but is it worth it? You have one life to live.
Abhi is fugly. I hope he has the funny or the intelligent thing going for him.
Aish looks beautiful. Abhi looks okay. Have you guys been to the Rediff forums. People are just trashing them left to right. Some are actually funny (lol). As far as Perez Hilton, it’s just sad that there is soooooooo much racism in this country. But even before this, TMZ had stories on Anand Jon, Sanjaya, Shilpa Shetty and Liz Hurley. The amount of filth and hatred that people were writing about Indians just made me sick to my stomach. Makes me wanna go back to the motherland!!!!
Little B “When she said she liked SM I thought she was talking about something else” Aish “I can’t believe I thought you were that other Abhi. I feel so duped.”
Actually, Not. I mean, if you are going throught the torture of an Indian wedding, you would atelast WANT some support, esp from the guy you are supposed to be in love with. In any case, the other big Indian Star Wedding – the Surya-Jyotika affair down south was extremely charming, both looking happy and in love. Not like this! TMBWITW probably looks happier during the wedding scenes in her movies.
But the next day, at Tirupati, he was holding her hand and both looked happy and relaxed.
Well I hope he was thinking “why the f*** did I agree to be dressed up in this 19th century raja of Patiala do?” I mean seriously, the headpiece and jewellry? The feathers? All grooms look ridiculous with their sehras but this was just waaaaaay over the top. And he could have had any outfit, anything he wanted!
I agree with whoever said Aishwarya looks a bit Sridevi-ish in that one. Very much the jeweller’s shop window, but if that’s the traditional Bunt look, more power to her, and given the way the Bachchans seem to have taken over every aspect of organising the wedding, I’m glad she stood up for her own customs.
Oh, and I thought Aishwarya looked really beautiful in the Tirupati pics the next day, in the red sari and sindoor.
PUH-lease, this is just the best career move for aishwarya and she knows it. she don’t need mommy to tell her that. this is what is wrong not with indian women, but what you think of them. they are equally capable of getting what they want while totally appearing to toe the line of the mommies, in-laws or husbands. btw, enough WASP american women marry rich boring guys for a “respectable guarded” future too.