…is Abhi? Not our Abhi of course, but the other Abhi, the one who vedded TMBWITW on Friday, as millions of far-less-fortunate people cursed his luck for snagging such a delicious piece of barfi [Thanks, Sushma :)] . Since you mutineers just loooove engaging in conjecture regarding what’s actually going on in random paintings in Indian restaurants, I thought you might also yenjoy deciding what on earth Big B’s little B was thinking at this moment.
While you do that, I’m going to try and give the outstanding, fifth DC SMeetup the sort of write-up it deserves. And after I do THAT I’m going to tell you why 80% of the people who read Perez Hilton deserve to be sterilized, lest they reproduce more racist idiots…
Sigh … do you think this reduces my shot with her?
I thought she looked really beautiful here.http://specials.rediff.com/movies/2007/apr/23sld4.htm.
so what if Hrithik kissed her in Dhoom?
you like my costume?, which I think is kinda over the top and fugly, I wish I don’t have to wear it again…
I see a dot and a feather
“Is the time right for me to tell her I’m not the Abhi that founded Speia Mutiny?”
is she a virgin?
What’re you doing, you slimy little paparazzi? Can’t you see she’s mine now, all mine, all the time? If you even look at her funny, I’ll have
my goonsthe Black Cats beat you to a pulp! LinkOh my God, what have I done?
M. Nam
Yeah… anybody who hasn’t read the Perez Hilton comments section, don’t bother. It’s really nasty.
SM would have been derelict in its duties if it did not cover THE ROYAL WEDDING. Thanks for coming through as usual.
Whenever I see two famous movie stars unite in holy matrimony, I always suspect there is an arranged-marriage, career enhancing, self-promotion at work. On the other hand, it could be true love.
“Should I shave before hitting the bed?”
“Is this look too pensive for Patiala?”
“I can’t believe I had to miss the DC meetup for this.”
“that extra cup of chai was not a good idea, dam you tasty gorgeous desi masala tea!!â€
And someone actually leaked private pictures from the Mehendi!
More pics here and here….I thought she looked lovely…over the top but hello this is the Bacchan Rai wedding I’m not surprised 🙂
its been really difficult reading the perez hilton blog last night and then amardeep’s post on the professor this morning. seesh its just everywhere you look. was it always like this and i just never saw it? or has 9/11 done it?
I got mo’ bling that your average joe gangsta!
This thing on my head is giving me a hunched back.
“I wonder if she can support her neck in that.”
Anna, where did you find that picture? I’ve seen a bunch but haven’t seen that one online.
i was rather disappointed that she looked better on all the days surrounding the wedding day, except on the wedding day. i know she’s south indian and all [and so am i] but this photo gave me a very flashack to the 1980s and sridevi in some OTT outfit and, as we say in the south, a (blinged out) ‘head set.’ though, i guess it’s not just her – this whole photo sort of hurts my eyes. though i want abhishek’s chunky emerald necklace!
[Aishwarya] Oh Abhi. Lets count again how many successful movies I have been in and how many successful movies you have been in.
[Abhishek] I want my mommy!!
And.. here!
Aww… I’m so happy for them. =)
And regarding Perez Hilton’s blog comments…meh, people post the most racists things in there about anyone. I wouldn’t take it seriously at all…heck, if you click on the post about Suri Cruise they’re all talking about what an ugly baby she is.
They don’t discriminate on the hate.
Well done, Manju, both times!
Curiosity gets the better of me, and, clothing and massive jewels aside, I’d love to know who broke the news to Ash about the suicide attempt girl who alleged she’d had an ongoing affair with Abhi (the non-SM one). I keep picturing a Katherine Hepburn movie where everyone in the household keeps trying to hide the morning newspapers from her.
So is she now Aishwarya Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai Rai Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai Rai or just plain ol’ Aishwarya Rai?
This wedding was brought to you by George Lucas. I kid I kid but that get up she got on is wild.
Eyes down. Don’t smile. Indian bride never smiles. You’ll ruin the bloody video.
Junior B: Did she find out that this outfit is stolen from Umrao Jaan?
(I love Abhishek, but he disapoointed me with the outfit. What’s with Aishwarya Rai’s head jewelry? Looks like Sridevi’s jewelry from Jagadeka Veerudu Athiloka Sundari. Not good.)
And now, ladies and gentleman, can we all proceed to the ballroom for the dance.
Anna – liked your name for the .jpg – “someone gonna get hurt real bad” ! 🙂 (with apologies to Russell Peters’ dad and all that…)
[Abhishek looking at Aishwarya’s mom’s smug smile] Oh God what have I done?
I’m sorry to go off topic.
But in the NY Times yesterday, in the wedding section there was story about the wedding of Ms.Ashley Bell and Ms.Simiran Singh, I hope one of the bloggers here could start a post about this special”sikh” wedding between Ms.Bell and Ms.Singh
I’m still in shock they went thru this.. I didn’t think they’d even make it to the wedding day.
BTW, I know they steal the groom’s shoes..but did someone steal his razor or something? For one day in your life, why can’t you shave??
Abhishek is looking like that because he just thought he’d spotted Gurinder Chadha in the audience.
i didn’t really like this gold number she wore, but i loved her in the red sari she wore to temple. she looked like that traditional south indian bride, but somehow much more relaxed and less made up than she usually does.
He looks smart. I’m going with stubble at my wedding too, whenever that is.
Why do they both look so grim in all the pictures that have been published? They actually look miserable. Wish them the best.
I read the Perez site – disgusting….
[lil B] Wait, who invited Salman?
I dig their outfits, but they look like they’re about to go in front of the camera on a period piece, like Mughal e Azam the Sequel or something.
Ok not mughal e azam. But a period piece.
Wow. All their jewelry looks like it’s on loan from some Bollywood period production. The tacky.
The costume looks “ok” for an Indian wedding…nothing too bizzare.
*Ok i got time..maybe i can come up with something funny to say about the Painting and win whatever abhi promised..i said abhi..ha ha
*I better get some azz tonite,i can believe i fell for the i need to get married to do it routine
*I wonder what Anna from SM is doing right now..
*not gay..not gay..i like woman..not gay..i like vagina..eww i said vaginaWhat ..
*What the hell did she mean all u men want me to do that..
*Jeez how did that song go..i want pre-nup,i want pre-nup
*What does that poster salman and vivek are holding say..She got What??
“Hmm…France or Switzerland for the honeymoon…and will we dance in the Alps?”
“Must…not…cry more than her…remember…she’s leaving her parents too”
Time to let go of that sari chhedho (as we say in Gujarati) Abhishek 😉
The comments on the Perez site were hilarious! The Anonymity of the Internet certainly lets ppl blow off steam
“Do I get my own wax statue too now?”
“I bet those damn Mutineers will be dissecting the crap out of this tomorrow. And I can’t even respond after they banned me on Shilpa Shetty thread. How’d they know it was me when I kept changing handles? Maybe I can get Daddy to pull some strings over at Newsweek again.â€